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hi guys, since i got my lush 24uk (thanks celeb and heatsink bikes) ive been trying some more fast paced streety things like manuals ect and theres one thing that ive been getting really pissed off about and thats doing 180s

i can just about get 100 degree jumps in but i cant seem to do any better, is there some special technique or just perseverance, also if there are any "how to" sitespost em up for me to see



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It's mainly practise (etc) jump higher, i've found to steer away from the way i want to spin then flick my bars the other way and geta a little pedal in for a little extra momentum helps too. hope i helped...

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if it from still. just kick as hard as you can, pull up, lean in the direction you want to turn and twist your head.

If it is with speed, I advise you take your fingers completely off your brake levers. in this 180 you really need to twist your head then rotate your waist into the backwards direction.

sorry, its hard to explain.

Edited by ash-kennard
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For rolling ones you need to twist the bars in the opposite direction, say for example i 180 to the left so i turn my bars right first as i'm rolling alongthen i quickly twist them left and carry on with the twisting movement almost bringing the bars towards my left shoulder. As the bars are being pulled towards your should and lifted off the floor you want to flick your head round to face behind you and this will bring your shoulders and waist around to follow. Lift the back wheel off the floor and you'll spin round in the air.

What you want to do is when your starting off you pull the back brake slightly to help slow the reverse movement enough for you to fakie out of it smoothly. As you get used to them you wont need to use the rear brake much, if at all.

It will take a little while to get the hang of it but the tips for when your first staring are twist bars to the opposite direction first, flick your head really fast in the direction you want to spin and pull the brake slightly as youre landing to slow youre movement down and give you time to find the hub engagement for you to fakie out.

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Its all in the hips, really have to throw the bars round, and swing you hips. carve into them abit, and bend your knees to get more height and have more spinning time.

It really is just practise, I'm starting to get close to 360's on a 1060 pure, cos I do them all the time, its just technique, I find going a bit faster can help, improves confidence too, its well cool when you can pop them flat out. keep at it!

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I can do these on my 24 and bmx.The way I do them is by going up a small grass slope at about bunnyhopping a curb speed and turning the way your best at then just bunnyhopping and flick the back end out.Some how the front end will follow and the back end of the bike and then just ride off..... (Y)

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I can do 180's easy, but I'm way off 360's. I think it would be a different technique. If you haven't already practised rolling backwards and turning out of that, practise that first. Just do an endo, roll back and turn the bars so you're going the right way. You need to learn that in the same direction as you're going to spin, so you can do a 180-land-spin out = 360.

Basically all I do is:

1) Carve into the turn so you're turning already

2) Jump around from two wheels, don't bother with "American" bunny hops, just jump and twist from the hips as Rich said

3) Make sure when you land, you turn the bars (If you're spinning to the left, turn the bars to the right as you land) so that you'll roll out of it nicely

And a few extra tips: Hard tyres help loads. If you get a bit of tyre foldage on landing it'll send you way off. Go faster - you're much more likely to roll out of it nicely if you're going faster.

Good luck :)

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Basically all I do is:

1) Carve into the turn so you're turning already

2) Jump around from two wheels, don't bother with "American" bunny hops, just jump and twist from the hips as Rich said

3) Make sure when you land, you turn the bars (If you're spinning to the left, turn the bars to the right as you land) so that you'll roll out of it nicely

And a few extra tips: Hard tyres help loads. If you get a bit of tyre foldage on landing it'll send you way off. Go faster - you're much more likely to roll out of it nicely if you're going faster.

Good luck :)

I personally think that the american bunnyhop way is slightly easier and looks a shed load better as well. Not to mention the fact that, the same with bunnyhopping, this way will allow for you to spin later giving you more clearance time for if you want to 180 up or down a wall. You don't see many people bunnyhopping up walls using the "lift both wheels at the same time" method and for good reason.

p.s. on a sidenote you were right about 360's needing a different technique to your "lift both wheels at the same time" method. You need to use the bunnyhop one so you can spin round faster. ;) A perfect example of this is nbrtrials video 6 8 seconds in... its a slo motion sideways on clip of, i think, nick manning doing a pretty nice 360 bunnyhop.

Edited by Krisboats
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American bunnyhop 180's allow you to get greater distance and greater height, should you require either. I also find they're easier to do faster, plus you can control your speed better when you land by altering your hip position just before you land.

I've found that just rolling along, preloading as you'd expect to, then pumping the bars up and round in the direction of spin helps me get the momentum going. Don't turn too much into it if you're doing it American style. The mistake a load of people seem to make is to lift the front, then turn quite far into the spin before hopping the back - you lose all momentum doing it this way, so try and keep the movement pretty quick. To get the last bit of the spin you're after, just snap your hips across so you point the back end of the bike in the direction you need it to land, basically. Kinda tuck it up a bit more, but really focus on whipping your hips around and snapping the bike across. Doing this also absorbs some of the impact of the landing, which is always a plus :)

360's are a kinda different technique, but it's more to do with how you actually hold the bike in the air. With 180'ing down steps, for example, you can kinda land them sketchy 'cos you can just snap your hips harder if you're under-rotating, or just plop the bike down earlier if you're over-rotating. With 3's though, you've got to really turn into it, and look where you want to go. Holding the bike up underneath you is the key to it though - if you remember to tuck the bike up and hold it as long as you can, it tends to work better for me. Also, if I try and think that I want to hop high when I do them, I find I spin them better. Lifting it up seems to just give it that little extra time it needs to spin fully (Y)

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Look on Trashzen and there is help on there. (Y)

building up a page.... :-

but two ways from a static position, either you favorite side, by twisting your shoulder where you want to go, and pulling the bike with you, after a swift handlebar turn from the other direction.

Or also by kicking in the pedals and turning in the same side of the driving pedal (for 180 gaps), there, you twist your hips before the shoulder, to create a rotation momentum that you follow with the bike (the bike is less than 20% of all the weight involved), and when you kick, throw your shoulders in a rotation to look back. :ermm: will have a page running in some weeks...

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i just lift the front end up really fast and flick the back end round fast.

Thats the easy part, landing without falling off or putting feet down is the hard bit

Edited by merlin_rider
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