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First find a slight uphill and figure which is your good foot that you find most comfortable having in front. Keeping your pedals about level with the ground, turn your wheel away from your pedals about 40 degrees. Then try and maintain your position on the slope by pushing lightly on your front pedal. A rocking motion will help you out and apply the front brake when you feel its necessary.

The main thing is just to practice and you’ll have them as long as you want before you know it.

Hope this helped.

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Nah, don't bother trying, your just wasting your time. It'll come naturally as you ride/progress/get the feel of the bike.

I agree, just mess about hopping / riding up steps, over logs and people if they are willing.

Trackstanding will just come naturaly. :turned:

Edited by JT!
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if your left foot is foward then turn bars 45degree or so to the the right

if your right foot is foward then turn bars 45 degree or so to the left

keep your lead foot above horizontal with your chainstay and gently push down on lead foot to roll fowards but keep your lead foot above the chainstay

this is best tried on a slight slope as you can rock back and forth with the slope and your foot pushing down on the pedal remember pratice is the key and everything will take time to learn

hope my tips have helped you mate


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If you feel you are going to go over the back when wheelie-ing, tap your rear brake and it'll bring the front down :turned:

I'm also in the process of learning trackstands. I can do em for a bit (20 seconds-ish I guess) but then I lose it! I really wanna learn how to pedal kick, they look so good!

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I'm also in the process of learning trackstands. I can do em for a bit (20 seconds-ish I guess) but then I lose it! I really wanna learn how to pedal kick, they look so good!

lernt how to pedal hop 1st day out just ask your mates for loads of helps abd pointers

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try trackstanding with your front wheel against a wall this way you can find the balance point. once youve got your balance point lose the wall and use a curb you should be able to rest there for 10 seconds

once you can do both of these comfotably then try it on a slight uphill this will let you ease into it rather than

throwing yourself in the deep end.

This should help Gavyn :'(

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