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lol funniest topic ever!

I get the dreams where you fall over, im usually walking down the road or something, then trip over, wait till i just above the ground then wake up like :'( with me right leg in the air :( i think its because i twitxh so me leg flyes up, but its like :lol: ......wtf's my leg doing?

Great fun, i had a twitch in me eye in me last history exam, drove me mad! i was sat there for 1 hour with a stupid twitching eye! oh well, passed the time on :P


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I heard a voice from my cupboard in my room once, or wardrobe or whatever, I'm usually a rational person, as in if it isn't proven by science it isn't real. The voice said "Is anybody in Carl" I f**king shat myself, I was awake all night sweating like f**k, shaking. f**k me that was scary.

Yeah man. I might be 16 but I get shit scared in the dark in unfamilliar places.

When I in france last year I was sleeping in a converted barn with a glass door on it, I woke up in the middle of the night in the middle of the country with no lights or streetlights on anywhere and swear that I heard someone walking along the tiled floor bellow me. I just thought "nah its my mind messing" and I was staring out of the door and looking at the fireplace and trying to make out shape and swear I saw a face. Then I pulled the cover over my head and then was sweating like a beatch but was too scared to lift the duvet to get air. Was one of the scariest times in my life.

f**king wimp,


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I've had a few, it's exactly like it sounds really, you just manual everywhere, I mainly seem to do it round my town centre, it's a great feeling, probably helps your balance in the same way conscious visualisation does, but having said that I can't manual in real life for love or money...


Yeah. Damn I want to be able to manual well! I have manual dreams at least once a month. And then I am really disappointed when I go and ride and I discover I can't manual for shite! :shifty:

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sometimes when im lying in bed i visualise moves i wanna do, this makes me twitch like hell, its mainly when im like half asleep and half awake.

Same with me, it's never when you fully asleep. Weird. I was half asleep on the sofa, and i did one massive twitch becuase in my head i have just fallen of my bike.

Twitch in the eye, I get that :shifty:

Yeah, whats the deal with that, ever look in the mirror when it's twitching? :shifty:

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Manual dreams dominate. It's just like the coolest feeling...

Someone I know fell off in a manual dream. Maybe it's like how apparently if you die in your dream, you die in real life :shifty: Maybe he'll never manual again!

Know someone too (might be the same person?) who had a nose-manual dream. Weirdo.

Probably bats for the other team.

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One being my mate niall (trialskid) now he has one awsome twitch. He does it all the time. It is sort of a head shake from side to side. He says its to get his hair out of his eyes but he's had his hair cut. Its awsome he's just talking about summat and he's going off on one twitching. Its like his trademark twitch, signiture twitch even.

I get terrible twitches in bed, thing is it makes it worse being in a bunk bed so whenever I get one of those falling off a kerb or tripping ones I headbut my ceiling. Its horrible.

Manual dreams, I started having these after I did around a half a mile manual. I think it kinda stuck in my mind because I was chuffing about it. Manual dreams just go on and on till you wake up.

I do have occasional twiches in my arms and legs, but their really small and quick ones which are annoying.

I know a fatmike who has an awsome twich. :shifty:"

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ever had a dream when your like walking about somewhere........and you get into a fight, yet you try punching them but they become really slow and weak and you cannot harm them.........that sucks.

haha yeah I got that once...

When I was like 8 or so, I had a dream where these dodgy monster things grabbed me and I tried to shout etc but nothing came out..but they didnt do anything...we all just stood there. (Y)

God i'm weird (Y)

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  • 2 weeks later...

I used to always get the same dream, where i try hopping up to manual on a big ass wall, and i try to feather the back brake and theres nothing there. sUCkS. So I jerk awake, and my braking finger's twitching. GaHY. Still get them occasionally.

It's what you get when you've ridden 6 years I guess.

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forgot all about this topic, i've had the manual dream once its actually quite scarey how real that dream feels. You wake up thinking.. my god i've cracked it, then get on your bike and your still as shocking (Y)

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I have weird dreams, quite a few are me being able to fly if i flap my arms hard enough, its always in a big kitchen, with my mum telling me to come down and have breakfast... weird. (Y)

Sometimes I dream I'm being chased, and it feels like i'm trying to run through water and I don't get anywhere, or im trying to drive to get away, and my fingers fall off so i cant steer, but i carry on like its normal, pick up my fingers and stick them back on, but then i realise ive stuck the on the wrong way round and i can bend the wrong way and stuff. :D

The other dream I have is that i start to bite down on my teeth, and I cant stop, and i bite harde and harder until my teeth crack and then drop out one by one.

The horrible thing is that it feels so real. :-

The best dreams, and I've only had it once, is when you realise that your dreaming in your dream, and you can do anything you want. Its really weird, you just know that your asleep and that you can make your mind imagine anything you want. At the time I fancied a girl from school, so no prizes for guessing what i chose to dream about... :D

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I get terrible twitches in bed, thing is it makes it worse being in a bunk bed so whenever I get one of those falling off a kerb or tripping ones I headbut my ceiling. Its horrible.

Hurts don't it lol

Try having one of those falling dreams on top bunk, headbutting the headboard thing (solid oak!) and almost falling off the bed. Isn't nice.

I get that twitchy thing in my eye alot, im supposed to have a lazy eye so thats prabably why. Dunno if i twitch in bed, but I do get super cramp in both thighs which is a complete wanker because I wake everyone up with all that swearing I tend to do :">

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If I fall asleep like resting on a desk or table or something I sometimes just randomly shack and it wakes me up......Ive done it at school a few times  :turned:

yeah that sucks. you put lods of effort in and they dont even feel it! Dreams are craaaaaaaazy!

I hate it when you need help, or something, you shout, and your voice doesnt work! NOOOOOOOO!

I used to sleep walk, and ended up waking up sat in the bathroom sink, and i sleeptalk. everyone whos been in the room get scared, or have whole conversations with me. i have no idea when i wake up.

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I think it is just certain positions, I had it the other day with my finger. It wouldn't stop flicking up and down. I thourght it was really cool though. Also I have had leg spasems before and apparetly it is when you dont drink enough water and then youdont move for a long time, then try to move.

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Does any one else get the twitches in your eye? feels like a bug is in your eye? I don't know what that is either  :turned:

i have issues. :D

yeh i get that from time to time. apparantly it has something to do with lack of sleep....... (Y)"

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argh i hate the random twitches, i get it in my legs really bad and the most annoying is my eye! its nasty, and it likes to do it when i put my contact lens in! I guess it could be to do with lack of sleep but even when i sleep i can feel myself moving sometimes :turned: i think i'm just random and wierd!

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eye twitches and contacts suck so bad it's unbelievable.

once you twitch, you'll do it again, next time you try get the contact in the eye. third time you keep your eye still, but the smallest dust particle sits on the contact, causing a stinging, cutting sensation on the eye, so you need to take the damn contact out again.


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