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Teenage Angst Communal Agony Aunt Thread

Has anyone seen my shoe?

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YOU COMPLETELY DONT UNDERSTAND EMOYIONS FEELINGS AND RELATIONSHIPS, IM NOT BEING PATRONISING BUIT you are actually bvery young, naive and your emotionally immature.. it doesnt matter what you do sday act or anything, she doesnt want you and that is thatjust becuase you treat her like a prinecess doesnt melon she will love you you obviously don...........

f**k it im too tired im going to bed sorry big pants will try and help tomorrow but for now food night and be big in the pantd

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Sorry to hear that, mate.

Some reading that might interest you (read it all before saying that the guy is totally wrong, it's a bit of a generalization but is fairly true)

ladder theory

intelectual whores

That is quite depressing, concidering I have a girlfriend who I feel is too good for me. :/

I should probably stop reading this topic. It only makes me doubt my relationship more and more.

I hate being insecure, I know me and my girlfriend are very well suited for each other.

I'm drunk, hope that ^^ makes sence.

Night xx

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That is quite depressing, concidering I have a girlfriend who I feel is too good for me. :/

I should probably stop reading this topic. It only makes me doubt my relationship more and more.

I hate being insecure, I know me and my girlfriend are very well suited for each other.

I'm drunk, hope that ^^ makes sence.

Night xx

Froggy, she is too good for you. However, men are lucky that girls are quite happy dating below their level. It makes them feel good. Or it could be the fact that they are generally nice. Whatever. You'll be fine, go with the flow and all that shit, and if worse comes to worse, pass her number onto me...

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pretty much what he said but without the caps, and possibly slightly more detail.

1) if she dont like you, she dont like you thats it.....theres no magical way to make a girl like you (barring saving her life or becoming stupid rich, but then she dont like you for you) accept that, and dont waste your time on something that is 99.5% a lost cause. You say you like her, well theres a girl ive liked since this time last year, id known her for a couple of months before, and she was fit,but i never really knew her that well.then one night she made a totally selfless decision,and went to real long lengths because of it. then again she did the same a few months later again, shes one of the best natured people ive ever met,shes totally awesome,real fit, but crucially i pretty much knew after a couple of parties/nights out we both attended, that she didnt like me in that way, so ive never bothered pursuing it....... outcome of it, were still super good mates, whereas hayley possibly thinks your a bit of a psychotic soppy toss pot right now.

2) dont do all this treating girls like a princess, making her feel super special, it dont do you no favours, it just makes you look desperate, modern girls dont want chivalry, especially not at 16, sure open a door for a girl,swing them a drink if there skint, but as a girl, do nothing more for them, if there one of your mates also, then do what you would for mates,nothing more.

3) what exactly are you hoping for with haylee, your 16, im still young, way young,and have a lot to learn but i hope im right in saying, with 95% of pulls/relationships started by people at my age, wont make it down the aisle, and even after that 5%'s down the aisle, over 1/3rd of them will be in the divorce court. you gotta think that even if you did get her, theres a minutely small chance that it will last past the first couple of years(especially seen as this will be your first gf, your first kiss, and your first shag, your bound to make a lot of mistakes, not know what to say/do in situations,(rag weeks, deaths of pets, there friendships, how to get some personal space without lookin narky, know when your pestering etc)

4) why are you so hung up on this one girl, it aint doing you no favours, to any girls that wer lookin at you, there either thinking your going out with haylee, or your slightly obsessive, so there not bothering. i seriously suggest going and finding some 2 bit hoe's to go get some experience with, in dating, and the bedroom department, give yourself a confidence boost. (as confidence is a major thing girls go for, over obsessiveness, and even if haylee was possibly thinkin, meh i might give him a go, when your asking for validation in all your texts, it dont look good)

5) im noticing another lack in confidence thing here, you never once appeared to of actually gone up to her sober, and gone "haylee, you want to go for a chinese and a film on saturday night to kill some time " or "haylee,do you wanna meet up some time for a chat and a bite to eat" or as your 16 you can still get away with "haylee will you go out with me"

6) be yourself, trying to make it look like your being a real nice guy isnt doing you no favours, neithr is being fake, neither is going out looking to pull, it never works, going out with your mates, then when something comes along go for it, but going out looking for it isnt a brilliant way to get it, just go out, be young and have fun, and something will come along, its all ive ever done, and i dont think ive done bad given my below average looks, my above average weight, and my country yokel accent

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1. don't leave so many X's

2. don't say stufff like 'i treated you like a princess'


4. dont send her texts wen shes on the way home saying get home safely, wait a day at leasssssst

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1. don't leave so many X's

2. don't say stufff like 'i treated you like a princess'


4. dont send her texts wen shes on the way home saying get home safely, wait a day at leasssssst

5. if youve said something she didnt like... dont apologise stick to it... you can have your own opionon even if she doesnt agree with it

6. turn up late to a party, if she rushes up to you saying shes been missing you all night you know you in there

7. theres kisses and there KISSES

8. Dance with her best mate, if she pushes her mate away to dance with you your in there

9. if you get lucky dont mooch arround all night with her, go enjoy yourself again with you boi's

10. Never drunk text, or take your phone off predictive so they make no sence what so ever

need more comon lads.... hhahaha "the rules for girls :P"

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5. if youve said something she didnt like... dont apologise stick to it... you can have your own opionon even if she doesnt agree with it

6. turn up late to a party, if she rushes up to you saying shes been missing you all night you know you in there

7. theres kisses and there KISSES

8. Dance with her best mate, if she pushes her mate away to dance with you your in there

9. if you get lucky dont mooch arround all night with her, go enjoy yourself again with you boi's

10. Never drunk text, or take your phone off predictive so they make no sence what so ever

need more comon lads.... hhahaha "the rules for girls :P"

only 1 rule that applies above and beyond all else, so it shall be number 1


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Seriously man if you stop giving her all this blah blah princess bullshit she will probs realise how much she misses it then you might be in with a chance. If it doesnt work, then you know shes never gonna like you and you can just move on. Do you really think you're doing the right thing if everyone else who replies is telling you otherwise?


