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Trials Injuries


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Did my ankle in about 6 weeks ago, stepped off the back of my bike and rolled over on it. Still swollen and in a fair bit of pain from it. Ruptured my calcaneofibular ligament (ligamnet that conects the fibula to the heel) apparently. Was in a cast for 2 1/2 weeks now its strapped up really tight. Doc recons i have lost about 20% of movement in my ankle as well. Will take 6 months for all swelling and pain to completley go, might be taking a trip to the physio soon to try and get some movment back.

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Did my ankle in about 6 weeks ago, stepped off the back of my bike and rolled over on it. Still swollen and in a fair bit of pain from it. Ruptured my calcaneofibular ligament (ligamnet that conects the fibula to the heel) apparently. Was in a cast for 2 1/2 weeks now its strapped up really tight. Doc recons i have lost about 20% of movement in my ankle as well. Will take 6 months for all swelling and pain to completley go, might be taking a trip to the physio soon to try and get some movment back.

Shit james, didn't realise it was that bad :P

Hope it gets better soon mate ^_^

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Well after reading all your sob stories I thought that I would come in and put you all to shame...ok admittedly some of those ankle stories do sound pretty bad. But I think most of you guys will appreciate this one:

So anyway, my name is Michael Orr and I am now 21. On my 17th birthday at about 9:45 a.m. I thought that I would go out for a little 2 hour session with a couple of friends before the days celerbrations kicked off. It was January the 27th 2001 and all seemed well........

I had been riding since the age of 14 but that was mainly dirt jumping with a bit of trials on the side. But at 15 I went solely into trials riding. So we were all at this spot which had several nice drops. One was about 5 foot, one about 6 foot and another at about 7.5 foot. I had only done the top one a few times and looking back I realise how lucky I am since I had never ever worn any sort of protection. The idea was to do each drop, getting progressively bigger in order to end up doing the 7.5 foot drop. I do the five foot drop and with no problems.....

I then start to think about how I really want to have excellent control and timing, so that I kick down on my pedal at the point at which my rear tyre is just about to fall off the wall when doing drop-offs. Also I wanted to approach the 6 foot drop having already done several pedal strokes, with my front wheel in the air. Then when my good foot comes round I would drop the front wheel over the edge and then kick down in a very slow and controlled manner. Sort of like a very controlled stand up wheelie to drop off...

So I do it once and all goes well. I do that same drop again but this time I am really concentrating on dragging my rear magura for uber control - I was doing this manouver at about 0.5 mph. So I am doing my super slow stand up wheelie, my front wheel is now off the edge and I am lowering to a height below that of the top line of the wall and my rear tyre is on the verge of falling off. My weight is well back and I am ready to kick down....or maybe not ^_^

I don't know if there was a bit of debris or something stuck to rear rim but the rear wheel suddenly locked up whilst I was dragging the rear brake. Unfortunately for me this was when the rear wheel was basically falling off the edge, awaiting my pedal stoke. The bike stopped, the rear tyre couldn't grip the wall any longer and it fell 6 feet to the ground. Whilst this was happening, the inertia had caused my body weight to continue moving forward and I was now falling with my body horizontal to the gound. This is hard to explain, since I don't know how to insert an image, but if you imagine this drop, then take my body and lay it out flat so that it is horizontal to the ground. My face is looking at the ground, my bike is below me and my toes, if pointed, would be pointing towards the top of the drop off. The bike below is laid sideways on the ground so that one end of the handlebars is stuck into the ground and the other end is pointing towards the sky. It' easy to imagine taking a metal pole and sticking it vertically into the ground.


I have now fallen with my full body weight onto the vertically sticking out handlebar. Lucky for me though that I had managed to soften the blow by using my testicles as a cushion. Whoopeedoo. Lucky me. So glad that I have done this at the age when all your privates (and seemingly the rest of me) have dropped and so are fully exposed to the world.

