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Sony Or Microsoft


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All i hear these days is people argueing over which is best, Sony or Microsoft.

This i think is one of the best places to find out which has more support behind them.

I like the PS2 but i love Xbox more, the Xbox 360 seems amazing but my friends keep going on about how the PS3 is going to be alot better.

I have got myself a PSP and i love it ^_^ music, games, pics and vids!

But i've seen the Microsoft are now bringing out their own version lol

Xbox has Xbox Live iand it's amazing, yeah ok playing with americans can get really annoying lol but it's still amazing.

Im wundering about Sony, does the PS3 have the online feature that Xbox have?

Im just wundering which company do you like more and do you think PS3 will be better than Xbox's 360?

Thanks everyone B)

Edited by Tailz222
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Undoubtedly the PS3 is going to be amazing in terms of graphics, Xbox 360 does have the pretty cool Live feature but I dont think anybody can realise the amazing detail that the PS3 will bring to games. Imagine racing on Gran Turismo 5 in High Definition. It will look gorgeous and the xbox 360 wont be able to touch it, not to mention the PS3 will play Blu-ray movies aswell.

While on the subject, the Xbox 360 is being revised and a new version will be realised with a HDMI output.

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While on the subject, the Xbox 360 is being revised and a new version will be realised with a HDMI output.

Yeah a black one... and ive also heard rumours about ANOTHER 360 after that with a built in hddvd drive. Im sure thats going to please all the 360 owners out there lol

Microsoft are just shitting them selfs that hddvd is going to lose against blu-ray... which it is. MICROSOFT GIVE UP!!!!!!!!! NOWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!! BLURAY *** :P

Playstation 3 will be better as well but we will find out for definite on march the 23rd ;)

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Undoubtedly the PS3 is going to be amazing in terms of graphics, Xbox 360 does have the pretty cool Live feature but I dont think anybody can realise the amazing detail that the PS3 will bring to games. Imagine racing on Gran Turismo 5 in High Definition. It will look gorgeous and the xbox 360 wont be able to touch it, not to mention the PS3 will play Blu-ray movies aswell.

LOL Yea will look so realistic the will advertise the latest GT with a PGR 3 Shot, and will play so realisticly that you car floats(no rumble like the 360), and also no damage models, yea such a good game woo! Ohh and so far the 360 can do every game the PS3 can, but looks better on the 360. Apparently this is cause the ps3 is insanly hard to code for unlike the 360. Also a fair few of the PS3 exclusives arn't anymore. Ohh and not to mention that eh PS3 has no "must have" games yet. Unlike the 360.

But in all honesty the Wii is better then both!


Just a couple links for those bored during the day, and are eagerly waiting for a PS3

Sony uses PGR3 to premote GT:HD

EA Developer says skip PS3

AOL: Money and finance - Dont buy PS3

British Retailers worried about PS3 Launch

Sony UK, Head of PS3 sales quits


A little reminder of the http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Wzmf0ChL24. And a few more lies for you

EDIT 3(Yes im bored!!!)

Sony's Awesome Press Confrence!

Edited by Orgun_Donor
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erm, right, dont really wanna give my opinion on it, when ps3 is still pre launch in this country. but..... having played an import ps3, i wasnt overly impressed, the whole tilt sensitive controller, was turned right off. and the game i played (blazing angels) didnt feel to good, or even look that good.

but then xbox launch games probably went that hot either. so cant really comment on that front/

as for blu-ray s hd dvd. really cant see blu ray beating hd dvd. just doesnt seem logical for something so expensive and manufacturer specific to triumph.

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Microsoft are just shitting them selfs that hddvd is going to lose against blu-ray... which it is. MICROSOFT GIVE UP!!!!!!!!! NOWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!! BLURAY *** :P

Playstation 3 will be better as well but we will find out for definite on march the 23rd ;)

Playstation 3 will kick Xbox's ass, end of story really, but I'm not planning on buying either, why waste you're life in front of a tv screen? Get out on your bike!

Please tell me you are joking right... you do know the PS3 is already out in Asia and America and is sucking... badly:



The PS3 is so horrendously expensive, has no decent games at the moment - period. The PS3 is sat on shop shelves in the US but no-one can buy a Wii anywhere.

The simple fact is the PS3 is already being called 'Sony's dreamcast' - remember them. For Sony it could just mean the end of a bad finacial year of battery recalls and PS3 delays, but for SEGA it meant they never made another console.



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As far as im concerned, the console which does internet gaming the best is the one i'm going for. After playing with other people it seems boring by yourself.

