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Recently trials in my area has exploded! and there are loads of young trials riders on the scene mostly riding t-birds and t-pro's which should be a super thing and ive always backed the expansion of trails into the mainstream.... but now its actually happened i hate it...

- There sheer ignorance really annoys me... there so rude and arrogant its just fustrates me sooo much! they just seem to be so destructive and disrespectful... like all of them were riding on this area of grass land, which was pointless because we were in a concrete area and i asked them not to ride on the grass becuase as it was slightly damp they were ripping up all the grass which was pointless and then they all turned on me like, "simpson you dont own the f**king grass" oh my god i was sooo angry and the local spot i ride with my friends is now swamped! somehow they always find out where were riding and come along and just get in the way!

i mean i know we all started somewhere but these kids are so scummy and annoying and just prefer to cause trouble by throwing mudd at cars when they get bored of riding and seem to enjoy getting police attention to f**k them off / look big! its just sooo fustrating! we ride with some newish riders in southend (sorry dont know all your names but nails crew) and there really alright and still great fun to ride with! just dont know why these kids are just f**ktards and i dont know what i should do.....

its got to be bad for the sport? or am i being a willy and being too sensible for once?

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I totaly agree with you, there are alot of these "new" riders who like you say, have t-pros and t-birds who just don't give a sh*t abou the places thy ride and just generaly show no respect, it realy does my head in, i was riding with some of these riders a while back and was trying a tap and hit my bash, not liking this i decided to leave it, the kids then went on about how the wall was not mine sh why should i give a fook, to which i replied with abit of a mega lecture.

It does realy do my head in, fortunatly when i am at home (cornwall) riding rocks there is nothing like this to worry me :)


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Your not being a willy its true but i live in Jersey and i started trials again last summer. The people i ride with are really sound and were willing to help me get started. As i live in little little Jersey there is only one group of riders and since i have been rideing more people have started but there sound. People like who your talking about think they know more than you etc there just being little d**k H***s. This happens in many sports.

Cheers Tom

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I think really, you just have to let it go.

The other day i attempted a rather large tap(with a borrowed bike i may add), and some little shit rode past, on his saracen 20 inch peice of wankpiss, and laughed as i fell onto my backside.

I think it's just learning to look at kids like that and think 'Im the one getting a shag tonight'.

Edited by deanie-b
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I do agree with this

I kinda feel the same bout my area, dunno what it is, i just prefer to ride with the group i used to and not with these idiots

Although i think im the only one that thinks like that about the people in my area

no ur not. i agree with you, there is this one dude who steals stuff from petrol stations when out on rides (did it once) and jsut generally pissed about like a f**ktwat. im fed up of it. boot htem in the balls i say

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I know what you mean, so annoying... Thing is, I probably was one of them when I was younger, probably the idiotic type. Because, I wasn't a poser, and was mostly quiet, but still I was there and probably annoying. But look at the bright side, out of that group of young fellows, half of them will stop riding before next year (mostly the pricks) and you'll probably end up with some new, younger riders, that are stoked to ride wich is actually quite cool. Meanwhile, remind the bastards that they're bastards.

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QUOTE(deanie-b @ Mar 11 2007, 09:20 PM)
I think really, you just have to let it go...and laughed as i fell onto my backside.

I think it's just learning to look at kids like that and think 'Im the one getting a shag tonight'.

No but how can i? i work had all week at colledge and work all weekend so when i go out on my bike i want to have fun and i just go home more stressed than i was when i left the house! and im not going to put up with it like you ruined my fun and my sport tonight and im just going to smile and say yea im going to get laid?

i just really dont think its on...... i think for now ill just have to go out on more quiet rides or ride further away from home in the future

all they do is come out and break everything! and try and bug you abotu "whos got the best bike" or how much was that" i could go on all day!

Yea theyve just ruined our lil night rides! i dread going out and see'ing them now becuase i know im just going to get really fustrated and not enjoy the ride because i have to keep my eye out on 15 13year old kids who want to be hard and cause police / innocent passersby agro....

and i really do hope they read this thread! its not big and its not cool....

Thing is, I probably was one of them when I was younger, probably the idiotic type. Because, I wasn't a poser, and was mostly quiet, but still I was there and probably annoying

No i dont care if people are asking questions and asking for a hand with riding and stuff, i love helping people out! really i do! i know we were all newbies in the sport at some stage but its these kids who theive and cause trouble that really f**ks me off... i think its worse in my area as we have a massive scene and theres loads of lil f**kers and its just annoying! there all twatty little chavs and think im there best mate... which im not

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Yer simps i know what you mean..its liek when i ride with you..LMAO Jokes honey :P

But yer..and also..people..with like pimped out bikes..who cant ride for shit and when they see another trials rider..they dont even stop..they just carry on riding.

Back when i was 1st starting out..if i saw another trials ride. Id be over to them in a flashto try and make a new mate sort of thing..

Oh well, When you ride with me simps..u know its gonna be a garenteed good ride :P

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No i know im shit on a pimped out bike! oh well! im getting better! lol i know what was up with those kids? i smiled and nodded and they didnt even come over just stared at us all the way down the road :S :S :S - yea lucky these wankers dont come past hadleigh if they came on a southend ride id be so seriously f**ked off! only time i actually get to ride! lol

EDIT isnt it also wierd how most full members on TF are well alright in real life?

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I'm afraid i can't relate to this.

I live in an area wheres there's only 5 of us that ride trials - we have had two or three new youngens come into the scene but they are sound! I must admit I like teaching / encourageing them to ride and do other stuff because I want them to get better thus "we" can all ride as a group rather than going different places for them to play for a bit...

My Advice - Ignore those little worms and show them up! They'd soon not ride with / near you!

Dan (Y)

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we have had two or three new youngens come into the scene but they are sound! I must admit I like teaching / encourageing them to ride and do other stuff because I want them to get better...

My Advice - Ignore those little worms and show them up! They'd soon not ride with / near you!

No i mean the last thing i want is to for people to think im anti the sport growing / new people coming in.... its just these kids are total wankers and such such cocks :@ - and even if i do something good they just get in the way and AHHHH

ok i think my rant is coming to an end now! lol

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No i mean the last thing i want is to for people to think im anti the sport growing / new people coming in.... its just these kids are total wankers and such such cocks :@ - and even if i do something good they just get in the way and AHHHH

ok i think my rant is coming to an end now! lol

The only way they'll win is if you let them get to you!.... sounds like they have!

You can always nick their bikes one night in a black ops styley! B)

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no ur not. i agree with you, there is this one dude who steals stuff from petrol stations when out on rides (did it once) and jsut generally pissed about like a f**ktwat. im fed up of it. boot htem in the balls i say

At least someone agrees with me, i have come to the point of when i get my new bike, refusing to ride with them

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At least someone agrees with me, i have come to the point of when i get my new bike, refusing to ride with them

i refuse to ride with a group of lads from round here! there all theiving bastards and take things from others garages and shops.... just f**ks me off so much.... im not affraid about having a mere at them though.... guess my parents brought me up better than that!

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it was like that around here for a while, but now most people have quit or come out once in a blue moon, when they stand around is more annoying than if they were ripping up the grass learning backhops or whatever, i'd rather set aside 20 mins of my time to teach them how to do it than just have them standing around while you ride.

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