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2010 onza blade - value?


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ok guys, over here in northern ireland second hand bikes are far and few between, ive found a 2010 onza blade in decent nick, £250 is the price.

its my first cyclo trials bike - fun use only, all i wanna know is it worth the money?

ive been searching for a while now and i just cant find much else.

ta - geoff.

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cheers guys - loven the adivice, hadda take what i could get, no one wanted to post to northern ireland and it's easier to get a bike to race on the roads in my estate :) north west 200 and ulster gp just round the corner.

so, i thought steel was strong, my we the people is 4130 through out, should i drop the steel on this and go alu? i run fat bars etc on my 2012 beta so this feels really lite - i hate the feel of carbon as i race bmx and refuse to ride such lifeless ridget materials - im old school lol!

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honestly, I would not change anything at the moment, maybe he rim grind+booster+pad combo

It is time to ride, and you will feel if you need to change something, and if it feels light for you thats all matters, a heaver parts tend to last more

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I wouldn't bother upgrading anything yet. Just ride it.

It's an awful slippery slope when a new person to trials starts upgrading stuff as you focus more on spending and saving weight than actually learning the basics and having fun.

I remember the days when I first started trials, knew nothing about this website and didn't have enough money to even fathom a look at Tartybikes so kept my 100% stock T-bird and it was the best time ever. Just picking up my shed of a bike and riding haha

Luckily yours is pretty sweet standard.

Happy riding mate!! :)

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Decent brake pads on the rear are a must, for £20 you can get most decent plastic backed pads, such as yellows, trialtechs, or rockman green/blue. There's nothing worse for a newb than a slipping brake. Also take the time to get your controls set in the right place, it makes riding more comfortable and you will progress better and not have aches and pains. Bar angle, stem height and lever angles are the things to look at

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i hear what you say!

i spend soo much time tweeking my dh bike, cleaning my beta but today i greased a few bearings - oiled a chain and sectioned the yard.

brilliant no pressure workout :)

its deffo harder than moto-trials!

set up is summit i will look at.

cheers guys - will deffo look at set up, just glad the wee bikes in great nick, although i ride motorbike trials this is far harder, i must admit i am sore already but its great, no pressure work out :)

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I'd say that Rockman blues are the best pads I've used. EVERYONE will say different things though haha.

Anyway, I'd really recommend you spending a few more pounds and go for the CNC backed pads. And in the long run, it's cheaper since you can re-use tha backings and just buy pad refills. I would recommend these: http://www.tartybikes.co.uk/hs33_brake_pads/rockman_cnc_blues/c4p11090.html

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its deffo harder than moto-trials!

Definitely. Put me on a moto and I'll clean sections with relative ease (trying to make it sound like I'm not bragging is hard), but put me on a bicycle and I'm like Mr Bean on a bike. I just ride because it's fun and aids my progress on the moto side of things when I can't get out on it.

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