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Everything posted by James281098

  1. Just got the fourPlay powdercoated , new lease of life
  2. I use to run a truvative 80x7 and it was probably the nicest stem I have used, but it's now on my road bike haha
  3. This is the first video I have really enjoyed watching in agessss Sick video dude what was it filmed on?
  4. I'll trade my fourplay frame for any 24" echo ozonys I don't know many 24" but literally anything .....

  5. Funny enough no? Only saying I'm willing to help, but clearly you would never want help!!!
  6. Do you realise how pathetic you both sound... Just leave it, yes it could be a jaf although it doesn't look like... Just don't retaliate or it's just going to continue the argument, if your gonna argue do it in private messages
  7. Reminds me of an orange five mtb
  8. It should make it a lot easier on back wheel so deffinatly easier for pedal kicks if that's what you mean?
  9. Can I ask how much all this cost like the tubing and everything else ?
  10. What's the geo going to be? But looks really good
  11. Drop me a message next time I'm happy to help with that... Useually help other mates out sonetimes so I don't mind
  12. They don't wear fast but over say 4 months they get really soft... Weather that's a good or bad thing is up too you? As long as you don't stretch them they don't rip
  13. I actually really like the ozonys kings of dunce http://www.ozonys.com/images/stories/imagesbikes/2013/KINGV3/catalogue-KING-V3-maxi.jpg Horizontal dropouts on aluminium frame = sexy
  14. I use either odi longneck which are good but take a while to bed in before they are comfortable like 5-6 rides but I keep going back to cult vans and they are just so soft it's unbelievable
  15. £280 for my fourplay inbox me if so I want it gone asap

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. JJ Leigh

      JJ Leigh

      ahh ok awesome, what colour u thinking? gotta be a gloss black surely? ;)

    3. James281098


      Nope not black.... You'll see soon it is getting powder coated and should be ready for collection on Friday built up on the weekend

    4. JJ Leigh

      JJ Leigh

      sweet man look four ward to it :p

  16. From looking at the picture if it was me I would roll the bars slightly forward and make sure the levers are angled down abit more, that could just be personal preference though
  17. Whilst on topic... Anyone know where to get spank rims???
  18. I run 65 psi so not sure anymore because the only time there is problem with either tyre is at low pressure? Correct?
  19. Upgrade bikes have them http://shop.upgradebikes.co.uk/Catalogue/Atomlab/Atomlab-Range/Rims
  20. Me and my dad both just got a felt... I'll check model later and that was on cycle to work scheme.... It is one sexy thing too
  21. That's only 100 off the arcade though.... :/
  22. Sorry fora massive bump :/ but does anyone know who the costumer was for this frame? Would love to see what it is like built up
  23. How much is one of these even gonna cost ? My guess is £499
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