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Old And Past It Wants To Get Into Riding


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OK, well, maybe not that old...but old enough.

Anyway, reason I am here...I have no idea...but thats beside the point

Reason I am posting this is because I am looking for a new sport to take up. Ever since I broke my ACL and moved away from decent surf my dreams of becoming the next Kelly Slater or Shaun Palmer have gone down the toilet.

As I cant do any downhill for some time I have been thinking about taking up trials. There's loads of rideable terrain in the carpark outside my flat and around the city (Plymouth).

Ive done a bit of research and Im still a bit confused regards getting a first bike. First up Im stuck with terminology...what's the difference between Stock and Mod...anyone...starter for 10??

Ive read that 20" are best to start with but is there anything else I need to look for in a first bike?

And finally...the super mega bonus round for double cash........is it worth getting any safety equipment other than a helmet (elbow pads, wrist guards etc)?

Oh, and one final thing before I leave you all thinking "wtf is he on about"


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Plymouth? Loads of riding, and a good set of friendly riders around too :-

Stock - 26"

Mod - 20"

Mods are probably easier to pick up the basics, although if you are a taller guy a stock would probably do you fine, and would allow a few faster/rolling moves that would be a little harder on a mod.

Do a quick search, and you should be able to bring up a nice lot on starter bikes.

There's several threads about with all the info you should need as to bikes, moves and kit.

Helmet should do you for safety, possibly a set of shinpads for a bit if you like, although these aren't necessary, they'll just stop a few gashes from the odd collision with a pedal!

Best advice is to just get out and have fun on your bike!

Have fun, and hopefully see you in Plymouth when I'm back over Christmas maybe,


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Well if your wanting to get in to trials, but not really sure where to start, there should be a few people out in plymouth riding on saturday(ill be there definately). Best thing to do is scab a ride on our bikes, find out what you like.

If your just starting out, mod is the easiest, but you should cope fine on a stock. As for starter bikes, try and spend a little more on it, you will then get a better and more enjoyable ride from it. the Onza T-Pros which are a mod, are great bikes to start on, and have very good frames, so you can upgrade the parts as and when you want/need to). Check Tarty bikes, or other banners for them.

Saftey gear is really personal choice, for starters i would recomend shin pads, cause your feet will slip off the pedals, andpossibly a set of gloves, help save the skin when you face plant.

Add me to MSN if your up for meeting on saturday(it in my profile).

And welcome to the forum ;)


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thanks for the info guys, its much appreciated.

Darren - I might head down into town if you're riding on Saturday, I dont have MSN (my comp doesnt like it) but Ill email you later. If I could get a ride on a couple of bikes then that would be great, or even just hang around with you guys and see how its done??

There are a few Uni people that go riding so might hook up with them too.

Might see you over Christmas Luke, Ill be heading back oop north for a bit but Ill be back, maybe we can hook up and go riding...you can teach me a few things!!

thanks again


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Hey Ali,

Added you to myspace.

Bit easier then e-mail(suck with mails). Well we are meeting up around 11:30ish at the top of town(near the uni by the copthorn hotel). Easiest way of getting there is from the big sundial, head in the direction of Virgin and BHS, but keep going, on the left hand side you will go by the armarder centre(sainsbury is above it) and then youll see a big is play ground.

Speak to you later.

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Got your request Darren and added you. Ill pop down on Saturday then and have a chat with you folks...you cant miss me, Ill be walking around in a daze (as usual) and trying to avoid everybody (not used to cities!)



Haha sure thats not hung over from the night before? Blooming students :P

Just listen out for the lous squeaky brakes, can't really miss us either.

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OK, well, maybe not that old...but old enough.


Whats age got to do with it dude!!, im 37 and a half and lovin every minute of my bike, but like you could do with hookin up with some other riders to get the skills down! i live near scarboro/brid/filey and have seen riders on the seafront at scarboro so i know some people exist besides old biddies!!-> not me you cheeky young oikes! :o:o

Edited by navara man
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Whats age got to do with it dude!!, im 37 and a half and lovin every minute of my bike, but like you could do with hookin up with some other riders to get the skills down! i live near scarboro/brid/filey and have seen riders on the seafront at scarboro so i know some people exist besides old biddies!!-> not me you cheeky young oikes! :o:o

I used to live up near there, might have a look at Scarborough for some riding if I go back for a short holiday next year. Some interesting stuff, especially under the Spa Bridge.

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Well, im 23, soon to be 24. However due to various physical failings Im more like 80. I have the mental ability of a 2 year old and the mental capacity of an unborn fetus...perfect student material really. :D

That's not old!

And it's not about what you can do, it's whether you enjoy it. I'm actually utter crap at trials, I just ride for fun. I get to see mates and have a laugh even if I spend most of the time drinking Relentless while watching others!

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Right, 3rd try lucky!!!

Ever since I broke my ACL and moved away from decent surf my dreams of becoming the next Kelly Slater or Shaun Palmer have gone down the toilet.

In Plymouth you're really close to some great surf at Whitsand Bay just across the Tamar about 35mins from you. its a great 5 mile stretch of exposed sandy beach facing strait at the prevailing winds with nothing but the Atlantic leading onto it, gets some really nice swell in there, and its a beautiful area.

As for downhilling, check out Haldon Hill just your side of Exeter, its got some really nice trails for any ability and is constantly being improved.

If you want add me on myspace www.myspace.com/robiningram, I used to live in Millbrook just across the Tamar and can still remember the area fairly well.

Oh yeah

Mod = 20"

Stock = 26"

Edit: another nice shot of Whitsand, gives some idea what its like, tides about halfway out in that I think, if I remember right then it goes out until the group rocks in the bottom right are just about all on dry land.

Edited by Dont you Just Hate it When...
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Right, 3rd try lucky!!!

In Plymouth you're really close to some great surf at Whitsand Bay just across the Tamar about 35mins from you. its a great 5 mile stretch of exposed sandy beach facing strait at the prevailing winds with nothing but the Atlantic leading onto it, gets some really nice swell in there, and its a beautiful area.

As for downhilling, check out Haldon Hill just your side of Exeter, its got some really nice trails for any ability and is constantly being improved.

If you want add me on myspace www.myspace.com/robiningram, I used to live in Millbrook just across the Tamar and can still remember the area fairly well.

Oh yeah

Mod = 20"

Stock = 26"

Edit: another nice shot of Whitsand, gives some idea what its like, tides about halfway out in that I think, if I remember right then it goes out until the group rocks in the bottom right are just about all on dry land.

oooo, if only the south coast got good surf!! :lol:

I got to Newquay last weekend and although the waves were pretty crap I got a fairly good session in, I was rather suprised that I could still surf even after surgery...but its cost too much for a weekend to Newquay!

I know a couple of people that were gonna show me some trails at Cann but lack of funds knocks downhilling on the head and my knee wont withstand major (as in massive drops and really rapid impact) stress for a few months yet!

and yes, Im drunk....although for someone whose drunk this thread does seem rather coherent...might go off on a tangent..no I do enough of that when sober. :blink:

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