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Chris King Rear Hub


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hi people i just wondered if its worth getting a chris king rear hub i ride a rear profile mini cassett at the moment i just wanted to no if its worth upgrading so if anyone has a chris king rear hub can u please post telling me how good they are or are not ?

thanks tom

Edited by Greeny
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Hi there :)

I have recently brought a chris king bmx rear bum, and i must say they are awsome. I used to ride a profile, and i can tell the difference straight away with the engagements. by the profile have 36 is it :S correct me if i am wrong. and the chris king which i have now contaning 72, which is a bid defference. also the price is a big defference as well :P

hope this information helps you decide.

Cheers Joe (Y)

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36 engagements u talk out your arse joe its more like 48 and kings feel sick like there in a too hard gear and if there so good why did u have to take yours to bits joe ?

Funny that is because profiles on a 12 tooth cog have a harder gear ratio than a king on a 12 tooth cog :-

And he said ''correct me if im wrong''

so stop being a fanny, and talking if im quite honest the biggest load of dog shit i have heard for some time :rolleyes:

Edited by squince
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If you get a new one don't go big ust run it in etc for few weeks then servis it.

Sometimes when i used to kick it would just be as if the chain was off and i can tell you it friggin hurts.

So when youget it servis it with finish line or just wd40, i did and it hasn't skiped for 6 months.

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36 engagements u talk out your arse joe its more like 48 and kings feel sick like there in a too hard gear and if there so good why did u have to take yours to bits joe ?

Profiles have 72 when they get to the cranks :- .

Work it out, they have a smaller cog on the back. The profile hub spins all the way around while the cranks spin just over half way around and completing 48 engagements. When they spin around the fully you get's 72 engagements.

So the cranks spin around once and the profile hub spins around roughly one and a half times.

Catch my drift?

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Profiles have 72 when they get to the cranks :- .

Work it out, they have a smaller cog on the back. The profile hub spins all the way around while the cranks spin just over half way around and completing 48 engagements. When they spin around the fully you get's 72 engagements.

So the cranks spin around once and the profile hub spins around roughly one and a half times.

Catch my drift?

yer i have heard this somewhere else in a topic. and they said it also means the chris king has somthing like 108. so still means the king has more. but lets just stick to how many it has at the hub so people dont get confussed.

o yer and on topic kings are better (Y) but if you got a profile just stick wit it for awhile yet

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profiles rule, as do enos, and as do kings, you get what you pay for i guess, in my opinion theres no need to upgrade when you already have one of the top hubs at the moment. perfect your gapping technique first rather than just hoping that buying a new hub will get you an extra foot because it wont, it takes even longer to get used to the new hub (Y) not saying thats why you want one but really, stick with your profile for the time being, infact why do you want a king, are there any problems with the profile? :P(Y)

cheers Jonny.

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hey tom i see people are talking about you as if your a amateur and everyone hes not... he can gap alot further than my height and im a basketball player about 6ft 5" although i trials with him he seems to think hes needs the best to be the best but whats wrong with profiles ust keep it mate no need for CK just yet... =)


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There isn't much point paying the excess you don't need it a profile is just ass good there a lot stronger and don't need as much tender care. but yeah they are possibly the best hub's but they are skip happy and are not realy worth the price tag IMO .


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