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Teenage Angst Communal Agony Aunt Thread

Has anyone seen my shoe?

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I've only got one week's holiday left at work apparently, which meant a hard choice. After many changes of circumstances and plans;

*le yesterday*

Her "you know, i've been thinking about our holiday - why don't we just wait 'til later? I mean, then we can save up more and do what we want to do not just what we can afford."

Me "okay, that's a really good idea, just remember to keep putting a bit in, it'll be ace :) in the mean time i'll take you away for a few days, I get 4 or 5 off if i just do my normal shifts before i go back to college"

*le today. I go to work, sort holiday out, 12th-21st definitely booked off, ROOOOOOOOOOOOAD TRIIIIIIIIIIP etc. Tell her the plan...*

Her "Yesterday you said you were going to talk to work so I hoped we could still go, and you managed to get time off for the road trip with your friends but not for us"

Errrr, what?!

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i'm thinking "No, yesterday you said *exact quote*. That is word for word what you said. And I have made more than enough time for you over my friends since we've been together, so don't start saying that." wasn't the best reply, as I sent it an hour and a half a go and have had nothing back yet... :closedeyes:

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i'm thinking "No, yesterday you said *exact quote*. That is word for word what you said. And I have made more than enough time for you over my friends since we've been together, so don't start saying that." wasn't the best reply, as I sent it an hour and a half a go and have had nothing back yet... :closedeyes:

She hasn't replied because she hasn't got a leg to stand on, and she's too embarrassed to say sorry and that she was wrong. Sleep on it, she'll be reet on the morrow.

EDIT: my troubles is that I'm currently out of bed while missus is in bed after I messed up my opportunity for SEXYTIME by having a bizzy meeting with my Dad. Now where did I put that doghouse key?...

Edited by JD™
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I never really got over my Ex. Thought about her alot for the first while then it died down about. But recently she has been popping back into my head alot more. Been having some pretty relistic dreams(nothing dodgey) but when I wake up its taking me a wee while to remember where I am and that were not going out anymore. Any one help?

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I never really got over my Ex. Thought about her alot for the first while then it died down about. But recently she has been popping back into my head alot more. Been having some pretty relistic dreams(nothing dodgey) but when I wake up its taking me a wee while to remember where I am and that were not going out anymore. Any one help?

How long ago did you break up?

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Basically guys realised I wanted my ex back a month or so ago. We broke up after about 3 weeks of the summer hols from Uni.

I went a bit mental when I realised this and called her to tell her how I felt, it went VERY luke warm, she said she needed to think about it for a day.

Called her again the next day, she wanted more time again... called again the next day, she basically said she didn't want to meet up.

Destroyed me completely, so I've spent a while just being a complete homo. For the most part I've managed to stop contacting her, but every now and then I break and send her a text with some stupid comment in.

The text I last sent was intended to be me drawing the line and saying to myself ok that's it close the book, it read like this:

"Trying to get employed in a pub for uni! f**k knows why I keep texting someone that cares not, attempt to make this the last one :)"

Now considering she hasn't replied to me in anyway since I rang her last I expected nothing,

But what I actually got was this:

"I don't mind, text me if you want x"

Now I don't know what to think, has she cracked? began to crack? Or am I reading way to much into it?

f**k knows

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"I don't mind, text me if you want x"

Now I don't know what to think, has she cracked? began to crack? Or am I reading way to much into it?

f**k knows

I think that's her just being polite.

I typed out a load of advice but in a nutshell, you just need to man up, women don't like pussies :)

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Phone, internet, text, FB....wahtever - all absolutely bullshit for an form of negotiation with a woman.

See her in the flesh, explain clearly and concisely how you feel. Be honest, don't bullshit, don't be afraid to put everything on the line and ask for a response there and then.

Then you will have your answer either way.

So much rubbish get interpreted wrong when dealing with various forms of communication and i find it just leads to further complications.

At the very worst she'll appreicate the bravery and honesty. I have no problem being 100% honest with people i talk to, especially women. I find it's a very much a mixed reaction, but at least everyone knows where they stand, and some women seem to love it, as they see it as a welcomed change.....could be worth a go.

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'tis the truth though. Perfect plan would've been to tell her your original feelings, and then left it completely. Clearly impossible now, and mostly impossible at the time anyway, but it's a way of saying "here's how I feel, your move" instead of chasing each day till you get her annoyed.

Happened with me with an energy supplier the other week - I was well into signing up, then she just wouldn't leave me the f**k alone so I told her to f**k off. Energy suppliers aren't the same, granted, but I don't have any girl troubles to compare to :P

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These are all things that have run through my mind, I realised almost the before I finished the first phone call I should have gone to see her. It's too late for that now though so I'm dealing with the situation as it is.

Are we basically advising me to not text her again? Or does anyone have a master plan about how I should play this shit?

I'm tempted by two options, either leave it a few days then text her my best material

OR leave it and hope I see her about when I go back to uni and I'm able to lever the situation open.

The second option scares me though because I don't want the trail to go cold...but then again there could be no trail at all

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No texts - face to face only, however and whenever is up to you.

I would say when you see her say this:

"Woman, god damn it i adore you. Truly i do. If you cannot handle this then now is the time to speak as i wish no further for my time, nor my efforts to be wasted. I care for you very deeply and i think truly you are an exceptional woman and i'd like our time together to continue. If you feel the same as me then you will now speak, and we shall walk off together hand in hand and have many happy memories....but if you do not feel this way, then know that i have cared for you, and wish you all the best as truly, as i mentioned before, woman, you are quite remarkable".

Feel free to add a little "good day to you" but say it powerfully, with good grace and with every little bit of your heart and you shall get a definitive answer either way, and also your pride will be very much intact.

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Except not for a while.

EDIT: Trail? You're not hunting... Absence makes the heart grow stronger. Let her know you don't need her and she'll want you - women are simple. Even better, get some other tail and she'll practically smell it from wherever she is and be hit with insane jealousy.

Or she might not care.

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