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Everything posted by UK_SPAWN

  1. Hi dude, Welcome to the forum. What bike you building and where do you ride? Cheers
  2. Look in the for sale section, there are bikes from 150 pounds. Anythig will do to learn on, or just get one you like the look of. Old montys for around 200 are a good buy and nice to learn on. Other than that id reccomend Zoo/Echo and Onza. Cheers and enjoy trials.
  3. Echo are okay, trialtech too.
  4. https://fbcdn-sphotos-a-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/1040608_10151686456368609_451093733_o.jpg
  5. Keep doin what you're doing... Will soon improve
  6. https://fbcdn-sphotos-c-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-frc3/1039955_10151691559673609_868000834_o.jpg https://fbcdn-sphotos-e-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/1048942_10151691554953609_885526076_o.jpg Hope those links work.
  7. They will be m5 or m6 probably 20. Just going on the picture...

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    I see. I undrstand your hesitance to learn yet ANOTHER language hehe, but I believe it could be well adapted to phones. Gyroscope for lean front /back 2 buttons on right of screen - Pedal/kick and brake. A directional stick on the left of screen to move left/right and hop = up. down = preload. Fix camera to a 3quater view so you can see obstacles coming up. Everything else is already good. Bikes and design off the interface etc. I had another play last night and although I fell off a lot I still kept practicing and it is playable just takes time Cheers G
  9. I agree it wasnt nice but I also agree he should be able to say "your shit mate" ... everyone nowadays is afraid of offending people... can say whatever you like within the law and if they are offended thats there problem, no obligation legal or otherwise to be Polite if you don't want to be. But I got banned for arguing so im not doing it again Cheers
  10. UK_SPAWN

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    Its very good G and you should be proud of the work. How would you like to adopt the idea into a different platform? It would be much easier to take a well documented engine such as Unreal engine, you can get many tutorials and instructions online. Or even better, iOS and Android app. I will have a look for "how to make an android game" I think if this were a game for mobile phones, many, many more people would play and enjoy it more because it's simply "available" to them more on a mobile device. I would be happy to help any way I can, just a thought. Again, congratulations on releasing the game and I personally do like it, but its not a game I could play for a long time. Its more "iv got 5 mins so...." Thanks G for the time and effort you have put in to this. Cheers
  11. I think I run something like 17psi. Im 55kg and it gives nice bounce on tha flat, but on sharp edge etc you can feel the rim slightly. If I know ill be doing lots of rails or gaps to corners of things I'll nip and go up to 20ish psi. Try and see what you like.
  12. I see, feels awsome over the back though so ill just get more practice with front and flat moves. And stick to my 150 x 30 for another month and see. Cheers fox
  13. Iv been gradually moving them forward, ill try it and see how it feels back again. Cheers
  14. Echo lite 2012, I was thinking more degrees though, hmm it feels fine on the back maybe I just need to get used to it on the flat and front more. I just noticed people using loger stems and thought I'd try it out. Im using Trialtech high rise bars with a echo stem
  15. Guys im ordering a 165 x 35 stem going up from 150 x 30. I feel a tiny bit too far over the front when on 2 wheels and a bit too low down. Am I doing the right thing with the stem choice? Cheers as allways.
  16. UK_SPAWN

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    Yay, glad too see it available. Ill Check it out soon and leave feedback. Cheers
  17. Yeah same as mine. I jump on the allen key, if I tighten it more it WILL break the bolt. And still a little tiny tiny movment that just feels like a click as you pedal to a certain spot. And clicks back when you get to the oposite side. As someone said up there... change crank orientation also. Like by 90degrees (and ofcourse the other crank lol) this helped me a little.
  18. My cranks are exactly the same, I just live with it untill I can get new cranks. Just carry the allen key with you and tighten it every now and then. You could try putting bits in there (someone suggested a piece of alu drink can...) But when iv done this in the past it only lasts a short while and could make the crank splines damaged even more (depending what you stick in) Cheers
  19. Thanks for the feedback dude, ill see what program I can find to do stress test and test different materials in a simulation ( after I learn how to use it). Cheers
  20. Well if u look on the very first picture the brace is made from ti, but from comments I recieved I was unsure what would be better, the carbon was just for a seat, and too look nice. The carbon "undertray" I thought would solve the problem of the bash guard mount going through the frame (as there is no mount as its adhered to the frame) And I made the brace removable as I didnt know if Ti could be welded to ally, and assumed not. Next step is to 3D model it in 3ds max. Cheers
  21. New sketch: Doubble braced down tube, braced furthur up. Larger gussets on head tube. More to the point, anyone actually like the design? Cheers
  22. The idea is to remove the top tube and have a single down tube, but brace with other materials, so I had the idea of a removable top brace/seat/piece of carbon on a bike. But its also the top tube, buy now im thinking it shouldn't be removable and should be wrapped in carbon and be furthur up, have 2 brace pints on top instead of one... its a sketch, that were discussing the cost/possibilities of actually making it (not that im making it or having it made). But if I made a frame, thats how id want it to look... hope that clears things up Cheers May practice with carbon though, start with headset spacers see how that goes.
  23. Yeah it doesn't have to be removeable, could just use the carbon seat as the top tube, remove that bar idea all together, the carbon would just havto be thicker and be structural. No I wont be making anything myself, I dont even have a garage. ..
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