So basically I get up (just about) and think to myself. Hmm, now this doesn't feel right. I know it feels like there are several tungsten screw tipped nails embedded into my testicles but I sure don't see any. And why are they growing like that? Is this what hapens on your 17th birthday? Do your privates just suddenly grow into proper manly-sized privates? Oh no they don't. That'll just be the blood swelling up inside my testicle bag because I have ruptured the arteries inside it. Oh yeah, and the pain was unbeleivable. I could not walk, I was on the verge of passing out and the SLIGHTEST movement hurt. I actually reckon that I could feel the sound vibrations, due to people talking around me, making it hurt more. At this point I am the world's most advanced earthquake seisometer recorder. So several agonising minutes later and my mum has turned up to take me to hospital. I am basically delirious on the floor with a testicle on the right side of my ball bag and a tennis ball on the left. ''Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you.....''

At hospital they think that I have burst my left testicle and it is now about 1.5 tennis balls in mass. 'Luckily' for me (oh yes, how lucky I am) it is still just the blood gushing around with no where to go putting immense pressure on a sensitive and now very bruised area. Imagine the pain when you bang a finger and blood forms underneath your nail and you have to get it drill out. Now put about 0.5 pints of blood into your bruised testie sack. Anyone got a black and decker? They looked after me there for two days and decide that only rest will work and the blood will evetually set and then it will be carried away by the veins and gotten rid off by my body. Sounds easy doesn't it? Maybe all the male doctors couldn't stand to look at it incase they pucked up or something because every doctor and nurse who saw me was a women. Yeah, they all loved to see the freak show young guy with the huge testicle. Why not charge 50p a look? How about I get some celebrity to sign it and then in later life I can show it to my grandkids? If they really take a shine to it I might give it to one of them in my will, or donate it to the local cricket club - I hear that celebrity signed cricket balls are all the rave this season with the kids...

I am now in a wheel chair for the next 6 months whilst this beautiful proccess (i.e. my body taking the blood away naturally) takes effect and I have to wear an XXL jockstrap which JUST ABOUT fits them in. I cannot stand up do to the pain and sheer gravity that the bulbous mass below has created. I should mention that I was at college during this time (oh how they all laughed) and when I would go to class pencils on desks would move towards, me simply because of the gravitational field formed by my large mass below. Oh and the moons orbit was slightly affected too....

All that blood had scabbed internally and I would soooo be the worlds underfeated conker champion if anyone had the balls to challenge me (excuse the pun). It was rock solid.

Well anyway I'm now 21 and time has healed all wounds. Don't worry ladies it all works perfectly and there were never any scars and you wouldn't notice the difference (thank God). And after 4 years have gone (and many trips to Dr.Weinenburg the psychotherapist) I can now look back and laugh at the incident in question.

Gladly I didn't hit my face on the bars that day, but still I think hitting your privates is a close second...So be safe, wear a helmet....and a box, don't do very slow drop off wheelies and certainly don't go out riding on your 17th Birthday - I've cursed it for all of you now!

Yeah so that sprained ankle one of you lot were talking about sounds really bad.....hope it didn't hurt too much and cause you mental problems for the rest of your life. oh wait, that was me :P


p.s. The good side of it was that I could do wheelchair trials all over campus, race the other wheelchair disabled people to our own disabled toilets (no ques and they are huuuge inside!, plus they are always stocked with toilet paper and much cleaner than normals boys toilets) and then freak them out when they all saw me walking perfectly fine after 6 months of haaving a 'new disabled kid' to join the crowd. Plus going to shopping malls and bumping into chavs on purpose was fun - even they wouldn't dare hit a guy in a wheelchair. Not infront of all those people!

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did i really have to read all that? you could have just said 'i fell onto my handlebar and my bollock when to the size of 1.5 tennis balls for 6 months' ?

anyway, i completely understand that it must have been so annoying and embarasing!

unlucky man!


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I havn't had any major injuries from riding trials, all of mine have been from DH'ing.

I'm pretty sure my knees are getting bad, i ran up the stairs yesterday and fell over in pain haha!

The usual pedal/shin interface, as well as knee/stem etc.

I had the uncut seat tube on my Giant go up my, er, gooch area about a year ago...

That'll learn me to keep a mini seat on there ^_^

I think thats it.

