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Thought Of Any New Tricks..

Ben Beckett

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just thought of a new little trick for those who like combo (or whatever you call it?) tricks.

do a 180 of a wall (the wall has to be long enough to turn around and sidehop onto it) and roll backwards (only a little bit with both wheels on the floor), then spin the front around 180 and keep the front wheel in the air, then sidehop onto the wall.

enjoy and hope to learn new moves!

i am doing this to expand trials a bit because people say it is all to obsessed with height etc....

.....plus i want to learn new tricks!!!!

enjoy and add/comment

Edited by ben beckett
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fred judd does back-front awesomely, ive been trying for ages, but on a long bike it is very inconsistant

my super cool line would be, to switch a rail, blunt backinto the switch position, 270, land on other foot in the switch position on the opposite side, then switch it with 1/2 a crank turn.

Edited by ash-kennard
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On the edge of a drop.... stand on the rear wheel, double crankflip, while the cranks spinning do a can-can, then as your bringing you foot back to the pedal X-Up out of the move ;)

180 bunnyhop onto an obstacle like a single rock/2 foot wide wall, land on the rear wheel, do a backwards wheelswitch (flick from being on the back wheel on top of rock/wall to being on the front wheel where the back one was) then hop out of it fakie for a second or two the 180 out of the fakie.

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Well here's mine;

Sidehop up a wall of your choice, 180 off then sidehop back up switch :P

And my personal favourite, very attractive;

Go quite fast and pull a stoppie next to a wall, then wheel switch (keeping it nice and smooth :P ) and sidehop up...

I also like the impressive one footed one handed trackstand, or the "get phone out and look at the time" while doing a trackstand :D Always gets kids going - hehe

Nathan (Y)

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tap up a wall and when you get up the lip do a backflip and then hop backwards off the wall and do a backwards manuel then jump to your front wheel and do nose hops and then to finish it off do a tail whip. :P


why tap it when u could front flip to handlebar manual spoke grind finishing it off with a 73643278146346885681378486451238 degree tail whip???!!!???!!!???!




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i cant do these tricks but i wish i could ....

a crank flip (single or double) sidehop of a wall landing on the back wheel with both feet on the pedals :rolleyes:

endo tailwhip to front to back wheel then a nice slow smooth manual to 180 bunny hop :D

if anyone can do both these moves and post a vid of you doing them i'll eat my gloves :sick:

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