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A Word About Trials...


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Hi all, this is an article I aim to post on a website if anyone feels like hosting it. I have the full version on my PC. If anyone wants any articles written, then please feel free to add me to their MSN and give me a shout. Feedback and constructive criticism welcome. :mellow:

Trials united?

One word that comes to mind when thinking of trials riders and the reason we all ride trials rather than any other discipline is ‘friends’, simply put I know, but it’s the one reason that comes up 9 out of 10 times in a conversation with other trials riders.

Recently I was reading a post on a forum, when I came across this same question, and was amazed at the response. Riders had taken the time to write their own thoughts; each rider that had posted had explained why they chose trials personally. One thing that kept coming up was the friendly atmosphere and support shown by other trials riders. Being new to the sport I found the friendship side one of the most appealing reasons that I would spend a vast amount of money on a trials bike. This kind of friendship is not only limited to people that you always ride with, or that you knew before you took up trials; in fact it is synonymous with trials riders across the whole world.

If you take five minutes and actually think about it, where else have you been able to do your own thing while learning a new sport and make new friends, at the same time as really enjoying something? Everyone buzzes at another riders successes rather than being jealous of them, and if a rider falls on hard times you generally find everyone chips in together to aid that rider. Take for instance the horrific day last year when DJ was taken from us on the 14th of May; as a mark of respect many riders turned out two days later to pay respect to this rider. This unity within a sport is quiet rare, and as such it deserves all the positive public support it can get.

In comparison to the positive image of trials, is the negative image that is being driven into the minds of the general public. How many times have you been asked to move on by land owners or the police due to vandalism and other acts of selfish behaviour from this minority? This is, however, reversible; everyone complains about ‘Chav’s’, or ‘Ned’s’ or whatever, but how many times have you actually given them the time of day? I doubt that many of us have done so lately. I mean, if you actually spoke to them, and explained what you are doing, perhaps you may get a different response from the normal ‘Do a wheelie!’ or ‘Why is your seat so small?’

This approach is not normally the first thought to cross your mind, but the next time you are out riding with your mates enjoying the day, and one of this group comes over quoting from the ‘Chav’ handbook of famous phrases, try explaining trials, and you may start to change the view towards us from their side of the bridge. Also, try smiling at the old people that sometimes stand and watch in awe as we hurl ourselves over a wall, and watch as they also change their minds about us. You never know, it could be these same old people that have an input to our sport.

So, lecture finished, time to embrace the New Year and start creating a future in our sport that is much more favourable to everyone. Enjoy the riding people, and I shall return with a much brighter article very soon. Until then, smile, and let the good times roll

Edited by stuntsbyjon
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This unity within a sport is quiet rare, and as such it deserves all the positive public support it can get.

Top left of the screen. "Trials-forum.co.uk - Where trials riders unite"

Need i say any more?


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Great and very true article. What is our sport without the social aspect and mutual encouragement?Even when competitive,there remains huge admiration for fellow competitors.Guess that's the true nature of sportsmanship. We should indeed be welcoming and informative to " outsiders,"instead of being uniformly dismissive of other groups.This is what will allow trials to grow and be increasingly accepted.

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i have made so many cool mates through trials. i think my life would be pretty crap if it werent for trials. when i go and ride with people i have such a laugh and its great. i have met some really cool people and they all seem friendly and willing to help or what ever. this can also be seen if you go to nass, everyone (all the trials riders) stayed together last year and made sure they looked out for everyone, which was nice :) .

i think a lot of my school mates think its strange that i go to places on the train to ride my bike and they dont seem to understand that it is just much a "social" thing as going out and riding and practising. ah well they would know if they knew :)

trials riders just seem to stick together and help out where they can, which is allways good.

sorry if that made no sence, i know what i mean :P

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Nice article, though I feel that it's stating the obvious really, didn't give me anything to think about if you see what I mean :) Edit: Sorry, didn't realise that the article was intended to be read by non-trialsy folk :">

On a tangent:

Endohopper, considering you're from Holland, your English is superb! You write very well, and make good use of language :)

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I agree with you 100% mate, one of the most important things I've found with trials is the vast amount of friends you make. Every time I've ridden and seen a stranger on a trials bike, our instant reaction is to call over 'Ey! A trials rider! Alright mate?'.

No matter who you are or where you're from, if you're on a trials bike having a laugh and you see another trials rider, chances are you'll start chatting and end up mates.

One of the best things that's ever happened to me was starting trials and meeting most of you guys. I've made some great friends.

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Thanks for the positive feedback Endohopper. :)

JT! this article is not simply meant for trials forum, it is aimed at the wider scope; hence the starting line:

'Hi all, this is an article I aim to post on a website if anyone feels like hosting it.'

