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Good lad sam, that was awesome! very inspiring.

How long have you had your ZOO Forks? just wondering because ive had mine 7 month and im scared of snapping them.....and i believe you had yours on the GU? probs wrong, enlighten me lol :D.

Arnt they ment to be like some of the strongest forks?

Mental video sam.

More please. :)

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Much preferred this to your first mate. Loved the editing and the track! Liked how you used the clip of you going onto the phone box and stopping on top and having you stack using the same clip at the end of the video was well good!

Nice one Sam mate keep it up!


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Amazing video, Sam. I enjoyed it even more than the last and that was wicked, too. Both styles of editing you have used, i feel, are a success. The first style showed how you feel towards the whole aspect of riding; fun and interesting. While, this style showed that your riding can also be calm and quite serious.

Really good video, with some huge moves, to boot (Y) .



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