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Justice For Dj!

forum mum

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I'm glad that the justice system has actually brought about a term in jail for both the thugs envolved.

My thoughts are with you Sue, Charlie, Em and all the rest of the family.

RIP DJ, we will always remember you.

EDIT: Just watched the news report, brought a tear to my eye again (Y)

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I'm glad he got found guilty. I just wish the punishment was more severe. He took a life. He at least should have most of his life taken away from him, should be banned for life. How can you let someone like that back on the road. Ohh well.

I just wish I had the chance to meet DJ.

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Ditto what George said, watching that report really brought home how I felt when I first heard about it, and I'm glad that the morons behind it got punishment. I hope it brings some consolation to you.

Again, well done to Charlie, Sue, the family and Em for keeping so strong throughout the ordeal :-

Ride in Peace dude (Y)

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good to hear lengthy sentence makes a change

i know no sentence would be long enough for dj but sometimes u just got to except, at least we know justice has been done n it could of been a different story, we could of been on her saying "b*****d didnt go away for anything"

RIP DJ never forget all those posts on hear which used to make us laugh n have good nights on the forum, never gonna forget u n everytime i eat fruit n nut chocolate bars i think of u n everytime i feel lazy or cant be bothered to do anything (Y)

R.I.P. DJ never forgotten

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"Unrepentant , and with a string of previous convictions..."

Gratifying that these individuals have been justly sentenced , but it cannot relieve the grief of family and friends.Seeing the bike mangled and abandoned was eerie , that image alone finally prompted me to realise the gravity of it all.

My sincerest condolences.

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Not alot that can be said.

My heart goes out to Sue, Charlie and the brothers (sorry I don't know your names) and to you Em.

I can't think of anything eles to say apart from the fact the Deej is still missed by myself and I can't even begin to imagine what it feels like for people who were alot closer to him.

We all miss you Deej.

It still doesn't seem fair.


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7 years is a joke, Im glad that he was found guilty though. At least they got that right. Man slaughter should be at least 20 years and murder if found guilty should be life no matter what. That guy prob knows he'll be out in 5-6 years. The legal system is a shambles.

My mate was killed by a car driver just coming up to a year ago now. He'd just got his new 125cc motorbike and was coming down this road and a guy on a mobile phone didn't even look and pulled out and my friend went over the bonnet and as the guy noticed and started to panic he pulled away trappin my friend under his car between the wheel and the wheel arch. It took 6 blokes to lift the car off him, He died before he got to hospital. I never heard of any justice being served on the driver, The authoritys protected his identity from the public. All we know is he lives in a street near by. Maybe somthing did happen to the guy but none of us heard about it, i belive he got off thou managing to pass off that it was just an accident. Next month i shall go lay flowers and pay my respects to my friend on the street corner he died on, The same day that i celebrate my 18th birthday. Me and 2 other people who happen to share the same birthday, Who all knew this lad that died will never forget as everyyear we turn a year older he will have been gone a year longer (Y) R.I.P My friend.

I'm very glad to hear that you have got a result and that the legal system has at least found the guy guilty and 7 years is good (not good enough thou in my eyes) as long as he serves it, 10 year ban sounds good to. Lets just hope the police keep check on him and make sure he doesn't do it again.

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grrr watching his face made me want to punch him. He thought he was going to get away with it right up to the end, when they said guilty on all accounts i just felt soooo relieved because i thought he was going to get off. When he got told he would get longer than armstrong he had a look on his face as if to say ' for f*ck sake' he booted the door on the way out of court...like thats going to help.

When I heard his criminal record, i got sooo mad, you should have heard some of the stuff he had done!

And i can't believe his girlfriend shouted at sue on the way out!

As for the tv interviews..... how glad am I that they cut out the bit where they say 'can you describe dj' and i burst into tears.

Anyway I hope you all know everything that could have been done to get a long sentence was done and DJ will be ok now.

*hugs* to you all cos I need them!

You came accross reall well :-

I wouldn't be able to do one of them under any circmstanse let alone one like yours

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I saw the South Today news, it was very upsetting but Charlie Sue and Em you were really strong, your such amazing people..as someone said i don't think many other people could have done it..

All my love Sue, Charlie, Sam, Adam, Em and The rest of Deej's Family and Friends....

Hope to see you all soon..

Miss you Deej, Ride in Peace..xx :-

Edited by Jenn24
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Am I the only one that beleives in getting what you give?

7 years is nothing, he should be really punished

No i agree, He will onli serve 3 and a half years max. Does hes 10 year ban start from when he gets out of jail or does it start from now because if it starts now his 10 year ban will onli be 5 and half years

Edited by KoxXy
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No i agree, He will onli serve 3 and a half years max. Does hes 10 year ban start from when he gets out of jail or does it start from now because if it starts now his 10 year ban will onli be 5 and half years

I know 7 years isn't enough...and yes he'll only serve a bit of that, but it's better than being found not guilty. And the 10 yr ban started yesterday, doubt he'll ever take a drving test anyway.

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i cant find the page to DJ on the BBC Oxford site, i take it that means they took the court video news coverage off, did it have context aswell because i would have like to see it. on a different note, i supose this really isn't justice, they took a life, there life should be taken away in the way that they can never be aloud in the public, or enjoyment of any kind, they are murderers its just not right. even though i never knew Deej on a personal level it's so obvious that he touched so many people throught his short but meaningful life, and is a real lose, even after all this time. Rest in peace :- :P

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i never said 7 years was bad. If you look back a page i said at least the justice system worked and has found him guilty. But 7 years is a joke and he will barely serve any of it. Should get at least 20 years i think and serve it!

Edited by KoxXy
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Am I the only one that beleives in getting what you give?

7 years is nothing, he should be really punished.

7 Years is a long time, but not long enough.

Thinking about it though, if they can forget about what they did to DJ then they're proper bastards, but being there 7 years they won't forget 'cos they're there, I hope it blags there head that much it causes them to do something really nasty to them selves, they deserve a lot more than that!


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No i agree, He will onli serve 3 and a half years max. Does hes 10 year ban start from when he gets out of jail or does it start from now because if it starts now his 10 year ban will onli be 5 and half years

The driving ban started on the 10 February 2005 and will end on 10 February 2015! and as you say it means he will only be banned for 6 1/2 years

but that wont effect him anyway cos he will never take a driving test. (The Judge said he would have to take an advanced test too)

Safe Riding one and all

Love Sue :D :S

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