It may be included in a local paper or the university magazine.

Please, read it and reflect your opinion of the article, not just pick at it with a fine tooth-comb and state obvious facts seeing as it is currently on Trials-forum. I aim to write other articles about building bikes, the knowledge required to begin trials, and my personal approach to trials cometitions being as I will be starting them in the next few weeks (Injury permitting.)

So, I hope to get feedback enabling me to further improve my writing in this guise.

Also, many thanks to Chris of section7 for suggesting posting it, and his input on my current work. :)

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On a tangent:

Endohopper, considering you're from Holland, your English is superb! You write very well, and make good use of language :)

Most dutch people are very good at English. Something to do with their language being amazingly complicated so ours is a piss-take or something :)

Showed my little brother that and he was very impressed (he's nothing to do with bikes let alone trials) and I also found it an interesting read. Good article :P

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JT! this article is not simply meant for trials forum, it is aimed at the wider scope; hence the starting line:

Yes i know, but here in the UK there is only one forum. For exaple there may be a few popular MTBing forums. Where as there is only realy one trials one, which means that all the trials riders in the UK are under the same roof.

I just think the helps with the whole making friends part. I will meet up with several trials riders becasue of TF, which i wouldnt have if everyone wasn't on here.

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Apart from a few grammatical errors, it was a good article :)

But yeah, pretty sound sentiments. I guess though it's the same with other sports too, although we're marginally ahead of others simply 'cos we're all heading for the same goal. With BMXing, you get seperate factions of street, dirt, park, flat, vert and so on, and they aren't all people heading for the same aim, if you get me. Trails riders, for example, can get extremely anal about their trails. Fair enough maybe, but there's a really shitty attitude within it. Same kinda goes for flat riders, but either way, trials is a pretty good sport just 'cos we all do the same stuff, really. I think it's a showing of appreciation really, 'cos even if you aspire to do streety stuff (e.g. Berridge) or do "big UCI" stuff (e.g. CLS) or anything in between, you're using the same skills on a bike that we've all had to learn and hone, so we all know what we're about. Which is...cool. I suppose the thing is is that members of the public don't get this. To be fair though, having read what others on this forum have said to members of the public it's not a hugely surprising thing they can be resentful. If you're nice to them, they'll generally find it harder to be rude to you, so it's often worth "giving in" in some ways for people who are having a go. Be a pacifist as opposed to confrontational. It's all about spreading the word, which is why stuff like the Bike Show is good. And the MAD Hop Idol thing. It just gets people interested, and the more people interested, the more riders, the more potential friends, the biking industry will take us all more seriously and we'll get more trials products made.

Win - win situation.


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Very true, and a good point. However, there is not only one forum for trials riders. For instance, half the riders I ride with on a regular basis have only joined TF due to me telling them about it, not because it is the only forum.

Anyways, this isn't about which forum, or which friends you make through what source, this is about an asrticle that I have wrote in order to enlighten the masses to the plight that awaits us if we don't all come together to show a little respect to other pedestrians and the general population of non-trials riders.

Come on mate, see past the website, and see the whole picture!

No offence meant, as I value any opinion and feedbeck from this article. :)

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Cheers Mark. That is exactly my point with the article. Spread the good word as it were, and create a better enviroment for us to ride in. We don't need riders that are gonna abuse everyone; on here or on the streets / comps. I know we all get a little tense at times, but finding a different angle to vent that anger is a worthy cause if we get something in return; you never know, we may all be lucky one day, and get an indoor trials area for the winter months when it is physically too cold to ride outside.

Thanks guys, just the kind of feedback I needed. :) :S

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cool article. another example is people i've ridden with for over 2 years back home (before comin to uni) who don't even know my first name!! haha. suprised me! they only know me as smithy :S tis good how u can just go up to someone on a trials bike and start chattin. if u did that to some randomer in the street, they'd think u were mad!!!

anyways, only point i don't agree with is about giving chavs the time of day. maybe its personal experience, but they always just want to appear to be one up on u, even though they never seem to have anything useful to do. we see them roaming the streets all night, then they wander over and say the usual 'why ain't u got no seat' or 'why've u got a pink bike'. but never give u any respectful comments. i've had a lot say things like 'you wanna be out gettin pissed, not messin about on bikes'. (try doin both, tis f*ckin messy :))

leading me on to another point. why do we get pulled for 'criminal damage' and 'endangering the public' amongst other things, when the streets are full of smashed up phone boxes and bus stations, broken bottles and needles? the only explanation i can think of is that the police and local council think that we are the ones causing the major damage, not just a couple o pedal scrapes on a wall.

