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Gay Trialys

Mr Motivator

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thats so true :P

i am one of the oldest on forum, I have a full time job + plus a long term girlfriend. I ride my bike up, down, scross walls and stuff. I do it because its fun to me! Its escapism really, some people play computer games, some play an instrument, some are into films, drinking, etc, etc... i couldn't give a shit if its deemed as cool or anything. People enjoy different things, we enjoy riding our bikes!

you sir , have your prioritys right

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individuality......................is where it is at.

excuses of people wearing what they wear has nowt to do with it. i go out with akrigg sometimes and what we/he wears through the day he will wear riding he wont go get changed into a track suit. same as me, i ride in what is comfortable weather it suits anyone on here do i give a shit???? obviosly not. but what you have to look at is trials can go in many different ways and areas BMX DH etc etc mainly go in one direction id say bmx is the only one where there is more than one option. but hey its this type of shit that makes the "difference" between trials/bmx/dh riders etc etc.

what happens if there is 20 trials riders and one BMXer???? he doesnt get ripped cos he is different he is accepted to ride with them. i just dont get peoples views or opinions but its not something that is going to change my perspective on trials, it wouldnt make me think oh shit he just said im gay im off home to cut my wrists and throat.

Rise above it, and dont lower yourself to their standards pulling off crazy moves and doing things to keep your mind off what there saying is soooooooooooo much better, they will probably stop annoying you in the end!!!! haha. cos they will think oh he aint listening to me. its simple.


i really enjoy riding with people on 20" trials 24" trials/street bike and bmx etc etc, it adds a bit of a feel to the ride you can watch and learn off other peoples styles and how they approach things. thats how i interpret it anyway.

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The one thing that stuck with me was:

Explain, define proper?

Rob, what you talking about he doesn't mean "proper", he means "propper"...

By the sounds of things, it's a completely different word that im guessing would loosely translate from "ned speak" as ""cool""...

Meh, i don't get slagged for riding trials....

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thats all true!! seriously...

bmx is only seen as cool by the civvies because they do backflips :P once someone does a flip drop then trials will be cool :)

edit: i can't really type today

Just so jon doesnt take all the glory for that.. it was indeed me who wrote it :)

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I dont see how bmx is cooler.. a bike is a bike.. you know.. some tubes welded together with that great invention the wheel attached at either end.


Right, let's just step up from making pointless remarks like that, yeah? If we didn't perceive a frame as being anything other than just tubes welded together, why would you go for, say, a Curtis frame over a cheap little generic frame? Why would you spend, say, £400 or whatever on a Leeson when you could get a Base for like £120 or however much they are? If we're not just being pedantic tools, you can see that it's obviously not just "some tubes welded together" :P

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me and my mate used to get some evil looks while riding our trials bikes in our local sk8park (R.I.P. APE)..... that was until we started riding their ramps better than they were :) * 15ft high wall ride (Y) * in the end they accepted us, and we used to just ride with them, and they'd treat us the same, as if we were on BMXs

Edited by street trials rider
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people who make fun of trials usually see it , reallise they cant do it and to defend there riding ability(whatever disipline of riding) by making fun of it. and i have to agree with rob warner on the fact that there is nothing laimer than riding 9" travel bikes along planks of wood at 2 miles an hour (north shore) in full body armour. and as for this "style" thing that iv been told bmx'ers have who cares i ride in whatever i would wear any other time, most bmx'ers around where i live (cardiff) are emo's and therefor there is no way i would ever consider being "fashionable" as someone said in a previous post.

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Hmm another interesting topic....

Well as waynio quite rightly said its about indviduallism. Wear what you want, ride what you want and (within the limits of the law) do what you want. THAT IS NORMAL

If everyone who liked bikes was a bmxer, god this world would be cr*p (Y) everyone doing the same moves and looking the same.

....Yeah I got interrupted at this point and lost my train of thought, so just ignore them and say their mum smells

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Lycra would have a lot of advantages for trials riders in that if it fits properly it gives you a lot of freedom of movement without excess material or having material flapping around everywhere, yet not many people here would be seen dead riding in lycra, and people here even make fun of comp riders using it. Hypocrisy, anyone?

I would wear lycra if others would!