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apologies here, its not a fat pants problem, which is largely what this thread is now.

grrrrr...... lifes never ever ever simple is it.

im single, have been for 3 years,im quite happy like this (yes, ive had what some people would call girlfriends in this time, but im not one to admitting to commit), i havent had a relationship over 2 months in length for 5.5 years now. its never been an issue, ive always had enough, had plenty of fun, and have never had this arguin,head peckin, compromising bullcrap, if i wanted to go out, i went out..... but im starting now to kind of think, meh maybe something a bit more stable. but no ones suitable at all.

thursday night i pulled a rather hot girl, luckily theres rather a big distance between the 2 of us, so ive got an excuse to not see her all that often, shes rather fit, but a total psycho, trying to get involved to quick, so ive all but binned that already. and itd never last for that long due to a major age difference as well as the distance.

theres another girl im texting, but meh..... you can tell shes the kind that doesnt do commitment, she just says shes does, then shags around behind your back several times,(pretty obvious because when i first pulled her, she had a boyfriend, which i found out later that night)

then theres the girl my ex is trying to set me up with, me and my ex are real good mates, but she wants me and her to see more of each other as mates(weve been real close since we broke up, but her parents disapproved of me greatly, now shes at uni, shes a bit more free) and as her uni's like 20 miles away, shes under the opinion that if i end up seeing one of her housemates, shell get to see plenty more of me as a mate(as aparently im good company on nights out,and a laugh). but it just seems wrong, that my ex is trying to set me up with a new partner. and on another point, this girl drinks bulmers, and aparently is a bit of a man eater.

grrrrr..... where do you lot find all the nice girls, who are beautiful, funny, none head pecking, none bunny boiler, easy going,happy to be designated driver and faithful

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grrrrr..... where do you lot find all the nice girls, who are beautiful, funny, none head pecking, none bunny boiler, easy going,happy to be designated driver and faithful

Simple.. ignore all of these "rules" that yourself and others in this thread have magically made up.

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Joe, 3, i didn't, it was after everything happened that i did it.

- FAT PANTSâ„¢ f**ks sake, why must it happen like this says (17:07):

its like, i feel like saying f**k it i cant be bothered with you anymore, ive done my best and have gotten f**k all out of it, but then its kinda a missed possible opportunity

(not to hayley, think that sums it up pretty good)

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To fatty:

Best bet is to forget it an carry on life.

I wasl ike you with this one girl. Liked her for about 2 years, got so f**king close. ended up as best mates. went for the whole going out thing and it f**ked up. took a while to get over her but you WILL eventually. try hard to and it will pay off.

Don't you know any other girls that could be worth taking out and stuff??

If you dont like them for whatever reason, put that aside and just go for it, you never know, you might actually like them more...

Edited by Si-man
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Don't you know any other girls that could be worth taking out and stuff??


I feel like i couldn't really be without her.

What i last said; missed possible opportunities, say i do find some bird i find attractive and we end up going out half for the sake of it, what if she changes her mind? I'm f**ked then, then she'll find some fanny, and it will all be f**ked and i just won't be happy, at all.

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Easier said than done.

I don't think people can say that really, unless they're sure they've been in my situation. (not just some mild version of it like you liked a girl for a week then she tells you no)

f**k sake. We get the f**king point. You love her yadda yadda. Bottom line is, she said no. You could give her all of the compliments in the world and of the love in the world and guess what? It will not change her perception of you. Everyone in this thread has offered tips and shit to help you out but you've downright refused them. Why? what you're doing now is obviosuly not working. Change your approach or drop her or you will continue feeling like shit.

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Easier said than done.

I don't think people can say that really, unless they're sure they've been in my situation. (not just some mild version of it like you liked a girl for a week then she tells you no)

i have been in your situation, and when i told her thats it, she went all mental and tried to top herself. Now that f**ks with you mentally. think yourself lucky son.

she fell in love with me after i had told her im calling it a day as its not worth me trying.

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Easier said than done.

I don't think people can say that really, unless they're sure they've been in my situation. (not just some mild version of it like you liked a girl for a week then she tells you no)

To be honest, i'm bollocksed with being nice.

Stop talking like none of us have been there, your 16, you've experienced shit all, hell, i doubt you even know what real love is, you've become obsessed and its blinding you. We are all telling you this because i have no doubt that 90% of us have been there, more then once, and other experiences to add as well.

For the love of god take our advice, you, sadly, know nothing, stop speaking like you are the only one thats lost someone.

Your 16, live your life, go down the park and get drunk, dare each other to jump the river, see who can climb up the tree the highest, what ever, do as a teenage does and stop getting involved.

Hold on, just read the post above...

Shut the f**k up, seriously, the shite she's put you through? Have you ever stopped to think how the hell she feels, pressured into a relationship she clearly doesn't want at this time, and making her feel bad because your crying your eyes because shes interacting with other human beings.

Sorry, but you've made me angry, you are so blinded by obsession its untrue!

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