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Flat bars bigger Stem or Riser bars same stem?


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I currently have flat bars with a shallow(ish) stem rise. I want a bit of extra hight at the front so, should I be looking at keeping the flat bars and getting a new steeper stem or go for some riser bars with my current stem instead? I'm a little sceptical of just ordering something incase I don't get on with the geo change... Any reccomendations?

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Im not gonna be as mean as jake but those bars are completely the wrong shape, sweep and rise for trials :( its gonna make the bike feel worse no matter where you position them because there designed for All Mountain/Freeride/DH. typically trials bars have a lot of upsweep on them to make the bike feel lighter and sit on the rear wheel better. Have a look on tarty bikes and see what i mean. Hope that helps.....

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there is a guy on the for sale forum who sells a rockman riser bars for a tenner, and I guess, if it is unused, you can bring them back for a refund at CRC, but I am not 100%.

I have them, and after the flat bars it changed my bike, it felt.... professional and modern, like I would changed loads of parts.

I know it sounds strange but it works!

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Im not gonna be as mean as jake but those bars are completely the wrong shape, sweep and rise for trials :( its gonna make the bike feel worse no matter where you position them because there designed for All Mountain/Freeride/DH. typically trials bars have a lot of upsweep on them to make the bike feel lighter and sit on the rear wheel better. Have a look on tarty bikes and see what i mean. Hope that helps.....

Yeah I see what you mean, however there are bars on Tarty Bikes which have pretty much the same up and back sweep as these Full On bars. I'm going to reserve judgement until I've tried them. Unfortunately I'm not really in a position to try out a whole range of bars and pick the one which feels best. it's gonna take some time and experimenting. Also having been looking back at how trials has changed and evolved over the last 10 years or so since I used to ride, I'm well aware of the tend for 'trends' to come and go and rember when flat bars were all the rage! I'll try these Full On bars and if i dont find them comfortable, I'll maybe try more up and back sweep etc.

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Sorry no pics just yet as I'm at work, The bars have arrived and I've fitted them, I must say I'm pretty bloody pleased with them as I was starting to doubt them with what was being said on here.

As I said earlier I'm 6ft5 and I'm quite broad shouldered so I'm not entirely sure I'd be comfortable with a lot of up and back sweep...

The bike feels quite different with the new bars on it and I'm definitelly more comfortable. My wrists are at a more natural angle for me when I hold on to the bars and they do add a little extra height which has taken a bit strain off my back. I still would like to try some more angled bars at some point but right now I'm not desperate to do so. Maybe if I can hook up with some folks for a ride somewhere I can have a look at some different bar styles and see if they suit me any better.

I will add a couple of pics later for good measure!

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If you like the shape of the bars try a higher stem if you still feel the need for more height. There should be plenty of people on here with a spare Trial Tech stem 120x17 or whatever it is...That should suit that build.

Edit: Boom, a tenner. Done! http://www.trials-forum.co.uk/topic/184940-garage-clear-out-26-wheels-trialtech-cranks-tensioner-bars/

Edited by Ross McArthur
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Look.....look at the wire behind the pot pouri its smiling at you.

that's strange, nice bike though.

how are the new bars feeling

That's my homemade Biltong drying box smiling! Reminding me I need to make some more!

The bars feel pretty good just messing about on flat outside my house. I haven't actually been anywhere to ride the bike properly yet let alone just try the new bars! I'm planning a ride on Sunday so will give them a proper go then.



If you like the shape of the bars try a higher stem if you still feel the need for more height. There should be plenty of people on here with a spare Trial Tech stem 120x17 or whatever it is...That should suit that build.

Edit: Boom, a tenner. Done! http://www.trials-forum.co.uk/topic/184940-garage-clear-out-26-wheels-trialtech-cranks-tensioner-bars/

Cheers Ross, :cheers: I've just PM'd the guy about the stem. For a tenner there's no reason not to give it a go see if it's any good!

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I had a kabuki not long ago and and straight away I changed the bars to trial tech normal riser and a higher (80 degree) stem then got a better front brake but you could just got a bigger rotor and then stick a pro 2 ont back of it.

And then for even better results I changed the forks to some aloy trials ones, and then changed the frame for one 5 years older.

Got it riding sweet now! But its all down to personal preference :)

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