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The Sidehop Thread


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Sorry dan mayte i have to totally disagree with what you just said..

First off I do agree with what the other dude said the tuck is a extra thing that boosts a few inches higher.. However you do need the spring in the first place.

on to the power side of things... I have found that when i have done my personal best sidehops there is very little power in what I am doing, for me all about being flowing and able to flick like a mother fecker without tensing my muscles like hell.

a good example is when you see people do martial arts you do not see them fight by just pulling there arm back and bashing someone its a real fast flick and bam haha

I think what alot of people do is do a small hop then tuck like hell... when if you was do do a real high hop then tuck at the last second your height of sidehops will increase dramatically, if you watch videos of people like benito and all the top riders in slow mo they hop high first then tuck at the last second its not like there tucking half way up the wall kinda thing..

I know for a fact that when i put in all asmuch as i can like proper boot when i sidehop nothing happens I struggle to get my standard heights.. whereas when i flick be flowing jump up high and get my technique spot on i go alot alot higher.

Take in what I say or don’t at the end of the day I have spent alot of time studying the move and learning so many different factors of it in the past and would like to put my view across because in my opinion many people have got it wrong :)

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all stock riders do it tap!!!!

lol i will quite happily say i love my sidehops thears nothing wrong with loving to sidehop.

some people have to tuck .....people who are sidehoping 30inch walls may actually be pushing them selfs........ever single side hop pic of mine you can see im going bigger and tucking more.......

Stock riders dont just tap at all, i supose im biased as i ride it my self. When i go out riding i see so many people riding long mod and trying to tap them and i just think what a twat just get a short and bunnyhop the thing ull go twice as high.

And i agree with what that guy is saying, i think to many people try to tuck to much. It asif some people try as hard as they can to tuck alot and not get up the wall. And quite a few people now a days arnt bringing the bike into them insted there going down to it because there so focused on doing a big tuck. And i also have to agree that most people on mod these days do most sidehops. You hardly ever see anyone doing bunnyhops. If you ride mod you should have marco grosnic style short bike, bunnyhops and mix of everything. Instead of ling deng frames and just static moves.

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im a mod rider who has and does most moves......i think the only one i dont do is tap!

Last time I tried to tap a mod, my nuts felt the pain, never again.

From experience, one mate of mine went from riding mod to stock, on his mod, he sidehopped and that was it, he has even admitted before that "all I did on the mod was sidehop". Then another friend, some might know him, Adrian from Woking?, he went from stock which he was very good on, to mod, and he basically stopped gapping and went to sidehopping.

If you watch some of the more recent videos of just normal riders, most mod videos I find have just sidehops, or like billocks, drop gaps. Most stock videos have a huge variety of riding, they will sidehop, gap, dorpgap, tap, up to front etc.

Not aiming the mod riders only sidehop at one person, more the "new generation" of mod riders, and the tucking thing is deffinately a new generation thing too, I hardly ever remember Danny Holroyd doing a huge tuck on a sidehop, infact I barely remember him sidehopping.

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I have just been out and thought lets give what pauly said a try.....so i relaxed preloaded tucked at the last second and well ....just nailed a sidehop i could never do.....

nice one pauly.....respect ......

and thank you maxx and inur .....glad im not like the rest

dave is a freak show lol

good tuck danny man!

x dave

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Is it really so hard to put photo's in the right aspect ratio? Please?!

Sorry - it's a pet-peeve of mine... Just annoys the HELL outa me.

anywhere around or below 38-40" on mod or stock you can easily do by transferring your weight onto your front wheel (almost front to back) and using that to get up - not tucking at all!

looks far better IMO.

But then it could be argued, that - when trials was just starting out - 20" was really high. Granted - you're tallented if you can tuck that, being about knee height (:P) but my point remains.

This is only the way things are now.

Give it a handful more years, and anything below 50 may be scoffed at.

Same way as - through generations - we've been getting gradually more intelligent. That's gonna carry on.

I'll bet that when trials videos were first around, to see a 40" sidehop (or even a sidehop atall, for that matter...) would be mindbogglingley high.

Now it's gone up to the 55"+ regeion (sp? Looks wrong :ermm: ) with TRA and when CLS' videos were new.

I can't put my mind to doubting it'll go higher.

People get better by riding with good people - so when they ride with TRA (for example), by the time they equal him - he'll have put on another 4".

Means more people for newbies to learn from.... Everyone gets better quicker.... Get even better than the "normal" level - put the boundaries up.

I'm rambling - but I can't tell if I've gotten my point across :P

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I'm rambling - but I can't tell if I've gotten my point across :P

perhaps. I don't really see your point though :S

I'm talking about in the region of 35-40" - you don't need to tuck. people have been side hopping that using the front to back (no tuck) for like, 10 years on less suitable bikes than people currently ride?

higher than that, yes of course you may need a tuck. but people putting 20" sidehops on this thread with stupid tucks is well, stupid.

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in my video im making ive tried to put various moves in but certain moves are bloody hard on a mod so i think ive got too many sidehops, but meh :P

anyway, i want to get a stock for taps :P and as danny said earlier he finds stock easyer to sidehop, well i dont find it easier but i dont find it harder.

anyway rocks is where its at (Y) way more fun and challanging, shame theres not any decent ones near me :(

anyway stop yo jibba jabba and leave this topic for tuck pictures :P

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In my video i had what one sidehop i think. To be honest i really hate sidehops and most of the time i seem to loose the erge to do them.

Saying that most mod videos is made of sides is not 100% true really. Maybe thats all they can do at the moment and if people can do a massive side hop but only do a small static there going to put alot of sides in there video to make them look better!

This thread was made for tucking pictures and not for a pic of your biggest sidehop.

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perhaps. I don't really see your point though :S

I'm talking about in the region of 35-40" - you don't need to tuck. people have been side hopping that using the front to back (no tuck) for like, 10 years on less suitable bikes than people currently ride?

higher than that, yes of course you may need a tuck. but people putting 20" sidehops on this thread with stupid tucks is well, stupid.

I tuck shit loads on anysidehop i do i don't meen to do it it just happend ask all the people i ride with if i dont tuck i carnt do it.(it's just the way it is)

although i think it's good to tuck as when you come to bigger sidehops between 40-50 for example you must have to tuck to be honest as its huge so i thinks it a good thing to tuck as it will help you progress when coming to bigger objects

Ross. :)

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Tuck Tuck Tuck and more Tuck...








To be frank it really doesn’t matter how much a rider tuck IMO, as long as he/she do it, its ok... I mean end of the day if you make it then well-done :) Everyone has a different riding style, so style/ technique varies from rider to rider. I just think some guys should chill about how other people ride; it doesn’t matter along as they're participating in the sport, and they’re representing (Y)

Go ride and enjoy yourselfs(Y)



Trials-uk quote - "Dont Dream It, Ride it!"

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