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Omfg, Just Got Done For Speeding

Joe Papasnap Maher

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aah joe you big gay. to busy checking your hair in the mirrow to notice the copper was we? so you came up with the crap excuse he was hiding behind a tree.

take it easy for the next couple of years ive never saw the need to drive like a tit but then again i dont drive.

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aah joe you big gay. to busy checking your hair in the mirrow to notice the copper was we? so you came up with the crap excuse he was hiding behind a tree.

take it easy for the next couple of years ive never saw the need to drive like a tit but then again i dont drive.

i wasnt driving like a tit ;)

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people who dont drive wont have realised that certain roads feel slower than others.

For example: driving through a narrow street with cars parked either side at 20mph will seem fast but 20 on a completely open road no parked cars will seem like you are at a standstill.

Certain road make you drive faster, it is psycological.

I am learning to drive and on the open roads i find myself slipping into the 40's occasionally.

Joe probably didnt know he was that much over the speed limit, as he says it was an open road. ok there is no real excuse for excessive speeding but what is safer traveling at what seems 30 mph (actually more like 35-40)and paying attention to the road or pottering along with your eyes glued to the speedo.

sucks you got caught, atleast now you wil be slowing down as soojn as you catch a glympse of a white or silver van/estate lol.



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Could go round in circles with this conversation...

Bottom line is... Most of us speed. I speed 99% of the time. However, if I got caught, I wouldn't moan about it. You were doing enough over the limit for the copper to bust you, and you will just have to accept it.

It's all well and good saying the road "should" be a certain speed limit. But it's not! So you can't really complain that you got caught. The copper was probably having a shitty day and decided to make an example of you, or at least make you think twice about speeding again seeing as you are a new driver. It will have worked don't you think? You won't want to lose your license thats for sure.

It sucks, but that's the real world. Welcome to the world of motoring (N)

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as pissed off as i am sure you are, i have to agree with everyone who says you have no reason to moan, if it was going to piss you off getting done for going over the legal speed limit then you should not have done it. you wouldnt go into a shop, hold a gun to sumones head and fire a bullet through their skull and then moan that you got a prison sentance for murder. the law is there for a reason, i am sure there is a 30mph limit on that road for a reason, stopping distances etc... they dont put limits on roads for the sake of it. the law is their for a reason, and that reason is not just to piss you off. speedlimits save lives, end of.

Edited by love_trials
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as pissed off as i am sure you are, i have to agree with everyone who says you have no reason to moan, if it was going to piss you off getting done for going over the legal speed limit then you should not have done it.  you wouldnt go into a shop, hold a gun to sumones head and fire a bullet through their skull and then moan that you got a prison sentance for murder. the law is there for a reason, i am sure there is a 30mph limit on that road for a reason, stopping distances etc... they dont put limits on roads for the sake of it. the law is their for a reason, and that reason is not just to piss you off. speedlimits save lives, end of.

Do you drive? If so your a hypocrite as i'm positive you have strayed over the limit. It happens.

Also speed limits on most roads were set many years ago when cars had shit brakes, steering and the roads were generally shit.

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Do you drive? If so your a hypocrite as i'm positive you have strayed over the limit. It happens.

Also speed limits on most roads were set many years ago when cars had shit brakes, steering and the roads were generally shit.

Despite that you still have to have some common sense about you, For example in a school area i try to stay to the limit or slower, but give me an open road, dual carriageway or link road and i'm gone lol Well as gone as a 1.4 polo lets you (N)


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Aye I don't think its right people acting the tit around built up areas. I also dont go flat out along carridgeways etc but I know I am guilty of breaking the speed limit a lot. Not by a lot but general everyday driving is generally faster than the limit allows.

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joe you tit you have no right to moan and thats that.

As much as i don't wanna bring it up, DJ's bloke who was driving was speeding and you wouldn't be supporting speeding in that case.

It's your road????? WTF??? Its a road and thats the end of it.

grow up and take it.

i wasnt driving like a tit

you were because you were doing 44 in a 30. what if you got run down by someone doing 44 in a 30. The first thing you would do is point out he was speeding. If you speed you drive like a tit. I do, everyone does.

everyone speeds most of the time, but decent drivers with experience don't moan and bitch about police/'it's my road'/'he was behind a tree' etc etc.


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joe you tit you have no right to moan and thats that.

As much as i don't wanna bring it up, DJ's bloke who was driving was speeding and you wouldn't be supporting speeding in that case.

It's your road????? WTF???  Its a road and thats the end of it.

grow up and take it.

you were because you were doing 44 in a 30.  what if you got run down by someone doing 44 in a 30.  The first thing you would do is point out he was speeding. If you speed you drive like a tit. I do, everyone does.

everyone speeds most of the time, but decent drivers with experience don't moan and bitch about police/'it's my road'/'he was behind a tree' etc etc. 



John is spot on here, you have no right to moan, you WERE over the speed limit and that's that.

30mph speed limits are imposed because if a human is hit by a car at 30mph, his/her chance's of survival are around 65%. As soon as you go over 30mph, the chances of survival drop to something hideous like 22% (N)

Another thing aswell, is there any kind of care home/school etc anywhere along this road? This normally drops speed limits down, there is a road locally that has a tiny school at the very end of the road, and the road is about 4 miles long, and it's 30mph for the whole road....

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Do you drive? If so your a hypocrite as i'm positive you have strayed over the limit. It happens.

