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Street Running/parquor

Will Arnold

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me and a few mates from college went out (because the teacher wasnt there) and did some ace street running around bangor uni and around some streets n buildings, we really pushed each other :P

i was just wondering if anyone else from here has done it, and what do you think of it? what were your experiences?

cheers :huh:


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I jump off stupid things, and can jump stupid gaps

does that count?

But recently ive relised that i'm a trials rider

and ive lost all ablilitity to:


Eat properly

Play any form of game which includes balls :huh:"



Edited by Davetrials
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Set up and run by a load of my mates from school, they're now the 2nd biggest PK group in the UK

Oh, and Ashton is in this month's "Elle Girl" magazine, so take up every opportunity to laugh at him on their forums please!

Will post a copy of the article as soon as I can

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9'7" static gap between pallets, if anyone can beat that, I'll eat a shoelace.

That's not with a trials-forum tape measure by the way, would be critics  :(


How much of a down? (Y)

Seriously, if you can do that size static, that's immense. I can do 8ft, if I go any further I kill my ankles.

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9'7" static gap between pallets, if anyone can beat that, I'll eat a shoelace.

That's not with a trials-forum tape measure by the way, would be critics  :P


believe my bro when he says he can do that, he's had enough time on rides practicing because his bike breaks so much! :P

he can actually do it though, i wish i could :P

that gap was done on level ground in our back garden between a couple of pallets

Ben :P

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A couple of friends and me did this today in lunchtime... It's awesome fun and creates such a great atmosphere!

It's amazing how creative and expressive you can be by doing this, everyone pushes each other but in a friendly way... giving encouragement and really going crazy when someone pulls of something nice.

The really amazing thing is that it doesn't even really matter tall or short you are or whether your super fit or whatever. I mean sure it helps, but you just adapt.

For example I’m tall but for some reason (even though I ride trials a lot) I’m not very strong - these two things cancel each other out the same way that some people are short but strong... so in the end everyone is equal :P

It really is a quite brilliant experience messing around in the warm sun on a couple of walls... Might get some photos tomorrow.

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Ever since Jump London and Jump Britain were aired on telly, Belfast has been infested with Parkour enthusiasts.

I have noticed a few "Parkour" tags spray painted on walls around the city. I suppose in a way, tyre marks would be our tag.

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9'7" static gap between pallets, if anyone can beat that, I'll eat a shoelace.

That's not with a trials-forum tape measure by the way, would be critics  (Y)


yeh this guy is good !! he dose some silly shizzle


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Learn to roll when you drop, piece of piss and will double the height you can drop safely, and allow you to do big drop gaps  :lol:


I reckon aaroncosbey could give that a go. He's a bit springy when it comes this jumping about thing.

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