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Adequate wheelsize


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Given the example you've used and the fact that there's not a huge amount of visual difference on a trail bike like that, I can only assume you're trolling again.

If not use the search, it's been covered several times before. Trials won't really benefit from the better rolling capability of a larger diameter wheel since most people don't roll and those that so prefer something more nimble.

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have you actualy riden one or are you speculating purely on pictures you've seen? the wheels are meant to offer more grip, smooth out the ride and take some of the shock and discomfort out of hitting stuff you shouldn't, surely that increased performance will give more control to the rider? the weight difference is marginal, but it's probably negated by the benefits of more wheel increasing efficiency.

there was a point when disk brakes were being debated, and people didn't think they'd catch on. now you wouldn't humour an MTB without them. same goes for suspension, that was criticised for being heavy, expensive and unecessary, but you probably except that a full susser will thrash a hardtail down most descents...

i've been flogging bikes at halfords for 3 years, most customers love the hybrids with 700C wheels and mtb tyres, because they're more efficient, you are in a wierd snobby little niche, wanting smaller wheels that require more effort to acheive the same thing, with less comfort, just because thats the way it's always been. would you want an old T-VEE with 20" rear wheel, rear freewheel and vee brakes because they were the norm? or would you prefer front freewheel, a 19" wheel and a modern brake set up?

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I'm not trolling and talking not about trials. XC/DH/AM/Trail and other styles as I said. Bikes look awkwardly and less controlable, maybe that's the reason.

to further my point, why have specialized shifted the majority of their bikes to niner? they're a huge company who wouldn't dare make such a drastic change in their product line if they didn't think it would be sensible. they even have a fatbike out now, so they probably aren't going anywhere either, i guess you think they're f**king stupid too?

the only point that 26" makes sence is that it can let a bike have more travel, but larger wheels can do more with less travel, so its swings and roundabouts really.

when i acquire an offroad machine i'll be debating 650 or 9er

Edited by ogre
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My dad has both, I gotta say. I love both.

Don't hate just cause it looks wrong, trials looks wrong but I love it.

The 29er feels extremely quick for XC, as soon as I swap over from a 26" to the 29er I instantly feel smoother and faster, steering is a little slower but it's not that had at all.

The only time I'd give 29er a second thought is for DH, although my dad used his in the alps for a whole week and was fine. Kept up with everyone. I had a play on it for one run and it felt super quick, just didn't turn as well.

Hope that input offers some sorta idea what 29er is like.

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My experience is that theyre great for Xc and trails and generally sit 'down and pedal it' stuff but are horrible when things get technical; like if you found a tight, slight rooty incline (the kind bit where your trials skills should come in!) then theyre a bit clumbersome. Also if your needing to do some 'ups' like hop up onto rocks or logs etc (which any serious mountain will (should) be needing to do theyre a bit horrible for that too. Theyre nigh on impossible to bunnyhop and imo really are for sitting in the saddle and spinning; so nothing too tech. Theyre FAR better than 26 for things like enduro/ touring/ tidy trails. In the bike shops iv'e worked in most of the 'serious' mountain bikers still rode 26''. The 29'rs are not really ideal when things get steep either, again theyre less manouverable and that quick response to the wheels helps when ur going downhill aswell. My verdict is; great for general weekend trail riders, for enduro type races, most types of xc, but keep them quite level and on the ground. Will never beat the 26rs for 'real' mtbing.

* also it's more pumping with the hand pump when your'e out with a flat >_<

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Haha exactly! I like how he makes an extra effort to tweak everything and whip it about; something thats much harder to do on a 29r! Made the point well i felt. They're just not as fun. Yes you might be able to ' roll over that 2p sized pebble like it's a 5p sized pebble' but at the end of the day it's still all about the 26 if your out riding properly.

Yes Cotic. (Y)

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Theyre trying to sell you a cotic 26! Or if thats not your thing, a cotic 29! Of course, when discussing x, y is better etc. I think it was a pretty funny response to the notion that the 29r is the be all end all that some people seem to be chanting amongst the showrooms.

I heard it was all the tyre companys fault anyway; only did it so the logo could be bigger :rolleyes:

Could be worse; At least theyre not made of glue and dust! :w00t:

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I have a 29er gravel grinder :) Amazing to ride compared to 26"
Much smoother over anything!
I might try 650b on my am, but i need to crush my 26er first.

( My AM is 26", My dh is 26", My dirt is 26", my trials bikes is 26", my old gravelgrinder is 26" )

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Iv'e actually got quite a soft spot for those drop bar 29r ATB steel tourer jobbies..

29Rs are fabtastic, but imo are best for sitting down and cranking it! So Xc/trails/Tracks/Pot holes *ahem* i mean 'Road'. Feel abit like a wearing a size 14 shoe for tap dancing when it gets techy in the rocky bits. But i guess if youre doing a 50 mile round your not gona be to opposed to just getting off and walking that 20 metre section? You might be willing to forgive the big old thing for the ease it's caused you riding home on zero will power! :giggle:

Round and swing abouts!

Eitherwise, enjoy the rides guys..whatever size!


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