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British Round 2 Devon


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was allright ye... damn me and my "oh right i have finished the section" no porter... you hadnt you had to go 2m further forward out the gate before getting off your bike... : . could have been one dab lost if it wasnt for that STUPID mistake.

which imo shows it was to easy...got a LITTLE bored with the some of the sections like... dunno what it was. enjoyed it though... thanks for a fun trial (Y)

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I loved it, I REALLY like kelly farm, I always have so much fun there.

I thought the sections were cool, the red rout looked a little easy, but I thought the yellow was just right.

I have a pretty crap first lap and dropped 23 (4 fives!!) but my secong lap was better and I dropped 9 for a totoal of 32.

That was good enough for me to get third (to my amazment) and I beat Akkers!!! WHOOOOO BABY I have always wanted to beat him!!

shame the trohpys are so small though :( doesnt really represent how much of an acheivment it was for me.

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shame the trohpys are so small though :( doesnt really represent how much of an acheivment it was for me.

£20 entry too, :blink:(N)

IMO blue route was well to easy, after 18 sections i was still on clean then

went to sleep on the 19th & had a 5. :angry:

If this was a British round no wonder the spanish are better rider's. :(

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i agree with Ali C Trophies were pretty appauling.

i said to Robbie Peacock, "By the time your my age rob with all your trophies JUST from devon you wil be able to build your own house!!!!"

there like breeze blcoks. all the other rounds are nice plaques or trophies, and in devon there bricks, carved from the local wall (Y)

the sections below yellow were pretty easy from the looks of things and the looks of the scores. the yellow route i thought some of them "looked" quite easy some lil nibbly bits. but hey i didnt ride i can only "judge" it from what i could see. there werent many ques once you got past section 5, as at first it was "who stood at the start gate and shouted their number 1st" kind of que.

the punchcards were funny. a yellow route rider could have ridden "red" and won ;) and a red could have ridden blue and won ;) and no one would have noticed. :S :S


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Really wanted to go up for it, but got hauled in to work the bastards!

All excited, 1st comp etc. and get a call from the managed saying "Luke, we're screwed..."

Managed to swing double pay for it though - and bloody right as it was the most hideous 12 hour shift ever!

Anyone get pics of some of the easier routes? will try and get to some other comps in the summer if there looks like there's something I can ride ^_^

(which makes it that little bit more frustrating that this round was easy, as I could have ridden!)

Ah well, next time eh?!

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I enjoyed the comp, Kelly Farm is a good place to ride. Was good meeting up with everyone too. :)

Only problems i thought were the red route was a tad easy in places, i think the top 5 in red finished under 20 dabs. Im not saying make it stupidly hard though :P just i think there should of been a couple of harder sections for red route.

Oh and well done Ali C for coming 3rd in Masters (Y)

Edited by cultiv8ed stan
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yes on the way home i said to ali c that i had seen "shinings" of when he won ALL 4 rounds back 2 seasons ago!!!! hes so confident and comfortable on his ashton steed (Y):) he even had to keep robbie under control in the car on the way home. it was quite funny, all i could hear while driving was

" ARGH me thumb!!!"

Ali get in touch with me before wednesday if you can (Y):) i will come out riding (might not be able to ride my steed properly BUT il be out and about)


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The red route was rather too easy, the section marking/directions/positioning was awfull, Every rider I spoke to said they got lost all the time, The trophies where quite bad really, as where addingham trophies, and at a £20 entry fee it's quite ridiculous, obviously the loaners are wanting their loan back, kelly farm is awsome, the organisers, Tupmins was it where nice at the start with all the gear stuff.


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i posted this topic originally, in the hope that there would be positive feedback :huh:

you bunch of moaning minies!

well Back Cowm Quarry Lancashire is next on the list. your comments have been noted! i can't do much about the trophies, but lets see if the sections will sort out the men from the boys.

i really am at loss as to why people moan about the price though.

if all the people who set out the trial, and the observers, and the officials and everyone who had anything to with the setting out and organizers of the trial were paid their expenses, then the cost to you as riders would be through the roof!

