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her brother is my mate an said he would never let any of his mates get with his sister!

I hate it when people say this about their sister like they somewhat own them. I'd never dream of stepping between my sister and someone if thats what she wanted, no matter who it was. After all, wouldn't he rather have someone he knows and trusts with his sister than some randomer she met in the pub?

Go for it, he's f**k all to do with it.

In summary: girl.... her bf worth of 4 years... and her breaking up with him over what we did monday night.... niiiiice

If it wasn't you, it'd probably be someone else. It takes a lot to keep people together after 4 years these days. People stay together because they're just scared of change and nobody wants to be alone, especially after that long! Most marriages don't last 4 years now.

However, she was fully aware of what she was doing and probably gave it some thought - you've probably done her a favour. A bit shitty for the other lad though...but these things happen!

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However, she was fully aware of what she was doing and probably gave it some thought - you've probably done her a favour. A bit shitty for the other lad though...but these things happen!

Yea he was 7 years older and had been going out with her since she was like 16-17 so I don't feel that guilty to be honest, sounds like he took the piss a fair bit.

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Basically, I'm going out with this amazing girl. We both really love eachother.

But I have recently been told I'm bipolar and am just about to start a long course of anti depression pills.

How do I tell her? I know it just sounds stupid and I'm awaiting someone like Simpson to start picking out things etc.

But I'm really unsure of how I tell her. As I'd really not want to keep it a seceret from her. <_<

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Whats the big deal? Just mention it one day that your on the anti depressants for Bipolar and that's the end of it?

Or 'Oh yeah as it turns out I'm Bipolar, an these are the tablets I'm taking'. So long as you 'love' each other, then she'll probably have f**k all opinion on it/accept and support you.

That isn't really a girl trouble, thats just a case of grow some.

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Basically, I'm going out with this amazing girl. We both really love eachother.

But I have recently been told I'm bipolar and am just about to start a long course of anti depression pills.

How do I tell her? I know it just sounds stupid and I'm awaiting someone like Simpson to start picking out things etc.

But I'm really unsure of how I tell her. As I'd really not want to keep it a seceret from her. <_<

You need to dump her. You don't need her, you have drugs now.

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I would recomend telling her to be honest. I have a mate who has bipolar to a very extreme level and doesnt accept it, she has recently been forced to stay in one of the special units at a mental hospital in Plymouth.

But yeah keep her in the loop man.

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Been with my girlfriend nearly 2 years and was loving every single second.

But a few nights ago I was lying in bed and I was thinking about us and it felt like my body was rejecting the thought of us being together, like it'd had enough. In my head I want to stay with her, but sometimes when I think about us I get a sinking feeling in the bottom of my stomach, I don't know what to do. It's like I can see myself ending it but I don't want to in my head!

Anyone else had this sort of thing happen to them? What did you do? And what happened?

No daft responses 'cause I'm kinda upset about it.

Cheers lads.

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Been with my girlfriend nearly 2 years and was loving every single second.

But a few nights ago I was lying in bed and I was thinking about us and it felt like my body was rejecting the thought of us being together, like it'd had enough. In my head I want to stay with her, but sometimes when I think about us I get a sinking feeling in the bottom of my stomach, I don't know what to do. It's like I can see myself ending it but I don't want to in my head!

Anyone else had this sort of thing happen to them? What did you do? And what happened?

No daft responses 'cause I'm kinda upset about it.

Cheers lads.

What are your reasons for wanting to stay together?

and i'm being kind, I had a blinder but I'll let it slide

(Sure you don't need a shit?)

Edited by shamus
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I'm gonna go for it being your man-side getting scared about the idea of major long-term stuff.

You love her, she loves you. What's the problem?

(that's meant to be rhetorical)

That's exactly what I was hoping it was, Matt!

Anyone else had this problem? Did you just stick it out and it all got better?

Edited by Ben John-Hynes
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I'm gonna go for it being your man-side getting scared about the idea of major long-term stuff.


Sounds sub-conscious, and it's only when other things aren't clouding your head, like when you are specifically thinking about you and her, that it surfaces.

Just enjoy the good times and let the future sort itself out! Can't do anything about it until you're there!

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Yea Ben don't worry I get that with every girl within 2-4 weeks of dating them.. for me its a fear of rejection because all my relationships have always been short and sweet (mostly because of me being a commitment phobe), but for you its probably just a fear of after 2 years its becoming really real that it may be the last girl you get to experiment with.

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I had similar things with my girlfriend (Of 4 years and counting now.)

As people have said its just the fear of commitment and the fear of her leaving you because you know you love her.

Trying to explain what i mean without sounding like a mushy tit here. You know exactually how you feel for her buy you can never 100% know what she feels for you and it can do the above.

If you tell her what she means to you in alot of detail and you get a similar response it kills all sinking feelings instantly but i know exactually how your feeling.

Its not really something you need to stick out, if you think about it and think why your worrying you'll probably see its you scared of loosing her (Even if its only slight it can mess you up.) and it twisting itself.

