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Everything posted by zoo

  1. I've just been seeing EXACTLY the same thing loads on the way home from the gym, sometimes the light was in small squares and next time it covered all the sky in dim flashes....weird.
  2. Had the other side of my lip pierced today, can't wait for it to heal now so I can have two petrol/pearlescent colored rings in them. Gonna have my other ear pierced soon so I can stretch it to about 7mm and then stretch the one I already have done to 14mm, very nearly had my nipple pierced lol.
  3. zoo

    Mike Hayes

    Wasn't it posted tomorrow, and will deffinately be there in two days, several times and a few weeks ago?. lol Go Bongo
  4. It ended because towards the end all I was really doing was making her cry and upsetting her, oh that and she was texting two of her exs' whilst pretty much ignoring my texts, but more because of the first thing, I miss her so much and I wish I could have her back but It just wouldn't happen due to her going in the RAF soon. Time heals all and that jazz. I'm not sure if I could be friends with her now though it'd just be too awkward.
  5. lol I was gonna post a link to ze thread, but I think this may actually take off if people behave. But it's me and since when has one of my thoughts been worth sh*t.
  6. Split up with the girlfriend of nearly two years, pretty much sucks.
  7. Very nice mate, would love one of those bikes they look like such fun.
  8. zoo


    For my prom I went my girlfriends house before it, walked her up school as she lives literally 2 minutes away and sat outside/stayed in the general area drinking stella with my mate lol that was a pretty funny night, people were quite shocked when they came outside for fresh air that we hadn't gone to the prom...needless to say we were far too cool for that sh*t. I don't regret not going though as it looked the biggest pile of borrocks ever.
  9. zoo

    Damon_slow Dance

    THIS STUFF JUST ISN'T POSSIBLE ! I'm actually gob smacked mate, amazing riding and very techy stuff along with the HUUUUUUUGE stuff. very impressive (I rarely comment vids but this needed one)
  10. orate lads Got a request here somebody must know what I'm on about... A song where in the video it's just all home videos people have sent in of them and their friends playing instruments and singing etc. I just can't remember who it's by, hopefully somebody will know, thanks
  11. lol I said I'd never go past 8mm, on 12 now and really want to go up to a 14, anything bigger than that looks nasty. I think I'm due for another piercing soon but I don't now what to have.
  12. Wow that actually looks amazing.
  13. I was meant to be going but left it too late to get a ticket . I feel gutted, I even like the line-up (Pendulum are going.....again I'm gutted.)
  14. I didn't watch the last one so I wouldn't of understood it.
  15. The only thing to do is to ride it out fatty I'm afraid, I was worried for about a day when me and my lady had a scare but then you just sort of get over worrying about it and just hope that she comes on.
  16. Really enjoyed that Danny I hope your ankle gets better fast so you can make more.
  17. zoo

    Whats Your Bmi?

    18.5 5' 7 - 8 stone 6 I was anorexic not long ago acording to one of them lol.
  18. LMAO at Kearns' helmet hair on one of the pics on the 'sessioning to front' bit. Good pics Looks like you all had a very good day.
  19. zoo


    Well the tuckage thread can be shut now that's for sure, good pictures mate the sidehop looks massive !
  20. I'm as f**king puzzled (If not more) than you are.
  21. Mega nice bike you got their/there? fella
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