The difference between xbox's and sony's internet games is that microsoft's service is payed for. xbox live cost more, but that ensures much better servers and reliability. Sony on the other hand has left it up to the games developers to set up their own servers wich means that when a game stops selling, it's servers will start to go offlie quickly.

Edited by ted
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The only main advantage the ps3 has over the xbox 360 is that it comes with a built in Blue ray drive for watching HD dvd's. But you can now buy that as an extra for the 360. The PS3 has only a slightly better spec than the 360 and since the 360 has been out much longer than the PS3 Microsoft have the rights for more games to come out on the 360 first. Like the new Grand theft auto that is coming out in October is coming out on the xbox 360 before it comes out on the PS3. Also Microsoft are a much bigger company than sony so I would defintly say that MICROSOFT are the best by far!

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This is to all the people who are thinking the playstation 3 is too expensive i have constructed a comparison aiming to bring both consoles to a level where they both have equal features to see what the end price result is.

Playstation 3

Console: 60GB version with 3 games; resistance fall of man, genji + motorstorm: £525 (play.com

Hard drive 60GB: built in

Second wireless controller: £45ish? (froogle.com)

Controller charge cables (included with ps3 bundled controller, not included with second controller): £10 max? (froogle.com)

Wireless networking: built in WIFI

Blu ray drive: built in

HDMI cable: £20ish? (froogle.com)

Online play: FREE!

A blu-ray movie to play on your new playstation 3? Black hawk down, the best selling blu-ray title on play.com: £14


Console: premium version: £280 (play.com)

3 games; gears of war, dead rising + saints row(3 top selling 360 games on play.com) £93 (play.com)

Hard drive 20GB: 60GB hardrive: (20GB xbox 360 hard drive costs £65 (play.com) so when they bring out a 60GB upgrade which they might soon, its got to be at least £100: £100 +

Second wireless controller: £30 (play.com)

Play and charge kit (controller charging cables): £13 each, x2 for 2 controllers: £26 (play.com)

Wireless network adapter: £55 (play.com)

Online play: Gold 12 month subscription: £35 (play.com)

HDDVD add on drive: £130 (play.com)

And why not have an hddvd to play on your hddvd drive? Top selling hddvd on play.com: FIFA world cup 2006 all the goals of Germany: £15

Total prices

Playstation 3: £614

Xbox 360: £764

I'm just going to take £14 off the total price of each one to make it clearer to see which works out cheaper.

Playstation 3: £614 - 14 = £600

Xbox 360: £764 - 14 = £750

As you can see, the playstation 3 works out CHEAPER once you have brought all the items which don't come included with the 360. What Microsoft are trying to do here... and achieving is to sell you all the extras bit by bit so in the end you don't realize that you have ended up spending a lot more than you think. You may think the playstation 3 will die off, but we will see what happens in a years time.

Also another thing, im pretty annoyed at people saying, ooooh xbox 360 games are just as good as the ps3 games, YEAH, they are... wanna know why?!?! because the game developers have had over a year to develop games for it and refine them. The vice President and chief visual officer at EA games have said that the current games they are bringing out for the playstation 3 only use 20% of the playstation 3's potential power.

"The whole industry knows it's been a challenge; the PS3's a very complex piece of equipment. On one hand it's a challenge, on the other hand there's tremendous potential in that box. I think it's going to take developers a little while to figure out how to unlock that power.

We've got games coming out now where we feel we've hit maybe 20 per cent of the potential of PlayStation 3. We know the power's there, but like any new platform it's going to take us a little bit of time to unleash it.

Was it more complex than we were expecting? Yes, probably; there were some challenges that we didn't expect. We've got tremendous confidence long-term that it's going to be a phenomenal games machine."

Add that to the fact that Microsoft is supporting a dieing format (HDDVD) only ONE movie studio with dedicated support and on the computer hardware side of the format war we have on the blu-ray team... Sony, Dell and Apple. on the HDDVD team we have... umm Toshiba?

Ok, thats enough of me going on... in the end its up to you to chose, so yeah pick whichever one you want and have fun playing it ^_^


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ps3 gonna blow xbox 360 out of the water, but look how much longer they have had to devlope it aswell as how many problems they had with it thats not even startin on the price for the ps3 i like my xbox but ps3 is going to be alot better graphics wise dnt no about online just yet though

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Sony always come up with some 'magnificant' gadget which is useless. Ok, Blu-Ray...stick on onto a PS3 and it ups the cost by around £200. I have little hope in Blu-Ray. Look at the UMD movie format on PSP's....it lasted about a month at its peak before being deemed useless and then production seized because no one was interested in it.

Minidisc went the same way...Blu-Ray is obviously a bit different...but in no means does a PS3 require the need for one!!

