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The Enlightened Way To Half Term Cooking


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Well Im sure that the people still in school who are home alone are pretty bored of eating chicago town mini pizzas, so im going to give you a recipe of mine which has kept me fat for a few years now.

You will need:

1 tin of hotdogs (as thin as possible so they wobble)

1 loaf of thick bread

1 oven

1 baking tray

1 knife to cut bread

1 rolling pin

1 pair of hands

1 tin opener

OK first things first, if you cant use a knife because you're not allowed to then dont, just find a pair of plastic scissors and use them instead. Also, ovens tend to become hot when in use, so please take care to to burn yourself (like I did today). A trained first aider is also optional.

Get enough slices of bread as there are hotdogs in your tin, IE in my tin of 8 hotdogs I used 5 slices.

Only joking, 8 slices. You cant eat the remaining slices, or freeze it and throw it at someone (Y)

OK make sure the break isn't frozen and cut the crusts off. Unfortunatly you won't be needing these so unless you can think of another use for them, throw them in the bin. Now you have some white squares in front of you. Grab the rolling pin, run outside and wave it around and the nearest person. Then come back in and begin flattening the bread slices. I prefer to roll over them with the utensil, but some psychotic loonies may prefer to just bash the f*ck out of them. Either way just make them as flat as possible.

Now use the tin opener to, yep you guessed it, open the tin of hot dogs.


You may want to add flavouring onto the bread at this point to give it...well...flavour


Take a hot dog out and lay it at one end of a flattened slice. Now roll it/wrap it and place it at the edge of the baking tray so it doesn't roll out. Do this for all of the dogz B)

Now turn the oven on using your pair of hands. For fan assissted ovens, I dunno, sit back and feel the breeze I guess. Turn the power to about midway (meh it doesn't REALLY matter) and pop the tray in middle shelf. Now, count to 5 minutes, or if you're clever use a pinger to do it for you. Turn the tray around at this time, and cook for a further 5 minutes. Take the tray out with your pair of hands (insulated by someone else hands of course) and peel them off the tray

Eat and enjoy. Enjoyment is the crucial bit too (Y)

There we go, I've fed you now :)

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What about ketchup! Freak! lol

Sounds nice :) I'll have them on Wendesday when I'm off work :)

I'll leave feedback, but they better be god damn nice. Its my birthday on Wends, don't ruin it for me!

Oh, by the way. do you heat up the hot dogs in that brine shit before putting them in the oven? Or are you just oven cooking them?

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you cant beat this recipe

2 sausages

2 slices of bacon(smoked)

2 slices of cheese

2 slices of bread

stick everything on the bread shove it in a oven for 7 min

or put it in a toasty machine :) yummmmmmmmmmmmmmm

In spain (La Manga, southern spain) there is a pub that does them. They're stupidly nice! No sausage though, just the bacon, cheese on top in a lightly toasted french stick, and then, obviously, covered in kethup. Feckin gorgeous.

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In spain (La Manga, southern spain) there is a pub that does them. They're stupidly nice! No sausage though, just the bacon, cheese on top in a lightly toasted french stick, and then, obviously, covered in kethup. Feckin gorgeous.

i just did it by mixing all my favourite toasties in one :D

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Cook some oven chips (big fat ones obviously)

butter 2 slices of bread

then put grated cheese on

wack back in the oven until the cheese melts

take out and scrape off cooking tray

put all the chips and cheese in between the bread (add tomato or brown sauce) and squash together then munch away

(also if you have any cooked ham or chicken in the fridge stick that in with the cheese when you melt it)

Edited by mr ailsbury
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If your parents are happy to leave you all alone in their house I would consider it a blessing. Unfortunately wen my folks went away I had to sleep with their folks, but managed to "stay with a friend" and have a party at mine! :D These doggy toast things wudda been ideal when evryone started roaming for food.

Anyway, to end, got found out and now Im in the shit (Y)


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I wonder who'll be the first to open the official TF "Got f**king horrific food-poisoning" thread :P

maybe but don't blame me for that :P cant sue me cos im a f*cking lunatic

Alex, shoving loads of things in a microwave and pressing go is just not stylish.

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