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Danny Metcalfe

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Everything posted by Danny Metcalfe

  1. Youre not very good are you That was the best video in terms of angles editing and riding ive seen in a very long time nice one guys!
  2. Danny Metcalfe


    stock - frame,forks,headset,front hub, front rim,brake mounts rear,bashring,left lever blade mod- frame,forks,frontrim,rear rim,cranks,bashring,front brake clamps,rear brake clamps,bars,stem,left lever blade,right lever blade
  3. Exclaimation mark-THIS-Exclaimation mark. Apple would benefit so much from introducing flash software. If they werent so proud/stubborn. as for ipads they are cool. i would have one if i could justify spending that sort of money, not saying i think there expensive, just that i am poor. as for gps/sat nav - pretty sure you can download a tom-tom app - but IMO would think it would be too big to mount in your car in a way that was safe to use and convienient. from the outside looking in your reasoning for purchasing it seem wrong, my way of perspective is, if your in doubt about buying it then you probably dont need it.could you manage with out one? if so then i wouldntt bother. just buy a tom-tom and a bumper book of su-doku puzzles to keep you occupied. but then again it's always nice to treat yourself
  4. She sounds like a catch. Best of luck.
  5. ive always liked the look of those frames looking good bro hate those pedals though..
  6. want one!!!!! looks nice that i really like the colour/paintjobs on the frames please keep the forks white with it looks mint matey!
  7. You need a jakio sticker . Looks nice. What's weight? I want a go. You still kept zona then?
  8. Cannttttt Saturdays my loving day. Haha only joking me and Allana have plans. You wouldve seen it tonight if you didn't bail on me... Lol. You get your tyre sorted?
  9. Finally got a stock sorted. Well modstock. . What y'all think? Spec is. Adament a1 modstock frame long Forks: echo urbans with vee and disc monunts Stem:zhi Headset:gu Bars:tryall rage trialtech foam grips Front wheel: adamant non disc hub echo urban rim. Rear wheel: revell rim profile hub 13t sprocket Front brake. Avid sd7 vee and lever. Clarks cable tnn lgv pads. Rear brake: maggie 05 lever lgm pads water bleed. Cranks: trialtech Isis 170mm jobbies. Echo sl halfring. 18t trialtech sprocket Bb:truvative gigapipe Pedals: wellgo platform pedals Chain: khe Hope I haven't forgot anything. Comments? Suggestions? Improvements? Thanks Dan.
  10. See if anyone fancies it? Me and Liam Rhodes so far
  11. There was vid of a lad riding brakeless on an ozonys xr20 which was pretty good. Probs worth a search for
  12. Beast Adam haven't seen you in like a year badness. You get stem Sorted?
  13. @2 mins nice way to fill your pants haha no seriously sweet vid man
  14. Since Lee cannot make a topic in here I will do one for him. Yeah riding Liverpool on Sunday ont docks and city. Give us a pm on here for my number n whatnot. Let's make it as good as last time. As long as sam doesn't turn up and make us all look shit again .anyways. As you were. Hopefully see some of you Sunday. All my love. Dan.
  15. LEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'll be there matey hopefully weather will be better then last time!! make sure it stays on a sunday though
  16. the first rule of fight club Biketrials is...
  17. Some dodgy filming there on one or two clips. Sponsered loosely by superdry. Good vid man
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