Microsoft has the upper hand on this, not to mention Microsoft pretty much created the gaming world, they tried and tested the hardware used in most consoles today! People moan about microsoft, but honestly, they're f**ktards. Ok, they have flaws undoubtably, but they're a mega sucessful company, they intended to put a PC in every home; and they did it.

So, to pretty much sum it up, I think Mircosoft is the better company going on status, invention and knowledge.

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Sony always come up with some 'magnificant' gadget which is useless. Ok, Blu-Ray...stick on onto a PS3 and it ups the cost by around £200. I have little hope in Blu-Ray. Look at the UMD movie format on PSP's....it lasted about a month at its peak before being deemed useless and then production seized because no one was interested in it.

Minidisc went the same way...Blu-Ray is obviously a bit different...but in no means does a PS3 require the need for one!!

Microsoft has the upper hand on this, not to mention Microsoft pretty much created the gaming world, they tried and tested the hardware used in most consoles today! People moan about microsoft, but honestly, they're f**ktards. Ok, they have flaws undoubtably, but they're a mega sucessful company, they intended to put a PC in every home; and they did it.

So, to pretty much sum it up, I think Mircosoft is the better company going on status, invention and knowledge.

Couldn't of put it better my self.

I have an xbox 360 and love it, before that i had an xbox and loved it. The ps2 was no way near as good as the xbox, and after watching some of the videos on the internet of ps3 games i wasn't impressed.

And the 360 is also easier to produce games for (i think someone already mentioned it), so a lot of game designers moved to xbox.

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Playstation 3

Console: 60GB version with 3 games; resistance fall of man, genji + motorstorm: £525 (play.com

Hard drive 60GB: built in

Second wireless controller: £45ish? (froogle.com)

Controller charge cables (included with ps3 bundled controller, not included with second controller): £10 max? (froogle.com)

Wireless networking: built in WIFI

Blu ray drive: built in

HDMI cable: £20ish? (froogle.com)

Online play: FREE!

A blu-ray movie to play on your new playstation 3? Black hawk down, the best selling blu-ray title on play.com: £14


Console: premium version: £280 (play.com)

3 games; gears of war, dead rising + saints row(3 top selling 360 games on play.com) £93 (play.com)

Hard drive 20GB: 60GB hardrive: (20GB xbox 360 hard drive costs £65 (play.com) so when they bring out a 60GB upgrade which they might soon, its got to be at least £100: £100 +

Second wireless controller: £30 (play.com)

Play and charge kit (controller charging cables): £13 each, x2 for 2 controllers: £26 (play.com)

Wireless network adapter: £55 (play.com)

Online play: Gold 12 month subscription: £35 (play.com)

HDDVD add on drive: £130 (play.com)

And why not have an hddvd to play on your hddvd drive? Top selling hddvd on play.com: FIFA world cup 2006 all the goals of Germany: £15

Total prices

Playstation 3: £614

Xbox 360: £764

I love these lists, cause they mean absolutely CACK ALL!

For a start off, i want a games console not a "Home Entertainment System". Thats why i have a PC!

So you can instantly knock off... £145 from the price of the 360. Wireless network adapter, is really not needed, at all, so that another £55 off. Oh and then the 60GB hard... again not needed at all, thats another £100 off. Whats that? £300 of the price of your 360? And how much off your PS3... that £14 you took of anyway. And another blow, the only good game in that 3 game bundle, is motorstorm, the other 2 are what the call mediocre. Where as the 3 360 games you put in the list are all very playable excellent games. another mark for the 360. And then another £24 for the play and charge kits, Im sure most homes have rechargable AA batteries around, so again thats not needed.

New prices -

Playstation 3: £614 - £14 = £600

XBox 360: £764 - £324 = £440

And now which is cheaper?

Ohh and as for the online play, it will be fantastic on the 360, is now and will be for a long time to come. PS3 will be very hit and miss, depending on the developer of the game!

Edited by Orgun_Donor
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All i hear these days is people argueing over which is best, Sony or Microsoft.

This i think is one of the best places to find out which has more support behind them.

I like the PS2 but i love Xbox more, the Xbox 360 seems amazing but my friends keep going on about how the PS3 is going to be alot better.

I have got myself a PSP and i love it ^_^ music, games, pics and vids!

But i've seen the Microsoft are now bringing out their own version lol

Xbox has Xbox Live iand it's amazing, yeah ok playing with americans can get really annoying lol but it's still amazing.

Im wundering about Sony, does the PS3 have the online feature that Xbox have?

Im just wundering which company do you like more and do you think PS3 will be better than Xbox's 360?

Thanks everyone B)



Nintendo Wii!!!

But i have a 360 and have replaced it 5 times and my current one is broken.