ah well, i still think that if trials got too big and commercialised, it wouldn't be as fun. we tried campaigning for a trials park. but just think, unless it was an immensely awesome trials park, with infinite lines, how long would it take u to make every possible line and combination of moves? and then u'd be back on the streets riding benches and walls again. see what i mean? if it were more 'formal' it wouldn't be as much of a laugh, nor a challenge (riding stuff that ain't meant for riding on).

ah well, i'm enjoying it as it is. even if my bike ain't workin spot on, even if people think pink bikes are gay, even if i'm ridin like ma nan, i can't imagin life without trials. i tried explainin to ma flat mates mum what trials was, and she just didn't get it. can u get anymore individual? is there anything as special? and thats where i think the special 'bond' between trials riders eminates from. we are the only ones who TRULY understand it. and even we can't quite put our finger on it :)



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Er... the Police issue has kinda been done to death in Chit Chat, so if anyone's got some views (and everyone seems to...) do a search for "Pigs busted me" or some innane title like that in Chit Chat and discuss it there, before it gets into another flame war. I know you were just putting it in as an example there Smithy, but just thought I'd better say before it gets all stupid in what otherwise is a useful thread...

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I agree on the 'Chav' point, they seem to be the same here; although I have had a few cases where the 'Chav's' have actually asked how we do stuff and then a few weeks later I have seen them trying the sam emoves on some random bikes! just ask Mike D about one guy with a front wheel from a 26" bike, and the frame of a BMX with the 20" rear wheel. :) He was really trying too! Nutter! Anyways, seems the article has raised some interest, and if it's ok with you guys I would like to write another one on the same kinda controversial issue...

Thanks for the feed back guys. Jon. :S

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top article :) its true, when im out on my bike (well until it broke) and we saw other trials riders, you end up talking, then going out riding and everything. most riders are pretty friendly, ok you can get the odd idiot, but so what, ou can eerywhere.

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that was a rather good piece :S

this can also be seen if you go to nass, everyone (all the trials riders) stayed together last year and made sure they looked out for everyone, which was nice :) . 

this guy is spot on. my bike was stolen at nass 04 on the friday :P and so i was bikeless all weekend. the trials riders were really supportive and they let me ride their bikes and we chatted for ages. after we finished riding we went and got thrashed and it was well good. unfortunately i only got 1 guys email address so havent been able to keep in contact with the rest :)

after that i couldnt afford a new bike and was gutted. luckily ive got loads of great friends who have helped me and 2 lads (george seamons and guy griffiths both on tf) helped me out big style :)

at that time i had invested all my money into the stolen bike so i couldnt afford to buy a new bike and my jump bike was not suitable for trials

guy gave me his old mod frame and loadsa parts( which im still building :P ) and george gave me a gt stock frame, and various other components to get me going again for nothing-where else would you find such generosity?

if it wasnt for those guys i probably would of quit and kept riding dirt :P how dull would that of been?

now im the proud owner of a base ta26 and its kitted out pretty well :cheers:

the trials communiy is excellent unlike any of the other riding communitys-i ride most types of bike and have found dirt riders for instance rude and dull-they just w nt to seem 'hardcore' unlike in trials where everyone pushes everyone else on and tried to lend a helping hand whenever

so yeah trials aint just a sport or a hobby-it appears to be more of a culture now and it rocks :cheers:

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Wow, that is trials riders united if ever I heard it said! It's typical that we spend all our money getting a great bike and then some toe rag decides to nick it! String them up I say! Well, the article seems to have reached a few people, and it has impressed me the way that everyone has complemented the peice, although it is hard to grammatically sort a peice when you can't indent or stuff. Anyways, I'll let this peice speak for me, and show my ideal trials riding mates; guys and girls that erspect each other and everyone around them in order to further the future of trials on the street.

Chuffed is an understatment. :"> I was kinda nervous about posting on here as I thought a few would rip it apart, hasn't happened, so I am happy. Thanks people. Really. :S Jon.

Now go and show your support on the ride on 14th May '05. It is in rides on TF and it's a memorial ride for DJ. :)

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I totally agree about friendship and trials, i wouldnt have half as many mates if i didnt ride. Every time i go out for a ride in my local area i always see either people on trials bikes, or street bikes, freeride bikes etc and we always end up going for a ride for the rest of the day. Also, i wouldnt be as thin as i am if i didnt ride :">

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Reading that article made a smile come to my face :ermm: ,

thats why i ride trials i have made some wicked friends and

as people have said life would be pritty shit with out trials .

thank you bike trials :P .

ecodan. :ermm: .

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