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Everything posted by valk

  1. valk

    Close thread

    Rainy saturday, trials game, cup of tea, this is how I waste an entire day
  2. No Danny Mac in a compilation video? What is this?
  3. Great riding, for a first video and everything it was sick! how long have you been riding?
  4. valk

    Jack carthy

    Yeah I'm not saying it's bad for him or anything like that, just that it looks aweful
  5. valk

    Jack carthy

    Idk but that bike is turning painful to watch.
  6. valk

    Josh Burkett 24"

    Woa I've never seen him before, he's crazy good!
  7. This is one of my new favorite videos of all time!
  8. valk


    No words no words
  9. And that was you getting back to trials? can't wait till you feel comfortable and show us some more videos!
  10. Missed the dance you did on Pavel's vid
  11. valk

    Almost there!

    Damn so close, that'd be awesome to do!
  12. Puncturing a Maxxis high roller? You must be an anvil :|
  13. I use tar on smooth rims, with heatsink yellows They brake just fine for me. When it gets wet though, the brake becomes non-existent.
  14. As ghostrider said, it's amazing how much you can jump with so little preload!! Teach me the ways!
  15. That was weird, but very cool and powerful moves from Vincent.
  16. Some BIG stuff in there :| really impressed!
  17. Can't believe he was riding so well in all that mud
  18. Trials fashion police!
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