I say: get the old one and Chip it (thats what i do)

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I love these lists, cause they mean absolutely CACK ALL!

For a start off, i want a games console not a "Home Entertainment System". Thats why i have a PC!

This is to all the people who are thinking the playstation 3 is too expensive i have constructed a comparison aiming to bring both consoles to a level where they both have equal features to see what the end price result is.

^^^ Did i not say that? i was aiming to bring them to a level where they both have EQUAL FEATURES ^^^

And by the way you can run linux on the PS3 and use it as a pc with a usb keyboard and mouse. Either way sooner or later you WILL end up getting a high definition dvd player so your either going to buy an HDDVD drive for your xbox 360 which will become useless, or an HD DVD player which will again be useless and more expensive, or you can buy a blu-ray player which will be around £700 OR you can buy yourself a games console, home entertainment system, High definition dvd player AND a PC all in one bundle for £600.

Seems like a better deal to go with the winning format (Blu-ray) and get it for £100 cheaper than the cheapest blu-ray players than not get one at all and have to buy one later on, not to mention throwing away that 360 HDDVD drive which will be useless apart from the few hd dvd films you brought BEFORE hd dvd dies...

^^^ Did i not say that? i was aiming to bring them to a level where they both have EQUAL FEATURES ^^^

And by the way you can run linux on the PS3 and use it as a pc with a usb keyboard and mouse. Either way sooner or later you WILL end up getting a high definition dvd player so your either going to buy an HDDVD drive for your xbox 360 which will become useless, or an HD DVD player which will again be useless and more expensive, or you can buy a blu-ray player which will be around £700 OR you can buy yourself a games console, home entertainment system, High definition dvd player AND a PC all in one bundle for £600.

Seems like a better deal to go with the winning format (Blu-ray) and get it for £100 cheaper than the cheapest blu-ray players than not get one at all and have to buy one later on, not to mention throwing away that 360 HDDVD drive which will be useless apart from the few hd dvd films you brought BEFORE hd dvd dies...

Oh and by the way...

New prices -

Playstation 3: £614 - £14 = £600

XBox 360: £764 - £324 = £440

And now which is cheaper?

To be perfectly honest with you... Playstation 3 is cheaper by a long shot... for £160 more... you get a FREE BLU-RAY PLAYER, AND A PC (running linux on the playstation 3 makes it a PC), AND A MEMORY CARD READER thrown in.


you could spend £160 LESS and miss out on... a High definition DVD player which may i add are over £500 new, a PC and a memory card reader.

Up to you but i know which id rather have ;) Playstation 3 all the way...

<--- Linux working on the playstation 3
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There's no doubting that the PS3 is a great machine, it's just a pity it's so damn hard to make games for it. All the multi format games out at the minute look better on the 360 than they do on the PS3.

I personally wouldn't mind owning a PS3 but the controller ruins it for me. Why do they still insist on having the D pad as the main control? They need to swap the D pad and the left analogue stick round.

I don't intend to buy either just yet but I am looking forward to the next GTA and Halo so there's only one choice for me.

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While on the subject, the Xbox 360 is being revised and a new version will be released with a HDMI output.

oh thats so unfair that means i will have to either buy another Xbox 360 or pray that they will bring out HDMI lead

suppose i could trade it in and get the money, then buy the black one which would look lush


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^^^ Did i not say that? i was aiming to bring them to a level where they both have EQUAL FEATURES ^^^

And by the way you can run linux on the PS3 and use it as a pc with a usb keyboard and mouse. Either way sooner or later you WILL end up getting a high definition dvd player so your either going to buy an HDDVD drive for your xbox 360 which will become useless, or an HD DVD player which will again be useless and more expensive, or you can buy a blu-ray player which will be around £700 OR you can buy yourself a games console, home entertainment system, High definition dvd player AND a PC all in one bundle for £600.

Seems like a better deal to go with the winning format (Blu-ray) and get it for £100 cheaper than the cheapest blu-ray players than not get one at all and have to buy one later on, not to mention throwing away that 360 HDDVD drive which will be useless apart from the few hd dvd films you brought BEFORE hd dvd dies...

Oh and by the way...

To be perfectly honest with you... Playstation 3 is cheaper by a long shot... for £160 more... you get a FREE BLU-RAY PLAYER, AND A PC (running linux on the playstation 3 makes it a PC), AND A MEMORY CARD READER thrown in.


you could spend £160 LESS and miss out on... a High definition DVD player which may i add are over £500 new, a PC and a memory card reader.

Up to you but i know which id rather have ;) Playstation 3 all the way...

<--- Linux working on the playstation 3

So we may as well just buy a better pc for £614....

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