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Everything posted by anzo

  1. Evening all, I have a t-pro, and have done for several months now...quite sick of it. I hate the parts, I hate the colours...but I like the frame. The thing is with the bike, my main problem, is that the colour scheme is shitty, it looked nice brand new but now its looks are starting fade and so it need some colour...so, where do I start... First of all I purchased a Hope front disc, which is last priority at the minute, but of course this will require a new hub (Hope XC), forks (Echo Easy) and whilst I'm at it, a new rim (Try-All Gold). Secondly, I recently purchased a Profile hub, which will need a new rim (Try-All Gold) and a wheelbuild. On top of this I could do with a new stem, handlebars, bb and cranks (going ISIS) and pedals. Mounted up this equals out to a fecking LOT of money. I'm soon going to be paying out for a car and all the joy that comes with it (tax, insurance) and I want to get it done before then. I can't believe the prices these parts are, for what they are. So, this is not a pointless topic. I just want to know; 1.Where can I find ANY photos of some pimped up T-Pros (if anyone bothers with them, lol), 2. What is the cheapest online shop for parts? 3. Do you think a pro would look nice with gold rims? I kinda like the Gold rim and black tyre mix, but undecided, could do with opinions and photos. Many Thanks, Matt.
  2. I don't mind giving massages to my girlfriend, not keen on recieveing them though. Isn't there a recommendation that you're not supposed to have massages when your under 18 as the body is still developing, I wouldn't like an untrained person to massage me, the damage CAN last a lifetime and then you're trials days will be well and truely over.
  3. A bit off topic, but one of my mates (retard) once put a cable tie around his wrist when he was in the middle of a field. He thought it would be funny to really pull on it, but then obviously, he couldn't get it off. His hand changed to every colour of the rainbow as he ran home and cut it off he went to hospital and everything was ok, so it was a lucky escape. Moral of the story, cable ties and retards don't mix. They do kind of scare me, it wouldn't take a deranged lunatic two seconds to put a cable tie around your neck and tightening it, you'd have no way of surviving unless you have a knife on you.
  4. anzo

    Hot Lady # 3

    Anyone seen it? Fecking weird film.
  5. anzo

    Hot Lady # 3

    Its actually pretty quick, the flames won't kill you, it'll be suffocation first...if you're lucky. Not talking from experience or anything....
  6. I've blown the theory! pneumoinoconaclovociliscipocsorcimartluonosis is the longest word in the english language Did you get what the spelling was? Well...it was supposed to be pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis
  7. Cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mind: aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Amzanig huh? yaeh and I awlyas tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt! ------- Probably been posted a million times before, but hey, nevermind.
  8. Make sure you do film it! His face will be priceless! lol Good to know the police are doing something, hope it all works out
  9. The reason why the police don't give a shit is because to them it is only a bike...2 wheels and pedals. Its the same with offroad motorcycles being stolen, people complain but to the police its only a 'toy' because it wasn't road registered. I don't understand what the police are f**king about at, have you told the woman cop she has about a day or so to get that bike back? You have a crime reference number now, if, by whatever unfortunate event this doesn't work out for you, complain like hell. But also nag at the woman, ring her day and night until she wants to put a restraining order on you. If for one minute you leave it, the police will think you don't care and neither will they (like they do already )
  10. Dan, you might want to start bidding on your bike about now. If the police thing doesn't go to plan the bike could be sold and shipped before the police do anything, then your well and truly fecked. If you bid and put about 99 million as a max bid you will win (unless he gets 99 million and 1 pence) and then you can make sure it wont be sent anywhere. Also, with you putting a high bid on it, it will make him think hes getting a bit of money out of a good find...and then theres a knock on the door
  11. anzo

    Car Insurance

    Norwich Union probably would insure you, although in my personal opinion they are an awful insurance company. If you were using confused.com or something simular to find quotes, then NU, More Than, Churchill will not work on it because you need to enter a secuity code when you do a quote, this is to prevent generated quotes. Also, when you get insurance, make sure to ring them up if there is no 10% discount from internet purchases, if you ring them you might be able to knock it down some more if the staff are in a good mood.
  12. anzo

    What Can We Do?

