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onza pro series guy

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Everything posted by onza pro series guy

  1. right, i've posted about it elsewhere so here goes, why not like my page 'trials memes' on facebook if you like bikes and have a sense of humour? If you only have one of those qualities you should keep your filthy likes to yourself, bitch.

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    2. onza pro series guy

      onza pro series guy

      its me and another guy, a load are sent in too, so i'm gonna pretend none of the naff ones are mine ;)

    3. Danny00135


      The ones I sent in were a thing of beauty ;)

    4. onza pro series guy

      onza pro series guy

      haha, but it means i cant post my ebay one for ages now ;)

  2. I LOVE what you've done. Does this mean the spacing will allow a disc brake to be run still or is that out of the window still?
  3. http://artofmanliness.com/2009/11/01/the-mliest-mustaches-of-all-time/ also:
  4. that is rediculous. with a clear shot of his number plate in there as well. i sincerely hope that the georgian police have been to vist him and he is getting sodimised in prision as we speak.
  5. if you wear big frame glasses, chinos and a vest top out in public, combined with a sleave tattoo, you might be a hipster....
  6. what i found funniest is that this guy was wearing that stuff, compleately unaware of the fact he looked like a hipster douchebag.
  7. he raises a vaild point when he says he should only have got a six month ban, if i killed someone but no evidence came up for 15 years, I'd still get the same sentence... having said that he is a dick, have you seen the photo he tweeted after he was dropped from his sponsers and stripped of his titles: dick,
  8. thought so, just normally theres one twat, but they obviously attract them.
  9. This may come accross as a bit random but while browsing pinkbike just now I came across a few of these Ashtons and was shocked by the prices the guys wanted for them! Now it could just be wacky noob pricing, considering its the worst time really to sell your bike, just after xmas and all, or are these bikes doing the impossible and appreciating?! £600 for a snap-prone early non-gusseted model anyone? http://www.pinkbike.com/buysell/1256832/ £1200 for an 'as new' Chris King smattered MK3 - http://www.pinkbike.com/buysell/1256072/ I know this may come across as a 'cool story bro' thread, but i thought it was an interesting topic of conversation; so are these fairly old school bikes actually going for big bucks? if so why?! or is it the standard case of twat-pricing?
  10. judging by the age and views its probably a re-post but still, I enjoyed watching this: it really starts at 43secs
  11. watching this guy confuse the f**k out of mcdonalds workers just made my night:
  12. i was gonna tell a joke about a vagina, but you'll never get it.
  13. Lildls burger anybody? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AXz4P6EpX3s
  14. what other special editions were there, I'm sure I've seen some green ones?
  15. http://www.videobash.com/video_show/bangarang-on-8-string-guitar-amazing-424471#IDXOtm2qW30GMZW3.01 http://www.videobash.com/video_show/crazy-bicycle-skill-21945#rkkhL9wvdq3TpfcB.01
  16. Oh well, unlike lightning, epicness strikes twice!!!
  17. Got a feeling this must be a re-post but hey:
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