I regularly take the piss out of people for wearing silly goth clothes and make-up , mismatched burberry ensembles and flares. I also take the piss out of fat people , stupid people and ugly people. This is because I'm a b*****d not because they choose to ride a stupid little bike with no seat.

I take the piss out of everyone too, but its mainly because everyone nowadays feels the need to make fun of people and laugh at their expence, even if they are not perfect. I've never really understood this, but it does make school fun!

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Thing is, me and my friends regulary take the piss out of each other for riding trials. As in, in our group of trials riders. (Y) "Haha, look, you've got a seat sized for an elf" "Haha, you have a seat sized for you're penis; non existant". For example. We just laugh and joke about it.

Anyone thats been on a ride with us will vouche for this. We couldn't care less, we have fun and get on with riding. I pick up the clothes that are on the top of the pile and get on with it.

If someone pokes fun at what i do, i agree with them. If i took what i do seriously and cared what people think, i wouldn't be doing what i do.

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l.. i tell you whats cool.. napoleon dynamite .. f**king fact. He didnt need to ride a bike to be amazing

(Y) loving it

i dont care if trials is cool or not, its fun , thats all that matters

f**king word. why does tit matter if you look silly in your helmet? your having fun. alot more then most of the youth of england at the minute.


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Although I do not have a trials bike yet I fully understand what you are talking about. I still get insulted by others and I ride BMX! One of the most common remarks I get is, "why do you ride flatland and not street? You must be scared to jump." Another comment I get is, "Don't you think your too tall for that little bike." I usually just ignore them. It will be difficult for some of you to get away from the bad comments because you guys are apart of a riding scene that is still very small and is just starting to breaking into the mainstream. The only reason why BMX riders get more respect(sometimes) is because it's on television. When the first wave of bmxing ended after the eighties if you rode BMX you were considered a complete loser.

Keep riding,

Deadly Venom

Edited by deadly venom
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it doesn't matter in the slightest what you wear really because in the end its your own choice how you choose to dress, I dress in the clothes i feel most compfortable in when riding trials that wont get in the way of what i'm doing and clothes that i think are easy to ride in like

fairly tight jeans (too keep them out of the way of my chain , getting caught on stuff etc) and a nackerd old baggy t-shirt (so i can keep cool and move easilly) and pair of trainers (good hard wearing ones so they don't get wrecked quickly but also compfortable)

But when i arn't riding I wear my more expensive better looking clothes that i don't want to get wrecked etc. I don't see any problem at all with what people wear because I wear what i like so why can't they?

I also prefer my ''gay'' mtb helmet with 10 million air vents and a visor on because i find them more compfortable than piss pots, i found that piss pots made my head itch and i got too hot and ended up getting headaches etc so i got an mtb helmet and i love it, nice and cool, doesn't make my head itch and very compfortable!

also I don't see why people say that trials is gay, I ride trials but i also love doing dirt jumping and if I wasn't such a poor b*****d I'd try BMX aswell because I think they all look really cool and are very fun to do! Its like the whole

" we hate gay on a tray skater gays that ride bits of wood cus they're gay and i say that they're gay and thats all that matters so nahhh!" that goes on around my area, most skaters that I know appriciate the level of skill trials takes like I appriciate the level of skill that skate boarding takes. Of course you do get the random uncle nob heads thattake the piss out of you but just ignore them and get on with your life!

Like if Vincent hermance rode blinged up to the eyes with necklaces and rings in a burberry tracksuit you would't take the piss out of him because he's an amazing top class rider. Even if he was dressed like a big chav!

I also get stick off people on motorbikes and in cars aswell saying I should get of my push bike and get a motor *rolls eyes*

anyways rant over!


ToM (Y)

Edited by mr ailsbury
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I have had a good time reading htis thread, theres been some good points raised and some bull, and ive had a laugh. i do love a good TF debate :'( . better put my opinion in!

Luckily, i havent had too much of a problem with people taking the piss, or calling me gay. the only time ive seen it has been on rides and chavs walk past ect.

