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Daniel Gray

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Everything posted by Daniel Gray

  1. This looks like its going to be a complete banger mike.
  2. Halo 3 forever, but if anyone wants to 2v2 my brother and i add my tagg : watch mee wreck ha.
  3. nice nice, and off topic but what the hell happened to the moment dvd, that breath me was originally on?
  4. Merry Christmas boys and girls
  5. Really liked that, Rich's bike looks like its nice to ride.
  6. or are you working in High def ?
  7. Loved that! who cares about the flatland shit, can do what he likes beast of a rider.
  8. Its so nice to see some High quality thought through Videos coming out in the trials Scene.
  9. Give me six months to finish uni and will ride reading like every other day aha. Holla at nick G or Jack meek.
  10. why we never hooked that stairs thing before jack? liked it allot.
  11. Things like this make me feel sick, there is so much change needed in this world, sadly it will never come. If there is a god, then shit like this would not be allowed to happen. Listen to this and smile: My link George Carlin talks truth.
  12. Has anyone got any 48 hour xbox live cards i can pinch? just one would be perfect.
  13. Way to early for Christmas tree, traditionally put ours up about a week before.
  14. I have thought about god, life and why we are here until I feel like crying. I think the best thing for me is to find a mantra and not think to much. about it aha.
  15. Good two inches in Bournemouth!
  16. Beautiful, thank you for the inspiration Dan, and to the film-maker for the vision.
  17. thanks for sharing that moment, was really nice to read.
  18. That bike can sit on my face.
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