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After Reading the above i think my balls just shrunk to the size of a peanut. I'm off to go buy a cup like what they use for cricket (Y)

I've smacked my balls several times, i have scares. but by far the worst was when i used to ride dirt, i crushed a bone in my throat area, i cant remember the name of it this was about 2 years ago. Also spent three days in hospital with two tubes that went up both nostrils right to the back of my throat to stop bleeding from braking my nose and bursting vains up there. When they said were going to pack it out to stop the bleeding i was all for it, until i realized they would be pushing tubes as wide as my nostril, up my nostril then inflating them to apply pressure on the vains.

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As I opened this topic, a song by Unkle called Ball Buster came on (Y) Check it out:

It's a piss take of an old advert.

The name of the game is Ballbuster!

It's a family game, fun for children,

And for adults, it's exciting!

You make strategic offensive and defensive moves

Then try to bust your opponent's balls!

It's as easy as checkers, but exacting like pool!

You're a ballbuster!

Ballbuster, a great new game from Mego!

Quite a coincidence :P

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be dacreful with ankle supports. if u get the fully supporting stuff, u don't excercise the ligaments properly, and it can make them even weaker. if theres anyone having to rely on supports, or with ankle injuries still givin u jip, i've got my physio (username 'physio') to post some information in trials chat Physio Advice. he's currently helpin a fair few trials riders (including me and will arnold) to strengthen their ankles back up, and is very welcome to chat to anyone who wishes to seek advice.

hopefully more references for him soon, as he's meetin tarty, fatmike, and spacemunkee for an assessment later today


Edited by guineasmithpig
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Just had an examination by Si Lord, nice guy, very knowledgable and talks in terms you can understand :(

Was impressed with my shoulder repair, for multiple dislocations.

Less impressive is the state of my left ankle, having not turned it over for a couple of months the diagnosis was that one of the tendons (the one shown in spacemonkeys post eariler) is attached to the wrong bit of the bone, must have happened when i really badly sprained it back in the school some 7 years ago :(

The treatment will consist of pulling the tendon back off the bone, positioning it in the right place and putting it in a cast for 2 weeks. Nice.

Anyway, i just want to say thanks again to Si for all the time and effort he put in to come up to Loughborough and the free exam.

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hey, just had the cast off after the treatment spoken of above. am quite literally shocked at the difference!!! feels pretty tight after 3 weeks immobilised, but i can put weight on it eeeeeeeasy, and can walk already!! was a real mess 2 weeks ago before procedure and casting! am doin the 15min walk to work in the mornin for the first time in weeks!!!

nice to hear u guys had a productive session with simon. he really is a top bloke


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i missed out! :( Fecking group screwed up the heating calculations for our engineering design project. Our so called low energy eco friendly building over heats to 58 degrees so spent all afternoon re-educating people. Hopefully get something sorted soon though sounds like everyone got their selves fixed up with a diagnosis/exercises.

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My worst injures was pedal to shin as it cut all the way up you could see fat tissue and bone as my mate said (Y) , lol i was only bunnyhopping aswell, feet slipped off. Then it was my right wrist, was trying to get up a high wall when I was poo, got up but when i lifted the bike i strained a nere or something on my right wrist, proper killed, couldn't lift any thing heavy, when i turned my hand it still hurt. But i kept riding and it took a while to heal but then and again it still hurts.

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Thanks for theote of confidence sam! Most things were pretty difficult but as long as I was sitting in the wheelchair there was no direct strain (of gravity or otherwise) on my bits so i was ok. So when i wanted to go to the toilet i would have to sit on the loo and not stand up. That obviously applies to number 1's and 2's...

In both cases i would have to hold.....umm..my prosthetic udder... in my hands so that it wasn't hanging down and being pulled on.

As for sleep, well that didn't really happen for me too much. i always sleep on my side which simply wasn't possible as my legs would crush them a bit. so if this happend in the middle of the night it would hurt ALOT.

So the only other thing to do was to lay on my back. so i had to lay with my legs open in the same way a pregnant lady giving birth would be (the funny thing is you think im kidding!) and then have a pellow under my 'bits' for support.

feel better now? (Y)


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