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Everything posted by Concussion

  1. T`was OK, not as good as the first one! Cheers
  2. Concussion


    Unless I missed it here........ how long does the free warrienty (trials riding, it's intended purpose) last on the Pro2t and also on the XC (trials riding and xc)? I can't see anything on Hope's site or Tarty's?
  3. What exactly doesn't work?
  4. If I can figure out some internal locking device, that would lock the rims, producing a brake effect...also eliminating the current rear brake set-up Dang...it's just coming to me! Yes.....but see above about brake Cheers Totally, and thanks Christ...let me think about that?
  5. Well..... last night this idea somehow popped into my head and as it's freezing today, I thought I'd Photoshop-up the idea. I was thinking how it would be with a fixed sprocket on the front and back (I'm still kinda into that idea...it would be er` interesting!). Realizing the need to `coast` I thought why not put the ratchet/pawl mechanism on the outside of the wheel? So I came up with A then modified it a bit to get B...I hope my scribbles are clear enough! Christ knows how many pawls/engagement points it would have and I imagine the weight would be a problem....and all the rest! OK, that's me done........ just interested in what you guys think? PS: I know there are already hubs doing this job perfectly well.....just humor me or somethin!
  6. Hey` That's good man, nice bit of coloring too!
  7. Nice one It's a good feeling when you figure it out.
  8. Sweet guide Jake ! You are the man and thanks for the in-depth guide! Top marks brother In my excitment I forgot to ask how hard the back end of a T-rex would be to strip? A little voice keeps saying "leave it, it's polished anyway, just do the front" And do the headset cups have to come out?
  9. Don't even consider it.....stay well away from freaks like this!
  10. Your not kidding Anyone know were to find the complete specs on this hub?
  11. Sounds like you got the bug Chris? Goodluck mate
  12. IMO, you have got to have a good working rear brake that can be locked with one finger. With small backhops you can get away with two, but with pedalhops you need more of a grip to pull / hold onto the bars as you put the power down. Set your brakes up good and use a bit of tar so you know it's gonna lock and give you more confidence. - goodluck!
  13. I can't get enough of this little maniac! Look in the random animations even more crazy sequels! AND MORE! http://www.kontraband.com/show/show.asp?ID=818
  14. Christ almighty, that was funny, well enjoyed it I know I'll be thinking of this when out tomorrow!
  15. The man even spins out from a crazy bail He will be landing them soon! Nice one Bongo
  16. I was thinking this also. Oh well, glad that's resolved, I just couldn't imagine what would happen
  17. Hi, I ride the T-rex spec 2 and also found the back a little heavy. After I rode my Maxxis - (1248g)- 26 x 2.5” in to the ground, I bought a Maxxis Hansventure - (1136g) - 26 x 2.4" from Tartys. I love this tyre, lighter, great tread and lasts longer due to the harder center, cool! And as I only use the 18t sprocket for trials and the 11t one for A-B, I got rid of the two biggest ones and filled the gap with spacers. You could buy a lighter inner tube aswell, but watch out for pinch flats! Saves quite a bit `imo` if still running a few gears. If only I could figre how to only run 18 and 11? I'm also running a 20t cog on the front! Anyways, that's my 5p! DOH! I just realized I could have removed the 21t one aswell....it's coming of now! REMOVE THREE!
  18. Totally! Does anyone know the best way to do this? Can't say I've ever come across it here? Maybe get rid of the heavy free hub body internals somehow?
  19. That's just crazy, I hate crap like that!
  20. I had not seen the Echo fixed hub before, as with the wielded Deore idea, this seems the way to go to run a front FW and gears. Cheers guys Hopes: I'm kind of obsessed with buying things and regretting it later (I got boxes full of crap!), well y`know! £80 seems like a lot when all I'm interested in is the freehub which will give me probs eventually, and I do appreciate the after service, but oh` well? Y`know, why can't they make a cheap cone/bb hub with the same freehub design (although this may be a design problem), maybe even pre-lubed for trials riders as they/you guys show them so much support? Thanks Jaffacakes, that's the puppy! (The red and blue both have 36ep) - Sweet, that's a Bulb, these look good!
  21. Can't say I've come across any, but you could go crazy and re-wield them on Or nick some off an old bike and do the same I suppose? If I loved the frame and could be botherd, I'd make some Maggie mounts instead! Weird one
  22. What can I say? Thanks anyway!
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