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Well I've just started riding again (Well i will sunday) and been looking on forums just at general topics and one that comes up again and again is mod vs stock..... It got me thinking why not just ask one simple question and leave the rest down to the rider. Can a 20" do everything a 26" can? I.e does it get to the point were the bike is limiting the rider and if he were to move onto the other bike will he be able to do more? I.e a rider on a mod keeps trying a gap but just can't make it. let's say he has the skill level on 8.2 if he were to get of his mod onto a stock and attempt the same gap would he make it?



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hard to say, stocks offer more leverage, mods are flickier, i ride both, i use my mod more, i feel my riding looks better on it too, but if i go out on the stock i can make everything i do on the mod and it feels like it takes less effort, plus stocks tend to be a bit more confidence inspiring due to the extra wheel, i started a similar thread a while back...

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i had a mod to learn bike trials now i have a stock but i do have more fun on my mod. the stock feels slow where the mod is quick, i start to love the stock just because i'm big and the bike feels more natural but it's all preference i like both but they have their own area where they're best at ;)

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of course because 20" rock at rolling around the woods on :D

go ride a bmx off road and tell me its no different to a 26"

Since when did riding natural become 'rolling about the woods'. It's not cross country is it, remember this is all in the context of TRIALS

Edited by J.KYDD
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i think what he aimed to say was that a 20" is going very bad over rough terrain,and a 26" is less flicky.

as in one has the skill wich is the others fault.(sorry for freestylish german-thought-to-english-words-translation lol)

in my experience a 24" is the best thing to get,not as stable as a stock,not as much flicky as a mod,to make a long story short:


Edited by FamilyBiker
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I rode mod for a long time probably about 6 years changed to 26" last summer and my riding has really improved I feel I have a lot more control and confidence. But at the end of the day it does all come down to preference and practise.


Edited by A.Baxter
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Of course its possible. Look at the likes of Abel Musteiles, he's riding a 20" in a manner most people can only dream of.
You travel the same distance, the same heights etc. its all in your head.

I dont find a 20" worse on natural at all. They're bouncy, flicky, lighter and generally less cumbersome than a stock.
I for one generally enjoy riding a 20" more. Everything seems that bit higher, which adds to the satisfaction level when you nail something.

of course because 20" rock at rolling around the woods on :D

go ride a bmx off road and tell me its no different to a 26"

Most top level comps now generally consist of large static moves anyway, so your point is invalid in a sense...

As above, this is in a trials context, not MTB.

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Most top level comps always have bigger moves for 26" compared to 20"

Does that mean the level is higher in 26" ?

Or does it mean it's harder to go bigger on mod

I would say its harder to do most stuff on mod.

With some exception

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I am not a top level rider. There's lots of rolling between rocks for senior sections.

Mods are better for static moves

Your right.

It's just nice to be able to just roll over to the next rock on your big wheel if your knackered half way through a section.

Rather than rolling and hopping to avoid small holes and rocks.

If your not going to compete then I would still be riding mod.

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way i see it - bigger gaps/rolling moves I've seen done have been done on a stock, the biggest sidehop on a mod. that said if the rider doesn't like the bike he's on he can't do shit, so a top level mod rider probably won't go as big on a stock if he was to get on one....at least not right away.

stocks have the psychological advantage of whatever you're approaching looks smaller and the disadvantage of a cumbersome bike, and vice-versa for a mod.

but surely the higher you are on a bike in a static position to start with (like when on the back wheel lining up for a sidehop ) the higher your body will be, meaning when you tuck you're already those few inches higher right? if that makes any sense then a stock would mean you can go bigger than if you were a mod, assuming you had the ability to ride both to the same standard

Edited by trials hoe
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Abel has a huge amount of power yet Gilles can still side hop higher than him so far. If Abel was on a stock for a year I reckon he would be going higher

Mods rubist for rolling over any thing bigger than a gOlf ball

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but surely the higher you are on a bike in a static position to start with (like when on the back wheel lining up for a sidehop ) the higher your body will be, meaning when you tuck you're already those few inches higher right

The thing is you have to pull it higher too.

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