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Echo Brakes Reliability


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I have some questions about actual Echo brakes :

Have they still leaking problems as they had previously? If yes from where the leaks come? How is the quality of the piston compared to Magura piston (lever)?

Does Echo still make the SL version? Tartybikes doesn't sell it any more...

And the last one: how are Echo levers in terms of feeling (spongy, ... ) compared to HS33?

I know it's alot of questions :D

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i bled mine down just quick last night, and the bleed bolts (on the lever) pissed out first time i pressed the lever sorted with copper washers and a maggie bolt on the slave's bleed bolt.

think they still make the sl's, sure i saw some on a site somewhere but they're mad expensive.

as for being spongy i'd put that down to a iffy bleed, oh and the levers sit too close to the bars too.

other than that they feel nice :)

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Yeah it seems like a lot of people have different opinions on them. Some people love them and some people hate them so it's kinda hard making a decision on their opinions. I took the risk and bought a tr disk and it's work fine for me. The only complaint I have is that the reach adjustment dial keeps unwinding itself so the lever keeps moving closer to the bar. Takes about 2 hours of riding for this to happen after which I just adjust it again.

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The only complaint I have is that the reach adjustment dial keeps unwinding itself so the lever keeps moving closer to the bar. Takes about 2 hours of riding for this to happen after which I just adjust it again.

Little blob of loctite on the adjuster solves this. I have a tr disk, nowt wrong with it. Like i mentioned in another thread, you gotta bed em in right and look after them. Everyone who has a go on my bike says how good it is and how nice it feels. Wish people would stop slating them. Just because they have had a bad experience doesnt automatically mean they are shit, as appears to be the case with most things on here after ONE bad experience

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Little blob of loctite on the adjuster solves this. I have a tr disk, nowt wrong with it. Like i mentioned in another thread, you gotta bed em in right and look after them. Everyone who has a go on my bike says how good it is and how nice it feels. Wish people would stop slating them. Just because they have had a bad experience doesnt automatically mean they are shit, as appears to be the case with most things on here after ONE bad experience

I've had 5 bad experiences with the rim brakes and 2 bad experiences with the disc brakes.

Edit, and no positive experiences.

They are shit.

Edited by JMCD
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ive had a tr rim brake for almost a year now, only took it off the other week as gone back to a hs33, mine didnt leek and it wasnt spongy when set up properly with a 2 bolt booster. it was said that only one batch had swarf inside all the parts, which made them leek, this was echo not cleaning the products properly. but they are really good brakes!

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echo sl discs are weird, i used one this weekend that was f**king awesome, but a local rider had them on an echo full build and they sucked balls :S

the awesome one will be mine then lad, I remember you saying. even cocky thought it were good

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I have had not one bad experince with any brake system.

I find keeping the gt85 and wd40 for oiling hinges and bolts.

Buy some proper brake cleaner and silicon oil.

I have had enough of hearing about idiots using paint thinners on brakes and wonder why there brake seals fail

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