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Everything posted by PeanuckleJive

  1. more clearance and less weight. Some have seats, depends on the rider really
  2. No idea what it is I use, Just some heavy creamy brown coloured grease in a tin, we use it on wheel bearings on cars we service so i'm sure it's fine for my headset
  3. I've just put a new KMC kool chain (although it came in a trialtech box?!) on my bike today. I wanna keep my teeth!
  4. pretty sure he was talking to sean, not ben.
  5. Haha, sump guard right there! Looks goofy as hell, but Goofy is the new cool Bet you could grind it ^^
  6. the tartybikes video is the best way I know of to do it If it's really on so tight that that method won't work, I reckon there's some other problem hidden in there. You could grind a slot in the sprocket and spread it to get it off, but you stand a huuuuuuuge chance of grinding into the threads on the hub whilst doing so
  7. you ride in time to music? I'll be damned If I can keep up with 230bpm metal with my feet on my pedals >.<
  8. Depends really, sometimes it's ridiculously heavy like meshuggah, Black dahlia murder etc. Sometimes it's a lot more chilled like Porcupine tree, Eric clapton or even a bit of jazz Depends on my mood really
  9. did you torque them up properly and grease the splines? I put mine on a year and a half ago and they've never felt loose since then
  10. I ride in either really light shorts when warm enough for it, or Long DPM camo trousers when it's not. they're light but warm, can't be doing with riding in jeans these days Ordering a bashring tomorrow (PAYDAY) failing that, Guess i'll become one of them fags in skinny jeans...
  11. is this a request for people to make you offers on swapping their stock for your mod? if so, there's no trading allowed in New Members Chat, read the rules
  12. Some nice riding, and THE ECSTASY OF GOLD as the music, Loved it
  13. Yeah dude, that probably don't help Or if your wheel isn't centred between your chainstays, it won't be easy to set up Get your wheel sorted and try again if you still can't move them far enough out, you might need to get offset mounts, if you're using 4 bolt magura mounts?
  14. The new onza bikes are so minimalistic... are those air guitars in the background?
  15. Sounds like your brake isn't set up properly. follow this video here: Clicky Click! I can't see what else it could be except a badly set up brake
  16. +1. If tarty and select don't have it, it ain't worth having usually
  17. it was a joke about the majority of people who are now happy they can look at their own street from the comfort of their desk, which is all most people using streetview do. I always use it in unfamiliar towns and cities so I know I'm walking the right way to the bar
  18. good old streetview! I can now walk down my street and look around, I was never able to do that before....
  19. I can't sleep, I'm sat watching the firefox download bars slowly fill green yaaaaaaaaaaaawn.
  20. I wish i lived in a town where the bouncers were that hopeless >.< Before I was 18 there were only 2 places we knew we'd definitely get in, everywhere else turned us away most times. and I used my bro's ID, he looks exactly like me when I take my glasses off
  21. They don't take a lot of interest in the photo?! Of course they do! Unless it bears a decent resemblance to you, it ain't gonna happen. I've had people doubting that I'm the guy on my driving licence before, purely because I had a haircut
  22. I was a blood purist for years, been running water for 3 weeks ish now and haven't even considered going back to oil, enjoy
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