    When appoarched lift the bike onto the back wheel whilst holding the bike, if you do it early enough it'll look like you're just moving it. Then when they come up to you, providing they are alone, you will have a sheild that he cannot control or that he can punch around or hit you in anyway, if he trys anything push the bike into him and dont stop, he'll wonder whats going on and hopefully wont be able to move, push them back far enough and then one big push, hopefully they'll go over, but either way quickly put your foot on the pedal, turn around and pedal for your life.
  13. Hardly justified, I had mine, very well looked after and then the battery f**ked up on them, which is the most common fault with them; but no fault of my own. I'm on my second ipod now (30GB), after the first one broke I filled out the form on their website, they sent me a box in the post, but my ipod in it, sent it back. Week later I got a brand new one...some might call this good customer service, which yes it is, but should they really break in the first place?
  14. Nah, they won't be stronger, why make a limited edition 'stronger' cylinder? Just puts people off the standard ones.
  15. anzo

    Ema Bonus

    I completely agree. I'm in a job now, part time college for a dozen courses. The courses I'm currently on total up to about 2000 quid, all of which is paid for by MYSELF AND EMPLOYER. These courses will help me in a few years, without a single doubt, I'm 17 but I still have to pay top whack for courses with no help from the government? The courses (Health and Safety) will benefit the government but still cost a bomb, and yet the government will still give free courses for pointless (in my opinion) courses such as 'Art'...is a f**ked up system. Blah blah anarchy and all that shit.
  16. 2 words....Fried Mushrooms. Its the way forward I tell thee. Cut up some proper fat slices of them, fry them in oil until soft and brown, add to ANYTHING. They're the new chips! I'm a dark horse in the kitchen, I love cooking and always cook mine and my girlfriends meals, so heres a speciality of mine... Tesco! ------- Go to fish counter, ask ugly woman for Salmon Fillets. Get; Mushrooms and salad stuff. Go home! I Have a steamer, if you dont have one, make one! Before steaming add a bit of vinegar to the water in the steamer, therefore when it is cooked it'll have a pickled taste...but thats a personal thing. Fry mushrooms as before, cut up salad. Put it all on a plate, LIGHTLY sprinkle salmon with mixed herbs...and EAT!
  17. anzo

    Msn And Firewalls

    Really? Didn't think of that one I looked though all the troubleshooter for connection problems incase it was something else OTHER then the firewall. He is running Norton Internet Security and thats what I turned off, aswell as the XP one. Still no luck with it though. Any ideas of what it might be if not the firewall? Thanks.
  18. Out of curiosity, what happened? Praised or bollocked?
  19. Evenin all. My mates computer, which he has recently got running and onto the internet, refuses to sign into MSN Messenger (7.5). I get the old 'a firewall may be blocking your connection' box over and over again. After hours of pissing about with every security setting on his PC it will STILL not connect up, I've even tried turning his firewall off! Hes running 2005 Norton Anti-Virus, I've set the firewall to Permit All on MSN Messenger, but still no luck. The troubleshooter from mirco$oft needs, well, shooting, its shit. All the help topics suck...no help what so ever. I've gone though all the 'Test Connections' thing on MSN Tools>Options>Connection, all is fine. Any ideas? Seems to be impossible!
  20. I think 2 things that mainly piss me off about them the most; 1. according to every old person, copper, traffic warden (wanna be copper) or person over 20 assumes that everyone is a chav. Coppers talk to you like a twat and think your scum. 2. It's a pointless thing! In the past we had Mods Vs. Rockers, Hippies Vs. Governments, Punks Vs. any authority...chavs? They just seem to be against anything that breathes. Although, perhaps that they are so ridiculously stupid could be of a good benefit to us...I just don't know how yet
  21. I fight pensioners. One had a right go at my yesterday for riding on a bit of a step (yesterday), where he then said it was 'coucil property' and that he has to pay for it out his taxes when I break it, and I said rubber doesn't really damage contrete mate...and then he said he has to pay for things that I break, so I replied with 'So do I, I have to pay tax aswell' and he just called me a dickhead, I told him to f**k off and he swung for me. Obviously, he missed completely, but In effect I could have smacked him one being self-defence, but noooo I'm 17 and not allowed to stick up for myself against a 80 year old man. But anyway, I just put my bike down and told him to f**king try it, and he walked off.
  22. Ilkeston and Derby halfords are fine in my opinion, but hey, no one is going to make a topic on how wonderful and helpful actually were, bad news travels faster then good.
  23. anzo


    Do you have the B&Q tee shirt that says 'Does My Career Look Big In This?' My mate works at b&q and has to wear it I earn my dosh, qualified in NEBOSH, Fire Safety, Electricals (works and safety), Safety Applience and probably the youngest Health and Safety Manager in the UK, brings in aboutttt £230 a week, which borders about £10,200 a year...I still ride a shitty T-Pro? Hope to go self-employed after my Health and Safety Degree...with any luck.
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