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Everything posted by beigemaster

  1. If you are part of this group and you have already bought the single, let them know on the discussion board (NOT the wall) under the title "If you've bought this song since midnight Saturday confirm here". It will give them an idea of how many people in the group actually buy the tune. 1237 so far.
  2. Maybe this could be the conclusion of the documentary. An "all cornflake diet" vs a more traditional training diet come together in an epic duel of nutritional value. I'd watch it.
  3. I remember seeing a "Despatches" episode all about the cereal industry. They asked one guy to do the "Special K diet" which meant he had to have one bowl for breakfast, one for lunch and he could have a normal dinner. Think in 2 weeks he only lost .5KG and found his attention span and tolerant/mood levels completely smashed up, which left him feeling pretty crap. Obviously this isn't exactly the same trial as your idea but I would guess you wouldn't loose that much weight but would end up feeling pretty down.
  4. I think that vid was cut up from a Discovery Channel programme. The reason why the badger "fell asleep" was because the cobra actually bit the badger. However, being a real man it simply slept off the venom and carried on eating the snake when it woke up. Awesome.
  5. When you put the radio on and want to drive your brain out with a screwdriver because you hear another fu*king annoying christmas song.
  6. Proper North Think they are the only true Northeners in the UK
  7. One person came up to us and asked the classic "have you had an accident, trip or a fall in the last 6 months" to which my friend said "no, not so far" and then while walking away proceeded to deliberately trip over the guys leg and scream out quite loudly. I shouldn't be mean to Brum, I did propose to my wife there so I should at least give it that. Seems to be quite a few vids on youtube recently with BNP members clashing with police and anti BNP protestors in the high street, is this common?
  8. Yes it is, but I wouldn't have it any other way. Words can not describe how much I disagree with you on that point. Brum is full of morons who can't talk properly and either shoot you or give you a leaflet if you look at them funny (not sure which is worse). Sheffield is full of people who can't talk properly, but at least have a sense of humour There is no one more honest in this country than a true Yorkshireman, fact. BTW, I'm not one if you think I'm being biased, I have just lived in Sheffield for the past three years.
  9. I assuming though when you went you didn't go with a huge production team with fixers and contacts all along your route? I'm not saying TG isn't entertaining or should be more like 5th gear (if you watch the first ever episodes of new Top Gear they are painful to watch in that they are so boring!) I just think it's better when it's more honest. Take the Brit Car episode, I'm guessing that the vast majority of that section was for real (unless you suggest that they set up Hammond to smash into a Mosler) but it was such a good show because it was entertaining and there was real honest emotion and banter involved. Or the Botswana episode, obviously there was some forward prep but there was no big pre set up stunts or cock ups. If you think about it, not much even happens but it's still so good to watch. I'm not saying the whole thing should be 100% real, but it's just gone too far now to the point where it's just annoying. In defence of this series, don't know if anyone heard Clarkson on Moyle's show but he admitted that they completely cocked up the filming schedule so they are currently still filming even though the series has started. So what you’re seeing was only thought up and shot maybe 2 weeks before it goes on the air.
  10. plus, when driving a car, there is the added bonus that I don't have to worry about ripping my testicals open on the fuel tank if I crash.
  11. Two of the best right there, Vietnam hmmm, not so sure. It looked amazing and it was obviously an amazing country but just too many set ups (whoops we got the wrong train, what a surprise) and Jezza being a twat and not in a funny way. That said, I am slightly biased in the fact I think James is by far the best presenter, if you want proof then watch this:
  12. IMO (this is someone who is a massive Top Gear Geek) TG got better and better right from season 1 and peaked at season 10. Season 10 had the Botswana episode, Britcar and the London race. Now they just seem to be trying to hard with obvious set up stunts (like in Vietnam and Romania) and just playing OTT caricatures of themselves.
  13. I don't know how it works with a college, but I'm at uni and also share a flat with my Mrs (who's also a student) and I applied for some extra finance from the university and they gave us a contribution. It really does sound like you should be entitled to student finance though, maybe you should give them a call and arrange a meeting with your local government body to have a chat about it. Hope that helps.
  14. In your time Ben you have said a number of wise comments/ideas. This one is (IMO) one of the best pieces of text I've read on here and this is coming from someone who has a different world point from you. I hope atheists and Christians (note not "creationists" as a lot of people would like to bundle together, a bit like saying all atheists believe the world is flat because some “scientists” said so) take note of their own limits and intentions.
  15. Just needs to grow a beard and you could be on to something there!
  16. Face of Jesus Obviously I will write a longer post once I have the time to read and take in what people have discussed. Honestly, drop out of this thread for a little while and it could be anywhere!
  17. That is an excellent point/thought and I promise I will address it properly in time. However, I have an exam in the morning and need to be cracking on with that for now.
  18. Well to be honest, that's a bit of a pointless question because the very nature and definition of God is a necessary being that does not need a cause. To put simply, if God had a cause then he wouldn't be God. I agree that scientists are very open to new suggestions (but only within the context of science), I am open to the belief that there may not be a God, if I had absolute concrete proof that there was one then I'd be quite famous by now. I think dogmatism is a negative characteristic that should be avoided by both believers and non believers. My own personal intellectual journey so far had lead me to the conclusion that there is a God. Is this belief concrete? Well, by it's own definition it can't be. If the theistic God exists then (due to free well and independent thought) there is always the possibility that something may happen which will lead me to reject the idea that God exists. A real all loving God would not impose a system whereby I HAD to believe in him. If that makes sense?
  19. To which I would respond with this (from a Forum of people with a lot more intelligence than us!) Although I don't fully understand the whole point (I'm not pretending to be a quantum physicist) the basic idea is that in order for Science to explain the origins of the universe, it completely contradicts its own fundamental laws. Materialism's most fundamental principle is that every event must have a physical cause (the whole structure of scientific theory is based on this assumption), I find it very strange that Hawkin effectively smashes this principle in order to go about a scientific account of the origin of the universe. It's a bit like saying "I can prove that all swans are white by building a theory on this black one". But, maybe I have completely missed the point. To plagiarise McCoy, "Dammit I'm a philosopher not a quantum physicist"
  20. Well can you think of any physical phenomena that DOESN'T have a cause? It's within the materialistic thesis which is what science it self is based on. In fact, that is the very purpose of science, to explain the physical cause to every physical event. If anything existed without a physical cause then materialism would be null and void.
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