Also speed limits on most roads were set many years ago when cars had shit brakes, steering and the roads were generally shit.

hmmm..... maybe you need to buy a dictionary. hypocrit? yes i do drive, and yes i do occasionally go over the limit, but that STILL doesnt make me a hypocrit, as i would NOT moan if i got caught going over the limit. if i was caught going over the limit, i would apologise for endangering myself and others on the road, take my well deserved punishment and NOT moan that i got caught. therefore i am NOT a hypocrit, as all i posted was that he shouldnt be moaning, he got caught breaking the law, end of. if the speed limits need to be changed becuase cars now have GOOD brakes?? i am sure it is up to the government to change them, not us? the FACT is speed limits ARE there for a reason, lots of deaths each year WOULD be prevented if only the driver was paying attention ot the LAW! dont sit there and call me a hyporcrit for having an opinion.

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Perhaps I own a dictionary just don't carry it about with me you knob!

Obviously speed plays a part in road accidents but its drivers not paying attention that do the damage.

If anyone should feel strongly about people speeding then I should be one of them. I got hit by a silly slag doing 45-50 in a 30. She didn't hit me because she was speeding. She hit me because she wasn't paying attention I know this as when the police investigated it they recorded a skid/tyre mark and braking distance of 75 inches AFTER the point of impact.

Point is though, put in Joes place I bet you would be pretty miffed just as anyone would. Its human nature. Plus you state in your post, speed limits save lives and are there for a reason but at the same time admit to occasionally breaking the law. Thats what I personally would call hypocritical

Oh and how about some grammar/punctuation. After all you pointed out my retarded spelling.

And Bongo, you know as well as most people DJ didn't get hit by a normal driver doing normal everyday driving. He got hit by a scrote that was racing on a public road.

Edit: If i get caught speeding, I will be pissed off as anyone is when the recieve a fine for anything. But I won't blame other people.

Edited by Brisa
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Perhaps I own a dictionary just don't carry it about with me you knob!

Obviously speed plays a part in road accidents but its drivers not paying attention that do the damage.

If anyone should feel strongly about people speeding then I should be one of them. I got hit by a silly slag doing 45-50 in a 30. She didn't hit me because she was speeding. She hit me because she wasn't paying attention I know this as when the police investigated it they recorded a skid/tyre mark and braking distance of 75 inches AFTER the point of impact.

Point is though, put in Joes place I bet you would be pretty miffed just as anyone would. Its human nature. Plus you state in your post, speed limits save lives and are there for a reason but at the same time admit to occasionally breaking the law. Thats what I personally would call hypocritical

Oh and how about some grammar/punctuation. After all you pointed out my retarded spelling.

And Bongo, you know as well as most people DJ didn't get hit by a normal driver doing normal everyday driving. He got hit by a scrote that was racing on a public road.

Edit: If i get caught speeding, I will be pissed off as anyone is when the recieve a fine for anything. But I won't blame other people.

i didnt say anything about your spelling, as i know mine is not perfect. knob? whats the deal with that? again, people getting stressed becuase somebody else has a different opinion.

i am not a hyporcrit, because speed limits do save lives, i do not deny that, nor do i deny that i occasionaly go over the speed limit, but that wasnt my arument in my first post, my point is that you cannot moan for getting done for speeding?? i am sure i would be miffed, as you say, it is human nature, but i would be miffed with myself, not the police. after all they are employed to enforce the law.

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And Bongo, you know as well as most people DJ didn't get hit by a normal driver doing normal everyday driving. He got hit by a scrote that was racing on a public road.

Edit: If i get caught speeding, I will be pissed off as anyone is when the recieve a fine for anything. But I won't blame other people.

beyond the point. have a think at what i'm meaning.

not being funny, but you are looking at my post fromt the wrong perspective.


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i agree completley with bongo on this one, but fact is, we dont need to turn this into a post about DJ, and what happened. i am sure it isnt what em or his parents want to log on and see, they have heard the story enough. so i think we should close this now. Joe has admitted he is a mong, lol. We all have different opinions on this, and it is just going around and around. and joes insurance is going to be HUGE next year!!! (N)

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Fair enough love_trials, but you did tell me I needed a dictionary. Therefore I thought you were a knob. ( I apologise)

Bongo, still don't really see where your coming from  (N)

the dictionary comment was becuase it seemed like you didnt know the meaning of hypocrit, as i didnt thik i had said anything hypocritical. (i apologise too) i was only seeing what i had posted from my P.O.V not from any other perspective. so yeah.... joes insurance is gunna be silly next year (Y)

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I can honestly say I dont speed, not sinse I crashed anyway.

I think thats down to the fact that crashing knocked my confidence down, and also now I have a 23 year old fiesta to drive about in - which at its top speed of 60mph (65 down a hill before it gets too shakey) feels like your going light-speed.

Theres no rush at the end of the day. The difference in time between going 30mph and 40mph along a short stretch of road (like most 30's) is hardly worth the risk of getting caught (IMO (N))

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I'm guessing that Bongo meant that DJ got hit by something who was speeding. They didn't know he was going to be there and couldn't stop in time. Joe might not've been able to see someone and equally wouldn't have been able to stop in time.


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i was actually meaning that because joe just got done and nothing happened, he thinks it was ok to speed, whereas in DJ's situation, it was very wrong to speed because of the situation that arose from it.

Enough of it anyway. If you still don't understand me msn me so i don't begin dragging things up!

i'm off to the post office, and i will probably speed on the way.


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