10 observers travel 400 miles and have to stay over. @50p per mile = £2000 for fuel

they all stay at a travel lodge over night = £500

the sections are set out by 4 people who spend 8 hours each doing it 32x£15 per hour=£480

the administrative costs for receiving entries and all the paper work must take at least 10 hours@£6 per hour=£60

section tape and misc items=£50

trophies (even cheap ones)=£100


so 60 riders paying £20 each=£1200



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i posted this topic originally, in the hope that there would be positive feedback :huh:

you bunch of moaning minies!

well Back Cowm Quarry Lancashire is next on the list. your comments have been noted! i can't do much about the trophies, but lets see if the sections will sort out the men from the boys.

i really am at loss as to why people moan about the price though.

if all the people who set out the trial, and the observers, and the officials and everyone who had anything to with the setting out and organizers of the trial were paid their expenses, then the cost to you as riders would be through the roof!

10 observers travel 400 miles and have to stay over. @50p per mile = £2000 for fuel

they all stay at a travel lodge over night = £500

the sections are set out by 4 people who spend 8 hours each doing it 32x£15 per hour=£480

the administrative costs for receiving entries and all the paper work must take at least 10 hours@£6 per hour=£60

section tape and misc items=£50

trophies (even cheap ones)=£100


so 60 riders paying £20 each=£1200



I wouldn't put a topic up asking about peoples opinions of the trial and expect positive feedback, but maybe I'd take the bad feedback and maybe use that for next events to improve them, also this about at back cown and making the sections to sort the men out from the boys, well what are you going to do? Make the sections harder than the route is intended to be making it quite dangerous for the riders level, or are the sections going to be at a consistent national level.

The entry fee being £20, people probably don't like it because it's quite a lot more than last year, more rounds have been added. What you are saying about the how much it should cost is quite funny because your not paying the observers anything or anybody else involved so that leaves:


"section tape and misc items=£50

trophies (even cheap ones)=£100"

Total = £150

60 entries at £20 = £1200

Where does the £1050 go? That's a lot of money.

Ofcourse I'm sure there are more huge huge costs like punch cards, toilets, a few pens, maybe some paper, maybe rent for land, refunding riders who provide an observer, but i'm still sceptical about the rise in entry costs.

That is basically what i thought about the trial, If there are any positive notes, somebody let me use some toilet roll from the tupnall van, the venue is great, everybody seemed to have fun atleast, there was a butty van this year, only short of one observer was it, which is great and the grass was pretty well cut for the cars too.


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I wouldn't put a topic up asking about peoples opinions of the trial and expect positive feedback,

and why not?

that's the problem with this forum, it's so negative

Make the sections harder than the route is intended to be making it quite dangerous for the riders level

now your taking the piss. you moan they aint hard hard enough so don't moan if they are next time. and as for dangerous, whenever has that been the case?

The entry fee being £20, people probably don't like it because it's quite a lot more than last year, more rounds have been added. What you are saying about the how much it should cost is quite funny because your not paying the observers anything or anybody else involved so that leaves:

and why is that funny then phil?

maybe you should!

i'm too tired tonight to argue, but i sure you wish you'd stop moaning. £20 is fcuk all compared to what you all spend on your bikes and traveling to ride either comp or practice! so shut up and enjoy!

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i posted this topic originally, in the hope that there would be positive feedback :huh:

you bunch of moaning minies!

well Back Cowm Quarry Lancashire is next on the list. your comments have been noted! i can't do much about the trophies, but lets see if the sections will sort out the men from the boys.

i really am at loss as to why people moan about the price though.

if all the people who set out the trial, and the observers, and the officials and everyone who had anything to with the setting out and organizers of the trial were paid their expenses, then the cost to you as riders would be through the roof!

10 observers travel 400 miles and have to stay over. @50p per mile = £2000 for fuel

they all stay at a travel lodge over night = £500

the sections are set out by 4 people who spend 8 hours each doing it 32x£15 per hour=£480

the administrative costs for receiving entries and all the paper work must take at least 10 hours@£6 per hour=£60

section tape and misc items=£50

trophies (even cheap ones)=£100


so 60 riders paying £20 each=£1200



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i dont think the entry fee is the problem. i wouldnt put anything down to the cost been a problem for me :S

i quite enjoy having a few weekends away from work and such forth.

the other £1050 phil,i think, may go back into bike trial UK and help to re-pay then help provide more money for another world round, i hope it does anyway :) i would love another world round in england.

from the trophy issue, i really would have liked to see "trophies" for coming in the top 3. not blocks. but thats only me, i aint going to be winning any this year, so it doesnt affect me, but its nice to appreciate what is actually on offer if you do win. a nice shiny cup for the mantel piece. (Y):) but i totally agree with the "fee's" and stuff, for people to travel around. it would make it easier and more appreicative from an observers point of view and such forth we wouldnt have the delays or ANYTHING @ comps. but hey who am i to say owt. i like how the trials are run now, and wouldnt moan or complain about the way they work. i just had A slight issue with sunday with not riding and helping organise and run events myself, it was hard not to notice the holes in the wall kind of thing.


