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Jsy Ben

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Everything posted by Jsy Ben

  1. Looks like a brilliant day with some awesome riding good pics from your phone too!
  2. "nicer" thats silly, so any riding even if its someone like cls or tunni, their/my riding is "nicer" with a helmet...cheers for the pat on the back maybe a comment like "wearing a helmet would have been sensible...". Are you sure "nicer" is the word you mean, i personally find that quite offensive.
  3. hehe cheers adam , and maybe you will It was planned as a nice chilled out ride, and it was a boiling day so we decided nothing big just go for a cruise but yeh, it soon got out of control...
  4. Hello, ermm...heres mine and Jay's day out, sorry as hard as i tryed i couldn't reduce the amount of photos anymore...anyway enjoy day started nice and chilled then i realised i had a puncture 10mins into our ride, bummer ey-up tuck and hope be-ummp pause and turn... and hop yay...and off *whoosh* *bang* lol up... ...and over manual btw ohh wait for it... ... *thud* spin... ...round hello please dont skip, please dont skip... looking good phew its all over now the tallest bit of land we have in Jersey, vertical stuff no wheels still one wheel ...its spinning Yes, yes, yes sorry for not wearing my helmet shock shock horror shock jayson has a big bum scenic oooop across, to erm bash. sidehop everythings looking ok atm a ok hang on somethings not right... "wohh"check out that bench text book all good The End... we were knackered! please let me know what you think
  5. Trials has a bad name to an extent, street trials that is. Because the public mainly only see street trials, and the abuse we sometimes give objects (im sure every rider can think of at least one battered object belonging to the states/goverment/council) and yes graffiting walls with stencils is not going to help the publics view on trials. Dont forget the public have a major say in things today, so i say well done for the time and effort you put into this, it does look cool and professional, but it is not a smart idea to go round doing it all over the streets. CBproductions and anzo have the right honest opinion, it has no place on the streets. But lil kial in my opinion isnt giving himself a bad name, i imagine he spent alot of time creating this so hats off to you Stick to school books and computer designs
  6. Good riding lots of fun to be had at delivery bays lol
  7. Yeh Gaz fair enough its understandable. Just been out filming on my course, mainly trying the 10ft gap, heres a short video... http://www.eengoedidee.nl/videoz/download....st_attempts.wmv Right now, i can not be arsed to continue debating the whole matter, it has put me in a foul mood because no one will belive it, frankly now i dont care either. Ive realised, again, and i always seem realise when these topics come up that i shouldnt care what people think, we all love going out and riding, all love going out trying new tricks, trying to go higher, further...etc so im going to completey put this whole matter aside. Im going to mainly ignore all the answers in this topic because i hate it and instead im going to go riding, not to prove to any one i can do stuff but purely to have fun with what i can do. But, after writing that, i see on the other hand i am over reacting to peoples replys to an extent, sorry guys, i do see Gaz's point more clearly now too... ps. Gaz i wouldn't dare go to white pillared wall thing if i broke it, id be in alot of trouble.
  8. [attachmentid=6956] [attachmentid=6957] Tell him to be carefull otherwise, nice bike.
  9. This is in my garden yes it is a drop gap but i am only using it because i know that it measures out as 10 of my feet, measuring out as 8ft 5 on the tape measure...10 of my feet = 8.5ft [attachmentid=6952] [attachmentid=6953] Because we dont take tape measures out with us whilst riding with judge things using our feet, so this means for me to gap 10ft it would have to be 11 and roughly a half of my feet... 10 / 8.5 = 1.176 (3dp) 1 = 1.176 (3dp) 8.5 + 1.176 (3dp) =9.676 (3dp) 11 of my feet = 9.676 (3dp) half of 1.176 = 0.588 (3dp) this means half of my foot = 0.588 9.676 + 0.588 = 10.2 (1dp) I have proved now that 11 and a half of my feet is just over 10ft. Now heres how my first post came about... [attachmentid=6955] I was reluctant to post in this thread as i know something like this always happens, i said before "i hate these topics" None the less, now i have to go out and get a pic of a 10ft gap...will update within the week most likely. ps. Gaz that was a cock and balls atempt at that gap, i HAVE nailed it succesfully several times and continued along the oppiste wall and down then a gap down to the last step... obviously you cant take my word for it, so its in the next video. witness_kial.doc
  10. I was "talking" to you on msn the other day with lil kial in the convo too, next time your on il hopefully have a pic ta show you
  11. I gave my number to my best friends boyfriend Because that's how I roll.
  12. I hate these topics, because its such a bitching contest and everyone just assumes your lieing...but in the good reason of the topic (being able to see where you stand compared to everyone else) il answer your question, just under 10ft flat after 2 years of pretty constant riding.
  13. We were talking about it today, we had this weekend in mind but not now, sooo next weekend orthe weekend after get there for friday night and we'l leave monday morning or sunday night i think You just cant wait adam look forward to your visit should be class. Cheers:) maybe the word i was looking for was ridiculous who knows...
  14. Beast Chris what more could you want, kitted out 26" and a sexy 20"
  15. your bike would be in pieces about to be recycled to make another mad scooter of yours if it wasnt for a certain mechanic hehe
  16. By "splitter" do you mean the Monty 3 way gadget ? If so there brilliant http://www.cleanbikes.co.uk/Components/A%20Spares%20Set.htm If your getting a braided bridge hose, you may aswell go the full mile and get a set...i remember the set being very cheap from supercycles. http://www.supercycles.co.uk/site_results....leSearch=Search RB levers will eventually leak, best investing your money in something like an 05 Magura lever body with a Zoo! lever, personally silver looks best failing that a decent condition 04 Magura lever body + lever Levers etc can be found on Tarty: http://tartybikes.co.uk/news.php
  17. No way, what a waste of money...those dinky lil 5min fun machines cost a bomb! from what i remember ... none the less pretty cool, blue'un ***
  18. Now thats better looking, thank god you got tensioners i think you have the same problem as i did with mine, the chain rubbing on the seatstay its the worst thing about that frame but it cant be helped. try this trick though: cut up a can, coke red bull whatever make strips that will fit round the frame then duck tape them in place but let the metal go right round the frame so you can twist it round when it starts to wear out. This is sooo much more effective than tubes around the frame, and with this system you can actually run you chain at a decent tension
  19. Amazing pics! #4 doesnt look old enough for a tatoo take it as a compliment dude
  20. R.I.P you were always great entertainment
  21. You shouldnt have considered getting an Aorta over that really thats sooo much nicer
  22. 1 and 2 were brilliant, this is no exception . Your choice of music with all your videos is really good compared to most and your riding with every video always steps up a notch, bravo look forward to numero 4...
  23. Pretty much every day may seem a little strange to some people such as yourself but, going out and just calmly riding...doing moves, overcoming gaps and general riding just makes me feel brilliant. Now on a good day...
  24. Proof that you can do anything you want if you try I take my hat off to him, thats fooking awesome!
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