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Weight in brakeless

Clerictgm mk2

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After experiment I've done (riding brakeless with brakes on my bike just to get extra weight) I noticed that heavier bike rides better. Bike feels better, moves come out smother and it's more stable in air (BH gaps/BH dropgaps).

My bike weight is 10640g without brakes and 11710g with brakes 1070g of difference and it feels really much.

How much your brakeless bikes weights? And what do you think about it? Is it a good Idea to get extra weight?

Edited by Clerictgm mk2
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Riding with brakes kinda different and safer at huge BH gaps and stuff, because if something goes wrong you just pull your brakes and all OK.

But maybe I should just get used to -1kg.

Just remembered some DJ riders whinings about too light bikes feels like shit in air and that DJ bike MUST be 12kg+.

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if you feel better with more weight maybe is because you mix bmx with trials??? Maybe weight can help you with the rotations..etc..dont know. I really don't think an extra weight in trials feels better at all.

My brakeless bike is 8.5 kg

What I'm saying is just a thoughts. Whole year I was with brakes and now turned to brakeless again, so I forgot many things.

I like big drops, dropgaps and BH gaps, but I'm scared now to do it at same heights as with brakes. I want to stick with brakeless for a long time now, and don't want to lose ability to do all this stuff.

What I feel now when I ride that my bike - that it's too light :) But actually it's not light, lol! It's heavy as hell.

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Riding brakeless with brakes isn't really riding brakeless is it.

Lol, I know, brakes was there just for extra weight.

And I'm asking only because:

1) BMX bikes are pretty heavy but they can be much lighter

2) DJ riders are whining about "12kg and less is baaaaaaad"

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DJ riders don't have to muscle the bike around as much as BMX or trials though, they just go fast and the ramp does (most of) the work. Saying that, I ride shows with a DJ rider and his bike is just under 11kg, he really hates the wind though.

BMXs are generally not that heavy either, ~10kg seems to be fairly average for a street setup. I'd be after a less effort for hops and spins than any potential stability a heavier bike might add.

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That weight for a BMX can't be right though? I mean, your bike's nowhere near the 9kg mark yet as we all know you just ride an oversized, lighter BMX with brakes. That means it's not logically possible for a BMX to be anything under 11kg or so...

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Dunno how much my bmx weighs, but it's not much and has a full armoury. Perhaps pushing 12kg, but certainly not more. I personally don't think trials bikes really need be any lighter than what they are. I often found my 24" with no brakes felt to light up front. All about getting the right weight, in the right places to make it feel right, right?

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