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Profile Elite mtb hub..


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Looks a nice improvement from the mini casset set up.

I've always found with mine that as long as you keep an eye on the springs and make sure theyre still giving good tension it doesnt slip.

Are the springs for the above as expensive as normal ?

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Monkey do.. can i ask why you wouldn't trust the design? I'm just curious.

I agree that it looks like a more sunstantial design than the mini cassette; which was a very popular choice for mod riders for a time..

I was hoping for feedback from people who've used them. Im very tempted to set one up on my 26mhz revival build :teehee:

Swill.. I'll obviously be servicing the bike regulalry and replacing pawls if/when needed!

Cheers for the pic martin.. looks unusual.. like a 3-in-1 type pawl. with 6 of them!? Interesting, i wonder which 'notches' would actually pick up at any time..seems like a tough equation.

Hmm maybe i should just try one and see. Monkey-do i'd appreciate your ideas as to why they wouldn't be any good! Are you thinking it'd be a weak engagement because it's finer teeth on the pawls or something?

EDIT: Thats weird.. the picture you've uploaded shows those strange pawls but looking further on the profile site shows single 'toothed' pawls..

click on the driver/ ring image..

Also.. hub spares show normal style pawls for Elites. ( And the price! :- )

So what are those pawls^^?! I think the standard pawls would be more reliable.. they seem much sharper!

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I can sort the price out.. It's just wether it's going to feel like stabbing a really nice piece of wood with a really good knife?!

It's going on a pashley mhz.. I feel like i need as quick and solid an engagement as possible to make up for the tentpole chainstays :)

I've got to say.. I'm very tempted to try one!

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I think you should go for it, 204 EP is a hell of a lot, i bet it sounds insane.
I imagine it comes with some sort or warranty, something like 6 months/12 months, if you have any problems send it back and get a hope.


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Profile are pretty nice.. they gave me a free hubshell once and fitted it for free. ( It exploded in a fire!) They even changed the bearings..

Has anyone actually used this hub themselves or know of anybody who has? Or could anyone elaborate on why this would be any worse than a hope? I'd imagine the cost is'nt just purely them being greedy? Usually theres a set mark up of around 30-40% of actual material cost on most bicycle products? So it definately costs more to make!

I'm not saying that makes it better, but it's hardly like they're completely different designs?

Im just really curios, theres many opinions against them but not many reasons :mellow:

It does sound pretty mental. Would definitely make the old dears around jump out of the skin :giggle:

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So we shouldn't use them because they sound shit? Like squeeky brake pads?!

I'm not that botherd about the sound particularly, more the quality and performance. I ride on my own mostly so it shouldnt offend anyone.

They actually sound abit nicer than the old profiles i think.. Bzzzz >_<

Certainly got more of a Kingesque pitch to them heh?

Maybe it's not worth it.. Maybe i'll just get a hope.

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