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Anyone for some Nike tick scarification? :-

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Theres mine......6 foot drop + left crank snaped + my other foot pushing the right crank down = Left snaped pointy crank faceing up and going through my leg


Well it was pritty funny

wish i could of got a piccy when it was cut but my mum was freaking out enough :D

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I have a nice circle scar just below my rib cage were I dropped the front wheel and landed on handle bar.

It was not a tickle I can tell you that much I will try and get a picture for you.


Ive got a small circle scar at the top of my chest from where I landed on the end of my bars aswell

Didnt have any bar ends on either, was lucky it didnt go in :)

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I have loads, Just not sick enough to take photos :P

Ive had a lever blade stuck in my leg...

Smashed head on stem, causing me to need stitches, and yes i was wearing a helmet..

May take photos laters :mellow:

cheers andy

Hehe, I saw the video :P Nice one.

Mine arn't that bad.


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I don't have any pics of my shin - cos I didn't feel like taking pics of my shin covered in blood, but basically I did what everyone else here has done and ripped my shin on my pedal. I now have several scars on my left shin from where I have repeatedly (but accidentally) done it again...

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Anyone for some Nike tick scarification? :-

IPB Image

Theres mine......6 foot drop + left crank snaped + my other foot pushing the right crank down = Left snaped pointy crank faceing up and going through my leg


Well it was pritty funny

wish i could of got a piccy when it was cut but my mum was freaking out enough :D

Just do it.™

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Ive got a small circle scar at the top of my chest from where I landed on the end of my bars aswell

Didnt have any bar ends on either, was lucky it didnt go in :)

I have bar ends and i'm quite thankful of it, bailed earlier and landed full body weight on the end of my bars and only got this could have been so much worse if there was no bar ends... and i'm lucky i didn't break my collar bone :D . Bunnyhop drop down a ramp at about 20 mph and i overshot it completely and ended up with my tpa bodge straight through the arm of my jumper and i had manged to cartwheel with the bike. The guy in the little security guard hut thing came out and asked me how i manged to bail and end up sitting down cross legged and fixing a puncture without really noticing i had bailed.

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I was dropping on my mtb and the landing was very loose. I came off and a piece of flint ripped through the skin and muscle in my shoulder. It was so cool because when i moved my arm the cut just kept getting bigger!

ah WHAT ! :blink: thats disgustingly grose, to think its cool though! lol rather sick minded :P

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