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Msn Messenger 8.0 Beta


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MSN Live 8.0 (new name)

Patch to make it work (proxy patch, runs advert on desktop :) :- )

A-Patch, to get rid of all the adverts and junk

Would only recomend upgrading if you're interested, it's still only beta, and needs to run through proxy to connect, and it seems to add everyone to your contacts list you've ever had lol...

Enjoy! :-

Sorry If already posted, search won't let me look for something as short as '8'...

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The passport ID used to sign in is not allowed access to this Beta version of Messenger. 810003cc

Installed both patches too :P :) :- :P

EDIT: Haha..oops, I closed the MSNP13 Downgrader thing first time :-

EDIT: Don't like it, I prefer 7.5 :)

Edited by Dan6061
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so right..youve gotta download all of them three things just to make it work without adverts :)

thats silly haha <_<

You have to download those things to make it work... adverts nothing to do with it.

The proxy thing didnt work for me last time i tried it and i dont like the way it works so i wouldnt recommend this.

Yeah you have to leave the proxy running, it's a pain in the ass.

It's novel but nothing amazing.... I'm still running 7.5 mainly because I don't want 300 odd people on my contacts list who shouldn't be there.

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MSN8... What new ways have they introduced so people can f**k you around whilst you're trying to talk to them this time? Must work pretty long hours at MSN-HQ to come up with ways to top the shit-ness of MSN7.5 <_<

"What would people want our product for?"

"Well, to talk to their friends?"

"But what about getting pissed off by huge emoticons that jump out and take away the attention from whatever they're doing?"

"Yeah, and what about having it so it shakes your MSN window about loads too?"

"How about making it so f**king retard chav kids can have the 'OO's from Google's name appear when they type o?"

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