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Everything posted by Al_Fel

  1. The internal dimensions are 4ft long and 20 inches wide
  2. I really haven't got a clue what it could be. The edge around it has like corrugated tiles in vertically. They have been broke off and just the bottom of them is left so I don't know how high they would go up. I don't know what the recess is for on the bottom right either. The step slopes into it whatever it is. I thought that was some kind of drainage but its just blank. My initial thoughts when I started digging it out was air raid shelter of some kind. Maybe for a single person but I very much doubt that. I'm curious as to why it was cast with the rounded corners? I might have to start digging underneath it and see how thick the base is.
  3. I'm doing an extension and I've been digging the garden back to make space for a patio area. Can anyone help me identify what this box is or was? It's been back filled with all melted junk. It's got a steel bar that goes around the outside of the ledge. It looks like there were corrugated tiles going up around that step too. Any help appreciated I've already ruled out Aliens/Lost ancient technology so we can all skip that joke. Thanks.
  4. Bummer! It made me sad remembering him but happy at the same time. He was a good kid. Surprised me and JTM made the cut to be honest haha!
  5. This thread just reminded me of Janson. He was the man for all the old videos. https://www.trials-forum.co.uk/profile/480-janson/ His Rank says "Old video God" haha. Legend.
  6. Al_Fel


    I've got a GT Omega Master or something. It's been a good chair to me. I did however manage to break the base a few months ago. I just got it welded though which wasn't too bad. I think if you go for the cheapest gaming style chair you'd be pretty happy. They are all probably made in the same place anyway haha.
  7. Al_Fel


    Working version This has a "Aliens are real I saw them with my own eyes" interview vibe about it, but I thought it was relevant for this thread. I found the part where Shi Zhegli had already infected mice with the corona virus and wanted to infect primates very interesting. She also wrote papers all about it years ago. Did the virus have anything to do with the Bio Lab in Wuhan? Or was the Bio Lab there because it was the most likely place where it was going to happen? If I had to guess I'd say Shi Zhenli was playing with fire.
  8. Al_Fel


    My mate works for poop and they are the same. They pay over the odds for stuff and its just a total waste of money. I imagine the people that do the buying get some sort of kick back from it all. I can't think of any logical reason to be paying more for stuff you are buying in bulk.
  9. Al_Fel


    Where is your evidence for this? I'm only joking. I saw something about someone making ventilators for $300 each instead of $30,000 each. Why is so much money wasted? How come it takes something bad like this to happen for people to realise that $30,000 is too much money for a single ventilator? There's probably plenty of money going into healthcare systems its just badly managed.
  10. Al_Fel


    https://coronavirus.jhu.edu/map.html This is a pretty good map if you want to see some statistics. (Saw Thunderf00t using it on YouTube)
  11. Al_Fel


    Sorry to be "that guy" but I am taking it seriously and keeping my distance, avoiding contact and washing my hands etc. How many older people are being left in the lurch with no one to look after them for their own good?
  12. I don't understand why people get so wound up by people parking outside lines in empty car parks? Fair enough if its peak hour and there's no spaces. Do you never exceed the speed limit and put your hand brake on when you stop at red lights too?
  13. If it was me doing it I wouldn't worry too much about damp coming up though the floor, its well raised above any ground water. Damp is mostly caused by condensation and bad air flow anyway. I'd lay 2 courses of brick straight onto that concrete then do a damp course. For the floor You'll be fine just pouring some self level compound on when its all finished. A nice thin layer will stick great to that concrete. Check the flags out at the side of the building and make sure they are sloped away so no water can pool up and work its way in. There's always more than one way to do anything so take the advice of as many people as you can and what makes sense to you will do the job. Looks like a fun project anyway. Keep us updated
  14. A thin layer of self level compound will be fine. If you put any kind of DPM under it between the concrete it would just crack and break up. Asbestos is bad stuff but unless you plan on smashing it up and breathing all the dust in I'm sure you'll be fine.
  15. Any pictures? Any damp proofing for the floor needs to be done before the main body of the concrete is poured. If you're just putting a screed on top then its not going to stay. You need a good few inches of concrete above the visqueen. A few pictures would help.
  16. There's obviously an element of "Youtuber" added to these videos. I still find it interesting that more isn't being done about the past though. Surely there's more to it than we know?
  17. 25 mins in will give you the summary. If anyone still wants to play here we go. Basically either historians got it all right hundreds of years ago or there's a lot more to it than we think. I'm sure they got some things right but they obviously couldn't see the whole picture. Do we look at new evidence and change our idea of history or do we just believe what we have believed for the last few hundred years or so?
  18. The knot on the second plank looks like a birds eye and a beak looking to the right.
  19. Got my planning permission approved with no alterations! I really thought it was going to be a battle because of how big it is. Time to buy some wellies and start digging!
  20. None of what I said was meant in a nasty way. It was friendly banter from my side. I very much doubt he's going to see this thread and get offended anyway. I think its important to live in a world where people can take the piss and have a laugh. If no one speaks up then things wont change. This forum is for discussion and when people talk opinions can change. I don't think its productive to just keep quiet if you don't like something. My comment saying he's such a trials rider was a dig at all of us as trials riders. The style of riding trials doesn't transfer to mountain biking very well in my opinion.
  21. He's such a bloody trials rider. That's the perfect example of someone who rides trials riding a mountain bike. 0 style and stiff in the air haha
  22. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-SUtoKKNKHQ Bit more woodworking for you. This is basically an advert for tools but I like this guy. He does things properly and takes his time.
  23. I'm pretty certain they aren't legit. Maybe its all done by hand but I doubt its one guy. You've just got to look at how its filmed. If it was a guy by himself then why not do a time lapse? It looks to me like they show you how they are going to do something and get started then all of a sudden its nearly done. There's not much in between.
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