I have respect for every dicipline in cycling, they are all hard in there own way. i have a variety of rigs, and people (non bikers) ask me why becaus they look so similar, all 26" mtbs, but ive got an XC rig, a trials rig and a jump/street rig. for me the jump rig has good memorys, its the first bike i custom built, and i learnt so much on it. even though i don't use it much anymore, i cant bare to let it go. i did everything on it, a bit of trials, dh, jumping, street, even xc lol.

People are often jelous because they can't do something, this is probably what creates insults ect. i just chill, and say fair play to you! make love not war lol.

now i love trials as its what a lot of my local friends were doing when i was gettting into mtb's. i think its a great disipline, has a very friendly feel, group rides are alway a laugh, and it gives you amazing bike handling skills which you can transfer to other riding disciplines. Im glad to see the bmx influence entering trials, it shows that we are becoming excepted, and a lot of bmx'ers i know are ex trialsers, or really do respect trials, if they dis us its a joke, hey, everyone entitled to that. i love watching bmx, and i wish i could do that kinda thing, its just not for me. confidence is my downfall (i dont have much), and ive never got on with small bikes, dunno why, mods and bmxs just feel so wrong to me.

but i have to say, my favorite thing to do on my bike is to go out on a warm summers evening on my xc bike, and apreciate the countryside. im not fit enough to race, i doubt i ever will be, i just love cruzing, challenging my self with the hills, and blasting down the otherside. for me, nothign beats the thrill of a long climb rewarded by a great view. i stop get off my bike and just think, its so amazing, i just forget about everything and listen/watch the world before blasting it home. so hard to describe.

as people have said, its about having fun, and doing what you enjoy. it doesnt matter what you wear or what you ride (i used to try and ride trials on a saracen full sus while wearing what i now consider horrible clothes, but at the time they were comfy lol!).

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tehy slate us because theyre jelous....

any <unt can stand on a bike and fall down a hill, which lets face it, is the basis of freeride/DH, and xc is just a 'whos eaten the most pasta this morning' sport....

ive NEVER been slated for riding trials....

its a cool sport! any kid on the street can relate to DH or XC, as its just extreme forms of riding along....

trials is something 99% of people will NEVER be able to do....

I now ride bmx and I dont slate trials riders, I jsut find trials boring compared to bmx but thats it.

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ok your gonna side hop.

situation 1 your wearing your set of levi jeans and hop.

situation 2 your wearing a set of jogging bottoms and hop.

now which will be easier. the jogging bottoms. clothes are clothes.

if anything bmx'er are more homo because they have to be wearing the right set of howies jeans before they hit the skatepark with there "chums". when you enter the park. "NICE PAIR OF JEANS MAN, CAN I SUCK YOU OFF" homo written all over it. lol.

trials for the winzors!!111onetwelve


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if anything bmx'er are more homo because they have to be wearing the right set of howies jeans before they hit the skatepark with there "chums". when you enter the park. "NICE PAIR OF JEANS MAN, CAN I SUCK YOU OFF" homo written all over it. lol.

I've still found less fashion in BMX than people here ever say? There are a few riders who are all "Is my T stripey enough" and shit like that, but then there's the fashion victims in trials too anyway...

It's still more the people than the sport (Y)

Anyways, trails does actually take some skill. To get smooth, and learn to do tricks and stuff like that doesn't just happen overnight. Developing a decent style takes a long time too, and even then some people don't get it. At least they work on riding actually being nice and flowy instead of the horrible style a large group of the "nu skool" riders have here (refering more to 'pure' riders than street riders).

Although seeing as people here can't be arsed actually thinking about stuff properly, "yeh, trialz iz the bistest lolz"...

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ok your gonna side hop.

situation 1 your wearing your set of levi jeans and hop.

situation 2 your wearing a set of jogging bottoms and hop.

now which will be easier. the jogging bottoms. clothes are clothes.

My Levi's jeans makes me twice as smooth and adds 4" to my sidehops. try it (Y)

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Right, let's just step up from making pointless remarks like that, yeah? If we didn't perceive a frame as being anything other than just tubes welded together, why would you go for, say, a Curtis frame over a cheap little generic frame? Why would you spend, say, £400 or whatever on a Leeson when you could get a Base for like £120 or however much they are? If we're not just being pedantic tools, you can see that it's obviously not just "some tubes welded together" (Y)

Because of geometry

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