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Yea Ben don't worry I get that with every girl within 2-4 weeks of dating them.. for me its a fear of rejection because all my relationships have always been short and sweet (mostly because of me being a commitment phobe), but for you its probably just a fear of after 2 years its becoming really real that it may be the last girl you get to experiment with.

I had similar things with my girlfriend (Of 4 years and counting now.)

As people have said its just the fear of commitment and the fear of her leaving you because you know you love her.

Trying to explain what i mean without sounding like a mushy tit here. You know exactually how you feel for her buy you can never 100% know what she feels for you and it can do the above.

If you tell her what she means to you in alot of detail and you get a similar response it kills all sinking feelings instantly but i know exactually how your feeling.

Its not really something you need to stick out, if you think about it and think why your worrying you'll probably see its you scared of loosing her (Even if its only slight it can mess you up.) and it twisting itself.

True heros, both of you. You've really reassured me there!

So James, you told your girlfriend exactly how you felt about her and got a similar response back? And that killed all the weird feelings you were getting?

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In a similar vein to Ben's 'trouble', I've got a little niggle at the moment too. I've been with Leanne nearly a year, we've known each other for 7. This week I've had a couple of weirdly realistic dreams about a couple of my ex's and contemplating leaving Leanne for them. This is properly odd, because I am totally happy with our relationship and wouldn't have any thoughts like that when I was awake.

We've been living together for just about 2 months, so I've already had the 'scared of commitment' moments so I'm a bit confused about why my subconcious is giving me these, even though I'm not reeeeaally worried about them - it's just making me have a shit nights sleep :(

Mainly just wanted to write it down, don't think anyone can help as such because it isn't really a 'situation'.

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True heros, both of you. You've really reassured me there!

So James, you told your girlfriend exactly how you felt about her and got a similar response back? And that killed all the weird feelings you were getting?

Yer pretty much, it reassured me, knowing she felt the same and wasn't going to disappear any time soon (Which she hasn't.) made me completely forget about it.

Honestly i really do think its you subconsiously thinking it'll hurt you so much if she leaves you, you don't want to give her the chance.

Sounds wierd but its how the mind works.

The most important things is that you love each other, if you know that you love her then you must know that this is just one of those things that'll go.

Fight through man. Good luck.

Edit: It can also add to it if your girlfriend is shy (Like mine.) makes it harder for them to tell you things so it might just need you to kick it into gear.

In a similar vein to Ben's 'trouble', I've got a little niggle at the moment too. I've been with Leanne nearly a year, we've known each other for 7. This week I've had a couple of weirdly realistic dreams about a couple of my ex's and contemplating leaving Leanne for them. This is properly odd, because I am totally happy with our relationship and wouldn't have any thoughts like that when I was awake.

We've been living together for just about 2 months, so I've already had the 'scared of commitment' moments so I'm a bit confused about why my subconcious is giving me these, even though I'm not reeeeaally worried about them - it's just making me have a shit nights sleep :(

Mainly just wanted to write it down, don't think anyone can help as such because it isn't really a 'situation'.

Don't worry about it, its called being a man.

You don't control what you dream about but dreams don't tell you what you want.

Similar to Ben. If your totally happy in your relationship then its just one of those little things that feels huge but will go eventually.

To be honest the best person to talk to is her, but things like this (Although beyond your control.) may upset her a little.

Edited by davey1991
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We've been living together for just about 2 months, so I've already had the 'scared of commitment' moments so I'm a bit confused about why my subconcious is giving me these, even though I'm not reeeeaally worried about them - it's just making me have a shit nights sleep

To see an old ex-boyfriend from childhood in your dream, refers to a freer, less encumbered relationship. The dream servers to bring you back to a time where the responsibilities of adulthood (or marriage) didn't interfere with the spontaneity of romance. You need to recapture the excitement, freedom, and vitality of youth that is lacking in your present relationship.

To dream that your ex-boyfriend is giving you advice about your current relationship, suggests that you unconscious is telling you not to repeat the same mistakes that you had made with this ex-boyfriend.

meanings by DreamMoods.com

To dream that you are being massaged by your ex-boyfriend, suggests that you need to let go of some of that defensiveness that you have been putting forth. You may have been putting up a wall or armor around you. You need to learn to trust people again.

To dream that you ex-boyfriend gives you a stuffed animal, suggests that you are seeking for reassuring and nurturing aspects of a relationship. This is not to imply that you want you ex-boyfriend back. Alternatively, the dream could represent some immature relationship which may (or may not) describe the relationship you had with your ex.

To dream that you see your ex-boyfriend dressed in a suit at a hospital, suggests that you have come to terms with that relationship and have completed the healing process.

Replace the 'boyfriend' with 'girlfriend'.

On the other hand, what a complete load of bollocks. Funnily enough there was a subject on dreaming about ex-boyfriends, but not for ex-girlfriends. Just goes to show it's only women who read this soppy shite.

Personally, I've had dreams about ex-girlfriends before, even though I'm perfectly happy with my girlfriend. I just took it as a dream and nothing more - don't try to look for a meaning or some subconscious thought or desire. If you're anixous about it all, you'll probably keep having them because it's on your mind...

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