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Come on gents, Trials is about fun. How much brass did you spend on ale the last time you went on the lash.

I help to set up and run these events and to be frank it is a real pain in the ass, people not filling forms in, late entries, rain, wind, mud, people falling out.

If anybody would like to run an event and keep every one happy then bring it on We would welcome more people helping out and attending meetings.(you will be amazed at what is involved in organising these events) come on lads lets just get out there and ride. I bet the Spaniards don't have all this falling out, they live for there sport.

It's all about the bike (Y)

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The red route was pretty easy but my first-time-at-brits nerves kind of let me down. Plus concussing myself on the first section is never helpful...

I must say, I really didn't have the best day ever. I didn't mind paying 20quid as it seemed reasonable, and I can't say I ever got lost in a section, but I guess it was just the attitude of some riders who were taking the whole thing way too seriously. I was annoyed at myself for dropping silly dabs, I didn't have a tantrum and throw my bike around though (I only do that at Hampshire comps..... :P)

Andrei's mum shouting at people was hilarious, although I did feel sorry for her having to observe a pretty tricky section on her own; she managed to do herself a bit of damage trying to get form one end of the section to the other in the form of a gashed knee, but she carried on.

Oh yeah, and the whole "Everyone must have gears thing" was pretty f**king ridiculous as well, as I'm pretty sure it confirmed what most people had been thinking from the last trial, seeing as (for example) Phill Williams won expert (nice one Phill (Y) ) on a 26" singlespeed bike, yet no one kicked up a fuss over it as opposed to the furore that came up around Andrei Burtons lack of gear cable at the last round.

All in all............not sure I'll bother with the next one.


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I dont have any gripes about the trial, I apreciate all the effort that went in to make it happen and I dont think £20 is bad at all. I would still enter if it was £40.

the trophies were classy rather than big, any chance of both next time (not that I'll be getting another lol)

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and why not?

that's the problem with this forum, it's so negative

now your taking the piss. you moan they aint hard hard enough so don't moan if they are next time. and as for dangerous, whenever has that been the case?

and why is that funny then phil?

maybe you should!

i'm too tired tonight to argue, but i sure you wish you'd stop moaning. £20 is fcuk all compared to what you all spend on your bikes and traveling to ride either comp or practice! so shut up and enjoy!

Yep, so people will moan if they are too easy and will moan if they are too hard because the level your making the sections should be the level they are intended to be not too hard or too easy, and dangerous sections has always been the case that's why sections have been changed half way through in the past and why you don't put a 7ft drop to a pointy rock in a blue route class as that would be classed as rather dangerous just as you wouldn't put a 20ft drop to a pointy rock in master.

And it's funny because of the other bit I put below that.

And you haven't quite grasped why people would moan about the £20, because last year it was £12 and this year an increase of £8 along with extra rounds, where is the extra money going, nothing is different.

I can see you don't like "moaning" not exactly moaning but more of a discussion, if you don't want to discuss in a FORUM don't say anything instead of crying and telling me to shut up.


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i think the gear rule is applied to one is applied to the other, AT the top i think it matters, more than anything as it is DEFFINATLY deemed an "advantage" someone to run 6 cogs and a rear mech and a cable and shifter, its all weight and all determines how you ride/manouvre the bike.

its like saying:

"Danny butler can not SHOUT or make noise"


"Wayne you can run gearless and on a 24" bike in the Master category"


"Andrei you can have 6 gears, no cable and no shifter"

literally its all for one and one for all, everything applies to everyone. it is deffinatly more noticeable in the "top" class for deceiving "RULES" if you do expect the punnishment.

IF that round was the deciding round between 2 people AND come between who won and lost the british championship people would complain who would be out of pocket i KNOW that as a fact. it can be a big thing WINNING or loosing.

i think the general discussion did/had turned into an arguement but may have not meant to. but i think people are putting their opinions and views across. id class it as a "lip quencher" or a "tongue biter"


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