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Everything posted by Culshaw95

  1. I'm thinking about possibly going back to hydraulic and just wondering if anyone has used the new Magura HS22s? I have had some bad encounters in the past with hydraulic brakes so i'm still a bit hesitant about going back. What brakes are leading the way now? i've been running cable for a while now
  2. It's nice but im not a fan of that giant weld connecting the top and bottom tube but the rear of the frame work looks pretty tidy looking
  3. How are we embedding posts on here now? everythings changed since last i came on... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-MUWsjkgjbE
  4. Top stuff! (Probably a repeat of what someone else as said) I can see what people mean by a lot of videos and stuff on facebook and maybe some on here I also did similar things (Probably still do with photos) just gotta try resist posting so frequently as I know its hard to resist and its always nice just to see that people have acknowledged your posts.
  5. Lush build! Wish companies would do more V brake frames to be honest but it seems to be a slowly dying trend now which is a shame
  6. I think an admin may need to do this to hopefully solve the issue https://www.invisionpower.com/support/kb/_/34x-some-youtube-videos-may-not-embed-r76
  7. Cant seem to post it up properly but heres a compilation of this years riding https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sVxgJN0tVOU
  8. Bit hesitant on the bike now just dont get much time for it. Now i'm full time hours luckily I now get every other weekend off. Not ridden Poole before so not many clips
  9. It appears theres another remake by Racing Line. This time they've taken on the Echo SL design it seems
  10. I wonder how well this is going to perform apposed to the 2011 HS33 and HS11 http://www.magura.com/en/bike/products/katalog/produkte/detail/79-2014/multi-use-1/allgemein/hs22-2/allgemein.html
  11. Wish I was better at riding techy comp lines. Good riding and some good riding spots aswell. Really need to get myself abroad and ride
  12. Top image is the most recent one of it. I lied to myself saying I wasn't going to get anymore but one thing led to another...
  13. I know what you mean I'm just use to calling it a TPA (spent too long with the hydraulics :L) Slightly better photos of the set up for you:
  14. I think it works great to be honest. I tested the set up on my Echo 26" and I got fed up with re occurring issues I had with my old hydro. I've just recently changed the pads to LGM's aswell and its just gotten better. I think people judge V brakes too much to be honest because although they do require you to tighten the cable now and then they do last quite a while but other than that theres hardly any other adjustment if you get a reasonable set up
  15. Front brake works so i don't see any need to change it, I always had rear brake issues and this brake is the only one that works for me as i use to be dual hydros. I have a Trialtech 2 bolt booster and that seems to make it perform a lot better than my old set up Im not overly bothered with tpa system as i know i dont need to make any adjustments to the brake. I run the same set up on my Breath 20" had no issues (Apart from front disc on the mod)
  16. Another Update. Converted to rear V brake again
  17. Slight update. Rear V brake and shorter stem
  18. Culshaw95

    Gu 26''

    Get some Shimano Deore or XT levers, they're really nice feeling. I have Deores on my mod and on the rear of my Stock, I think they're more comfortable than the Avids
  19. Didn't realise how low my tyre pressure was so a little bit of a slam... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WiSL7Db-cxg
  20. Throw Back to 2 years ago
  21. I know this is something you find on something like instagram but I thought I might see if it would catch on here. So post you're most rememberable photos here
  22. It's unlisted on youtube so anyone with the link can see it which at the moment is anyone on here. If it gets taken down then it gets taken down, i'm sure Chris will solve what ever issues he's facing and he'll be uploading it either the same or slightly different soon Doubt it would be music issues because it's been taken off Vimeo and they don't tend to care as much as youtube unless the rules have changed
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