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Teenage Angst Communal Agony Aunt Thread

Has anyone seen my shoe?

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Again, try and think about it more in the way that your not allowiing yourself to move on rather than not being able to, because that's how it is in reality.

There may not be a hotter girl out there for you(again that's an assumption your making based on nothing), but there is a girl better suited to you, and your needs. I find that I don't approach girls who are less than perfect aesthetically, so I approach very very few girls, most of my relationships, including my last one, has happened as a result of them making a move on me, and me thinking 'f**k it I might as well.' I've come to realise in the past few nights that this is a really bad way to be. Get out, and chat to ANYONE, I would bet that you meet someone more interesting/fun/etc. than your ex if you did this a few times. the only way you'll get a girl for you is if you get her for yourself.

Try and get rid of the idea that at 19 you should be settleing down too, you'll just scare them off.

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What the f**k. She went off round to this other guys place after saying she still loves you.

I was going to post this but I dont want to becombe a "f**k her man" person when it comes to girls, as i do belive that sometimes people need second chances. But running straight round another guys house and staying there so they can f**k each others brain out, (which she couldn't do while she was still with you) and then telling you blatently rubbing it in your face like, "look what you made me do, and then telling you she still loves you? f**k her man!

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Sorry I can't respond to the posts people made now, I will tomorrow..

Going to pick her up from the station in 30min, so nervous. Have been crying non stop the last hour since her phone was off.

Yea I'm a pussy. Wonder how it will all go, I'll note it here as soon as I can

Thanks for all the support. Sorry if you think this is the wrong thing, I just have to do this for myself.

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Thanks for all the support. Sorry if you think this is the wrong thing, I just have to do this for myself.

As mystic meg I will make a prediction.

- You will have a nice talk

- Sleep together

- predend everythings alright while having crushing doubts

- Try to make a go of it and inevitibly fail

Sorry dude.

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I know "man up" is over used on here, but you honestly need to dude.

You're 19, there's plenty of other girls out there and you shouldn't be so worried about settling down. If she wants this other guy, let her have him. Go out with your mates, sample some other girls and wait for the right one!

There's no time limit on getting with someone that's right and you're causing yourself unneeded pain!

As difficult as it is, you need to just ignore her calls and not contact her - make her realise what she's lost and move on with your life.

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Yea man, about a year ago I got really really hung up on this girl. I look back now and think what a dick I was. It made my life pretty shit because I was dwelling on it so much (I blame hormones, I was 16 at the time) I have promised myself I wont let myself get like that again, Im currently having a really good time, just meeting new people and getting on with life. I know its hard (plenty of people told me this a year or 2 ago) but seriously I would recommend "manning up" and trying to get on with your life.

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As mystic meg I will make a prediction.

- You will have a nice talk

- Sleep together

- predend everythings alright while having crushing doubts

- start thinking she is cheating on you with the guy she slept with... or others

- Try to make a go of it and inevitibly fail

Sorry dude.

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I do want to talk, but she is still at the guys house, even though she promised to come first thing this morning.

Whenever she needed my help, I would be there if she would just snap her fingers. She sometimes called me at 4am, and I would just pick her up immediatly, even if I had school the next day.

@has anyone seen my shoe

And I know we´ve broken up, I actually was the one who made the decision. But even yesterday she texted me that she misses me and loves me, and I was still thinking of getting back with her, just needed some time as I've told her. And then the same day she sleeps with the first guy she hangs around with.

There's alot of "why's" going around in my head, I just don't understand why she would do such a thing.

Sitting at home the whole day just thinkin about it all and visualising my ex and the guy doing stuff, can't get it off my mind.

No energy to do anything since I haven't slept all night, so I don't have anything to distract me from nasty thoughts.

In my experience and my personal opinion about 80% of girls from the age of about 15-20 just want to get around a bit. It's like a confidence thing, self esteem. They do it so they can prove to themselves that they can. Eventually they'll grow out of it but in the mean time they'll just want a few dicks in them (not meant derogatively). It's only after this that they realise what they really want.....

So man, don't get hung up on it. It's really not worth it, f**k em. They do it to us, just do it back. Just have a laugh until the women your age have grown up and realised lifes not a competition of how much dick you can get. Then meet someone you really care about and u'll be stylin' (Y)

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To be honest, anyone who claims they're happy to run around after their missus at the click of a finger, I think isn't really telling the truth.

I've had girlfriends that I ran around for - they've probably never had this before and don't like it at first, but they soon get into the swing of it and then demand all sorts of stupid shit. Sometimes its just easier to say yes than standing your ground to argue it.

How the hell do you expect her to respect someone who's a push over?

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Is this the one whose father is sending you angry text messages?

I'd be f**ked for somewhere to take someone during the day. Can't really think of something warm, relaxing and enjoyable that doesn't involve a jacuzzi, piano music or champagne (or a combination of all at the same time) at some point or other.

Argh my post barely makes any sense. I should lay off on the school nights :(.

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Is this the one whose father is sending you angry text messages? I'd be f**ked for somewhere to take someone during the day...

