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Everything posted by Al_Fel

  1. Al_Fel


    How can you say that? Show me one instant in history where someone in power abused it and murdered millions of people... If anyone can name a big company that hasn't had some sort of scam or scandal associated with them then I'd be impressed. We live in a world of liars and scammers and if you think any differently then I've got some bad news for you.
  2. That was awesome! I felt their emotions.
  3. He admits that himself haha. You get used to it though.
  4. I think this dude might be onto something. He makes a lot of sense and I think everyone could learn something from this. It's nothing wild or alternative. He's basically saying the great pyramid was extended during construction and there were contingency plans in case Khufu died during its construction. Each chamber is explained and it seems very logical. There's still a huge mystery as to how it was built in my opinion and we probably will never know. It's a long watch and it takes about half an hour to get going but I think its worth it if you're into that sort of thing. What ever you believe happened you have to have a huge respect for how ancient people got things done and how clever they really were.
  5. It looks like you are trying to fit a post mount onto an ISO mount? You need an ISO to post mount adapter.
  6. I don't get how people don't understand that a plane would take off if it was going at take off speed on a treadmill...
  7. Does anyone here have any experience with MVHR systems? I'm refurbishing my house and I'd like to use one of these systems for airflow. I'm going to buy a diy kit and I could do with a bit of help. I've been researching it and it looks pretty complicated so if anyone has one or knows anything about them I'd like to know your thoughts. Thanks
  8. I don't get it when people get annoyed about something someone else is interested in. I really don't understand people that go out of their way to mention that they have never watched a particular show on tele for what ever reason they have. I also don't get how if you don't agree with something mainstream you're automatically a conspiracy theorist. I feel like this has become more intentional lately.
  9. Agreed. I think there should be a few more mods. There's a few people that are here a lot and would do a good job. Fair play to Tom and Danny for keeping this place alive though!
  10. Al_Fel

    Run From Word

    Really enjoyed that. Reminded me of the old days when people used to ride for fun.
  11. What was your first trials video? This is mine from 2003 I think. I literally got a video camera taped some moves on a ride and cut them and added them all in order on movie maker haha. Brings back memories.
  12. Al_Fel


    As to the origin of the Virus I'm pretty sure there was no evidence it came from the Wet Market in Wuhan all that was just an assumption. Let's not forget that China didn't admit there was a problem in the beginning as well. I'm not trying to make a conspiracy theory I'm just talking about my take on it and the information I've seen.
  13. Al_Fel


    Do we just go along with everything then? Or is there a point where you should stand up and start questioning things?
  14. Al_Fel


    What's everyone's thoughts on the China virus now? Here's my take on it all. There is a "level 4 bio lab" (whatever that means) in Wuhan, A lady called Shi Zhengli studied the virus and wanted to test it on primates. According to the news someone ate a bat. Bill Gates said there was going to be a world wide pandemic back in 2015 and he wanted all the governments to give him a small percentage of their money so he could prepare everyone for it. He also said he was going to give away most of his money but has actually doubled it. He's now making a vaccine for it. The track and trace app has cost over £12billion and doesn't really work. The people running it are all pals of Boris Johnson. For someone to be counted as a Covid-19 death they only have to had tested positive in the last 30 days of their life. So if you get killed by a bus but test positive for Corona virus that counts as a Covid death. The test is for "Corona virus" which covers more than just Covid-19. If you book a test and don't show up then it will automatically count as a positive test. That's my thought's and what I've seen. I'm not saying I know it all that just what I know. There's probably plenty of incorrect information in there but I'm always happy to be proven wrong and learn something.
  15. There's a big range of pins and nails you have 16g and 18g in that type of pin and they are usually used for trim work into wood. The 16g are your best bet because the 18g are thinner. You're doing well for the 16g nails to be going into the wall especially if its brick. Like you say use shorter nails and it should be fine. As far a I know you don't get nails that are hard enough to go into bricks in 16g. You can get nail guns that fire into steel but you wouldn't use them to put skirting boards on. Personally I'd just use shorter nails like you say or you could drill and plug them. I'm assuming this is an older house with brick walls rather than some kind of block on the inner skin? Bricks are so much more dense and harder than concrete blocks.
  16. Al_Fel

    TF Makers

    If you were using chipboard tongue and groove flooring then you would do it the second way. If you're set on using ply I'd do it the first way. Make sure you leave a few mm gap between each board or it will be creak like hell. Also Polyurethane glue is good to stick it down to the joists to help stop any creaking.
  17. That looks like crappy poundland spray paint. Maybe you could try using some kind of buffer to buff the crappy paint off and hopefully it wont damage the proper paint?
  18. I posted it on a local facebook page. Most people seem to think its a horse trough/feeder, some people seem to think its a septic tank. I don't think its big enough to be a septic tank personally but you never know. A few people have also said its the bottom of an air raid shelter but again I don't think its big enough.
  19. I've been doing some "digging" the other kind and word on the street is it used to be Farmland in that area.
  20. Bootle near Liverpool. Johnston Avenue.
  21. Managed to lift the box up a bit and prop it up with bricks. I also dug under the square bit. I though there might be some kind of drainage but there wasn't anything there.
  22. The current house was build late 70's early 80's but that was to replace the original house that was built earlier (The gable ends of the houses in the street were cracking and it was cheaper to just build new houses). Not sure when though. One of the neighbours mentioned something about an underground stream and another one said the water table is high. He seemed to think it could have housed a pump of some kind to keep on top of the water. I very much doubt that though. Virtually everyone has said it looks like some kind of animal feeder.
  23. The garden is raised about 3ft
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