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Jon Alty

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Everything posted by Jon Alty

  1. lol . I dont really understand, because on a motorbike the front brake is on the right and the clutch is on the left, so if you wanted to turn right, youd only have control of one brake, and if you wanted to turn left youd have 2 brakes... so surely the whole turning right thing doesnt make sense, as mikey said, surely u turn left just as much as right ? Not a clue to be honest, just used to riding bikes with "normal" brakes to me so kept at it :$
  2. Nice vid mate. Quite enjoyed the natural bit as its not seen much in vids .
  3. Surely your missus should be riding you, not you riding your missus, unless....? aha Very nice bike, just about to watch the vid, will comment after.
  4. Jon Alty

    Weekend Clips!

    Nice riding, very big sidehop at 1min .
  5. What you need to do is to work out the number of moles of the substance you have, and then multiply the number of moles by Avagadros constant - as avagadros constant states that 1 mole of ANY substance will contain 6.0221415 × 10^23 atoms. Oxygen is a slightly wierd example, as its a gas, so working out the number of moles is different than for solids, so you would need the volume and not the weight. But lets presume that this oxygen is in liquid form, then you would do; 0.3/16 = 0.01875 moles 0.01875*6.0221415 × 10^23 = 1.12915153 × 10^22 If you want to work out for another solid, then replace the 0.3 with the amount u have (in g) and replace the 16 with the atomic mass of that element (as 16 is the Mr of oxygen) and then times by avagadros constant (6.0221415 × 10^23). For gases, to work out the moles, do the volume, in dm^3 (which is essentially litres), and divide it by 24, as 1mole of any gas occupies 24dm^3 . And then multiply by Avagadros constant. P.S - You know the ^ symbol means 'To the power of' ? Btw, i used google as a calculator so im not actually sure on the calculations, but Avagadros constant is correct . Hope I helped mate, and dont quote me cos i may be wrong, but i hope not aha.
  6. Am interested in going, but is pretty far from me so im not sure. Will think about it though.
  7. absolute madness lol. Great vid, really enjoyed it .
  8. Forums rules state only validated members can post for sale threads. Read the rules before posting.
  9. hmm yeh i can see the point of doing this, however i dont ride road or anything so idk how i would do that properly :\. Thanks for the advise though.
  10. Wow that was immense. Especially loved the grinds + the 'Maxwhip' . Serious skills. Can i have the vimeo link so i can send this to a friend via email please?
  11. I guess just lucky if u get a good king or not? surely for 1/3 of the price the hopes are better then?
  12. Was about to ask the same . Congrats on the new bike man, and goodluck with your own riding aswell as your sons (he should enjoy it ). One thing you (and your son) need to know, is that trials can take a long time to get to grips with, and takes alot of practise. Just go out there and have fun basicly, dont take it too seriously is my advise .
  13. Obviously the Chris King rear hubs have a better reputation than the hope ones (have read the hopes used to break alot?), however i was just wondering how much better they are? Obviously they are like 3 times the price, but are they worth the extra money? Cheers for your opinions.
  14. lmao that dude was siiiiiiiiick. Nice sidehop btw, stupidly high
  15. This happened to my dad, he took it to the shop and they said it had just frozen on the black screen and he just needed to restart it. Cant remember how he said they did that, but i imagine its like the on button + the middle button at the same time for like 5 seconds or something, similar to the middle + play button restarts a nano. Idk if this will work for you but just saying its what was wrong with my dads. Edit: just looked it up, its the on/off button + the home button for 10 secs. http://www.apple.com/support/iphone/assistant/phone/#section_2
  16. yeh sent first class, should be there tomorrow mate.

  17. I broke my 170mm cranks (threads) so now using my 158mm mod cranks on my stock. Whats the difference in using the 158mms as opposed to the 170mms? I changed freewheel when i changed cranks so im unsure what difference the crank length has actually made, as i think any change in the feel of the bike might have been because of 1 extra tooth on my freewheel. Cheers for your help in advance. Jon.
  18. Im really up for Bournemouth. Meet at Bournemouth train station? Or can someone suggest a better place to meet up at in bournemouth? P.S - Dont really want to organise this myself as i dont know any spots in Bournemouth, just made this topic as i wanted to ride .
  19. Oh right ok, saw they were labelled as "On Order" still so thought they may still be available. Thanks alot for the pic (was it on the website? didnt look hard enough i guess), and cheers for the link to hydroforming, i guess the metal is heated first to make it more durable? The ripple only goes down like 30cm on the down tube (by the looks of things)? I guess the triangle shape of the ripple increases the strength, therefore reducing chance of denting? Seems alot of design thought has gone into this, along with the triangular chainstays etc, all using stronger shapes than standard tubing. Leaning more towards the born now . Thanks for your help Adam.
  20. Would it be possible to photograph the underside of the downtube to show the 'ripple' on the Born? Also dont understand what is meant by Hydro-formed ? Going to see what the slate 3 is like, then decide between that, the born and maybe the slate 2 . X-Ray looks cool in black though and the because is just beast for the price .
  21. Pretty sure im going to be buying the blue slate III, undecided on tapered headtube or not atm. Also if its loads of dosh then obviously i wont get it .
  22. Well carbon fibre is a tad stronger than PVC :\.
  23. Tip: dont try trials on that roady . Glad to see your improving already , those are 2 absolutely stunning bikes... Wish i could afford those . Everything just takes practise when your first startingout, and unfortunately can take quite long before you are hopping about nicely.
  24. chainstay looks stupidly thin no? I dont know much about BMXs though so :\
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