Can't really think of something warm, relaxing and enjoyable that doesn't involved a jacuzzi, piano music or champagne.

To be honest, I haven't got a clue...I got the text but no one answers the call, and no name was left - so I don't know if it's regarding her or not. If I'm honest, I couldn't care less, lol.

I'm really stuck on ideas, thats pretty much what I thought Jon - but its rather awkward.

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Girls are more hassle than they are worth. FACT.

FACT! >_< live by these words

Yesterday she met up with this guy she knows from msn, he is toally horny for her (can't blame him though, but still). And I went to a female friend. Nothing happend between me and the girl as I let my ex know, even though she was very suspicious of me. Texted the ex and 2am and she was still at the guys house, turned out that she did alot of stuff with him.

Thing is, she could see it as a meaningless bit of fun and on the rebound, kind of a self esteam builder, or a way to get at u?.. either way, i know what ide do, iv do the same as her, things SEEM to be going sour (that isnt meant harsh, just realistic) if i was you id jus be single for abit, do the same as her and get youre dick wet for abit, iv learnt from experience, atleast as far as im concernd, if something like that happens, youle ALWAYS hold it against them, and be unsure of youre future together, best of cutting all ties and nobbin a few, will get you back in the land of the merry :) few good nights out, back into a good social life and youre sorted (Y)

The only fast cure is to get another hot GF... Or maybe disfigure the other guys face?

worked for me (Y) irrisponsible yes, but, helps your own 'karma' :)

Edited by Damon W
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Facial disfigurement is seriously high on the cards in my current situation. but, see below;

What the guy above said about girls needing their gap filled to feel better about themselves is seriously true. I know it doesn't apply to all girls, but it is an issue for some. I'm kinda starting to realise that now, and at the end of the day it's just making matters worse for them. How many of you would want to be with a girl who had slept with at least 18 other guys and she was only 21?

EDIT: just want o add that damons advice is spot on, saying is easier than doing but he's right.

Edited by Walleee
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How many of you would want to be with a girl who had slept with at least 18 other guys and she was only 21?

And if that situation was reversed? I know lads that have cheated on their girlfriend every single weekend with some other slag they picked up in town....meaning most have shagged over 20 girls at the age of 21.

If you just want to be genuinely happy* with someone**, get a fat chick, they'll appriciate what they have*** and you'll be in perfect sync**** and have a happy relationship*****.

*-probably misrable, **-/something, ***-won't have a choice, ****-she won't push her f**king luck with you, *****-maybe.

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If you just want to be genuinely happy* with someone**, get a fat chick, they'll appriciate what they have*** and you'll be in perfect sync**** and have a happy relationship*****.

couldnt be more true (Y)

thing with gurls is, the nice lookin ones, KNOW there nice from the amount of male attention they get, wich imo goes to there hed (ALL OF THEM) so they think they can take libertys against you

slightly *lower market* gurls :P appreicciate things more, which is what you want, no use being gorgeous if there jus a bitch now isit

i had a similar thing with my ex, she was a bitch to me, we argued, split up (we was gna get back together) then she started turning into mrs slaggypants, so i f**ked her off and got back onto the slag market :) best thing i ever did to be honest

can still have all the benifits of having a gf, (seeing them, company, sex) but no body to answer to

and no exclusivity to one person :rolleyes:

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I met this hottie at a club on thursday, terns out I gave her my number. I completely forgot about it, until she phoned me this morning :lol:

The only thing is I dont know her name. Anyone got a good stratergy for finding out, without sounding like a dick? I get the feeling she deliberatly didnt say it on the phone earlier. I dont really want to wait until she comes around to mine and say "Oh yea, whats your name again?"...

And if that situation was reversed? I know lads that have cheated on their girlfriend every single weekend with some other slag they picked up in town....meaning most have shagged over 20 girls at the age of 21.

If you just want to be genuinely happy* with someone**, get a fat chick, they'll appriciate what they have*** and you'll be in perfect sync**** and have a happy relationship*****.

*-probably misrable, **-/something, ***-won't have a choice, ****-she won't push her f**king luck with you, *****-maybe.

I could never fuck a fat chick, its disgusting. Not even when im smashed. Lifting up rolls, to stick it in, getting crushed when shes on top, and fat chicks are usually sweaty and smelly :P

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I met this hottie at a club on thursday, terns out I gave her my number. I completely forgot about it, until she phoned me this morning :lol:

The only thing is I dont know her name. Anyone got a good stratergy for finding out, without sounding like a dick? I get the feeling she deliberatly didnt say it on the phone earlier. I dont really want to wait until she comes around to mine and say "Oh yea, whats your name again?"...

ask her her email address to add her on myspace/facebook ;)

all the info a man needs on there

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ask her her email address to add her on myspace/facebook ;)

all the info a man needs on there

Haha, thats not a bad plan. I'll have to phone her back in a few hours and ask, since she left it 3 days :P

Ask her what name you should save her number as on your phone :P

Thats all well and good when you first meet someone, but she'll just say something like "What do you you think?". Then I'll be f**ked :P

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