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Maxxis Tyres!


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Ahhh its looking a good now mark, just last time i seen a pic it has big blue forks... I got myself a t-pro, waiting on a bash arriving so i can ride it. Makes my big bike feel all slugish though :(

I dont know what rear tyre i have, it was thrown in part of a swap... would look like im after one of them for the back before someone realises it far too cheap!

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Sorry for bumping this out of oblivion again, but I thought it'd be better than putting a new topic - but what the crap does "Slow Reezay" mean, compound wise? What characteristics does it give?

Oh, and the tyre's still properly grippy. It feels weird in some ways, but nice in others. It doesn't react like my old Luna used to (i.e. it grips :) - nah, just doesn't gaps where you twist mid-gap and it lands at an angle it compresses and expands in a weird way), so that needs getting used to. Either that or I'm just running it too flat...

So yeah, any compound help would be great :-

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Cheers Dave :-

One thing I found weird about the Creepy Crawlers was that the tread's quite shallow? Still grippy as hell, I was just thinking that there's gonna be less life in them in total, but I guess if the compound doesn't wear super fast it doesn't matter :)

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Cheers Dave :)

One thing I found weird about the Creepy Crawlers was that the tread's quite shallow?  Still grippy as hell, I was just thinking that there's gonna be less life in them in total, but I guess if the compound doesn't wear super fast it doesn't matter :P

I was a bit tired last night, so didn't really explain it fully :D Basically, I've found ST's to last alot longer, in comparison, than SR's. Still though, I've had tyres last me a hell of a lot longer than an ST. What I mean is, a slow reezay lasted me about 2 months I'd say, with regular amounts of riding, and in the end it was worn down a lot :-" Whereas I've had my Super Tacky for about 5 months so far (bearing in mind I had around a month off) and there's still atleast a month in it I'd say.

So yeah, they still don't last that long, but do last a buit longer than Slow Reezays.


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  • 2 months later...

Hmm, I think it'd be better it you managed to find out how many hours you put them through, because I could say that my Slow Reezay's have lasted well over 5 months and still have plenty of tread left, which would be a pretty in-accurate statement as people have completely rinced their's in about 6 weeks (Y)

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Yeah, I've ridden that bike to school almost every day that I've had it sorted, riding a bit of street for an hour on the way home, then ride for like 4 or 5 hours Monday and Thursday nights, then most of Sunday and Saturday evening... so I guess it's not too bad...

Starting to slip now though on stuff it really shouldn't be slipping on, so new rear it is (Y)


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Update:  Rear now bald and needs replacing...  Is this sorta wear rate consistent with what other people have found?  Just over 2 months?

Hell no, mine had still got a bit of life left in them, and i have had them since novemeber, ridden them quite alot. My friend bought some tyres months after me, and he rides a bit less than me, and his are balder than mine! So you have to take pressure / body weight into consideration.

But they should have lasted longer than that! (Y)

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I've ridden that bike to school almost every day that I've had it sorted, riding a bit of street for an hour on the way home, then ride for like 4 or 5 hours Monday and Thursday nights, then most of Sunday and Saturday evening...

But they should have lasted longer than that!  (Y)

Are you sure?! They've had a shedload of use if you ask me!

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True, it is a lot of usage. The thing is is that I want grip, but I want a longer lasting tyre :) I think I'm just gonna go for the Creepy Crawler again, basically. I've heard good stuff about the Monty tyres, but to be fair, they cost more than the Creepy Crawler (even though with the amount of postage on them they come out as not too far off the same price as the Monty's) and I'm pretty sure the Creepy's grippier...

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Are you sure?! They've had a shedload of use if you ask me!

Depends how far he rides to school. But after reading it properly, it sounds like they have had alot of use.

Edited by JT!
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  • 2 weeks later...

I am in need of a pair of creepy crawlers for the weekend for the YMSA comp. Where can i get a pair from?

Tartybikes are expecting them but wont have any for this weekend, and they dont seem to be on the supercycles website anymore.


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