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Stretched my left ear to 4mm today, just pull it right through really quick, doesn't hurt as much then.

Would do my right, but my drummer appears to have stolen my other horn for her own ear.

thats what iv'e streched my prince albert to!!4mm might goto 5....dunno yet.

!!!!! :">

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I'm not sure i understand this stretching of the ear lobe malarky.

Is the stretching permanent or does it grow go back to normal afterwards? If the effects are permanent then it seems a bit silly to me. I've read people saying they're stratching their ears to 8mm. So yeah, does it go back or do you have to keep the spacers in forever?

No piercings myself, I'd love to see what I looked like with a piercing, but I expect I'd look like a cock. Some people suit a piercing here or there and others don't.


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I had my left ear pierced about 2 weeks ago without telling my mum or dad, and they both kicked of big style. My dad doesent trust me anymore but i supose thats life. It looks really cool though, so it dos'nt matter.

It dosn't hert, just feels like someone has pinched your ear. Aperently you have to keep it in for 6 weeks, I kept mine in for 2 days then took it out to put the bar of the ear ring in without any ends in because im not allowed to wear them at school. it really hurts the first time you take it out though as they put it on so tightly. After you have swapped them round for a bit it wont hurt alot-just feel weird.


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I had a brilliant idea yesterday that I could put a flesh tunnel through my belly button. Do you have an innie or an outie? Why, I have a throughy. I'm sure my internal organs could stretch around a bit to accomodate the flesh tunnel, as the bladder, liver and kidneys are all very flexible (thanks anatomy for beginners).

I'm not quite sure how much to stretch it to though Is it like pringles, once you pop you can't stop, or do you know when your flesh tunnel has become a big enough tunnel?

Also, on a slightly more serious note somebody on here said that a flesh tunnel no more than 6mm will grow back, but I was told yesterday that you can space them out up to 10mm - which one is it my fellow piercers?

Here's an artists impression of what my new flesh tunnel might look like. The yellow colour is a pair of cutrains behind me.


Stephen "not much to do today" Morris.

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Also, on a slightly more serious note somebody on here said that a flesh tunnel no more than 6mm will grow back, but I was told yesterday that you can space them out up to 10mm - which one is it my fellow piercers?

Stephen "not much to do today" Morris.

Well I say 6 or 7mm As a sort of average. I suppose some people could get away with having bigger tunnels before they go beyond healing back, and then again some people would have to go smaller, say 4mm before they go back. I suppose it depends on your body and the way it heals. Some better than others.

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Well I say 6 or 7mm As a sort of average. I suppose some people could get away with having bigger tunnels before they go beyond healing back, and then again some people would have to go smaller, say 4mm before they go back. I suppose it depends on your body and the way it heals. Some better than others.

So if I were to get a flesh tunnel (which I'm not :( ) then at 4mm it may not grow back?

It seems like a really stupid risk that people are taking given that when they're fifty they might not want the flesh tunnels in, but still have ears like the Buddha!

I guess I'm never going to understand this piercing malarky, I think having the lip done to one side looks cool, but you'd never catch me gettign it done.

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