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New Porthcawltrials Video


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very nice :D

took aaaaages to download (Y)

anyways...some big sidehops, bumps and gaps....i especially like that sidehop to pedal :P . Take off and landing looked nasty :D . You picked some nice lines on the rocks...kept it "flowy"..

i recognise soo many of those places from the tricks and stunts videos :( . Must be great to actually live there :D"

Well done! Oh, and i suppose you have to ride an ashton if you live in Porthcawl? I wouldn't mind :S


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boss :angry:(Y)



good flowing styles

BIG stuff!!!

best vid in agers

Took ages to d/l but its a Porthcawl Trials Video and Ivor is top (N)

Great vid, nice mix of all types of riding in there and mental moves all round!

Gav's got so much back wheel control its not even funny, its like he could sleep standing up in a trackstand it just looks like hes meant to be there :)

Nice vid as always though, hope to see more (N)


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oo dear i think i may have soiled myself. (N) that was f**kin great boys (N) gotta come up for a ride some times, gav u have got too good now. that big rock u backwheeled, we were front hoking it and u go and backwheel the f**ker :angry: , well done dude, cyaa soon boyos. what songs was that too, was good.

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Haha, beat you Kyle, I managed to get a whopping 8Mb.

From the ride or two I had with Gav and the Porthcawl lot a few weeks back, the quality of riding that people are describing really doesn't surprise me. Me and Carl Pinkham had been out riding, and Gav turned up after finishing work, and we just went out for a late night ride in Porthcawl. Gav was just doing some mental stuff (one hop-up a bin from a super-tech, really f**king awkward run-up, to properly huge gap to a bench...) just straight off, first time. He's just a machine. Seeing him trying this one line (which you can almost see in the "Ashtonhawyes.avi" Halfords vid) which was pretty tech was pretty impressive too. The first part was a pretty big sidehop to two wheels, then riding along, doing a gap onto a thinner, lower wall, then turning round and doing it up (it's the one Ashton does that 360 tap down in the vid). But yeah, he was having some trouble doing it 'cos it was dark and windy, but he just kept doing this huge sidehop like he was just hopping up a curb. Boy's got skills :angry:

Plus he's a top guy too, gave me a lift back to Sparky's house after Sparky decided that enduring food poisoning at home was better than out at Porthcawl, and thus leaving me in Porthcawl sans transport.

From the 1:40 I can see, it looks pretty awesome (N)


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Hey guys thanks for all the + feedback,

Its been a very long time since there was a vid up from porthcawl and i was surprised myself when ivor rang me to say he had done a vid and put it up!

Massive thanks to ivor and i got my new longer justice now so wont be to long till we churn out a vid of me on that!

Anyways cya around!


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Yeah, no joke. I think there must be something in the Porthcawl water, 'cos he was sound as a pound too! Again, when Mark had to head off home and I was in Porth on my own, he invited me round to his place, apparently let me beat him at Downhill Domination (I owned, realistically :angry:), and also gave me one of his last 2 Bombay BadBoy Pot Noodles (N)

Off topic again, that "Marklar" episode of South Park dominated...


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Somebody put it on Trials-Shack? Pretty please with a cherry on the top, maple syrup and sugar :angry:

EDIT: Got it! Now thats what I call a video! Awesome, love Gav's style! Ive not heard from Mr Shrewsbury in a while, anybody know what hes up to?


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yeah please do( put it on trials shack), it just froze on me, grrr i really really really wanna see this vid! going by the comments so far its mint!

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Yep i do use a pretty easy gear, its the comps that have turned me to use a lighter gear,

I normally use 20t on the front and 18t on the back, but i found with the new bike i have had to use 20t on the front but go one lighter on the back to 19t now!

Shrewsbury's pc is busted again so thats why no one has hered from him in a little while!

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